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0001 //==============================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LHCb
0003 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 //  \author   Markus Frank
0011 //  \date     2018-03-08
0012 //  \version  1.0
0013 //
0014 //==============================================================================
0016 // Framework include files
0017 #include "Detector/DeVPConditionCalls.h"
0018 #include "DD4hep/DetectorProcessor.h"
0019 #include "DDDB/DDDBConversion.h"
0021 using namespace gaudi;
0023 /// Interface to client Callback in order to update the condition
0024 dd4hep::Condition DeVPStaticConditionCall::operator()(const ConditionKey& key, Context& context)  {
0025   VPUpdateContext* ctxt = dynamic_cast<VPUpdateContext*>(context.parameter);
0026   KeyMaker   km(key.hash);
0027   auto       ide = ctxt->detectors.find(km.values.det_key);
0028   auto*      cat = (*ide).second.second;
0029   DetElement det = (*ide).second.first;
0030   DeStatic s;
0031   if ( cat->classID == DeVPSensor::classID() )      // DeVPSensor
0032     s = DeStatic(new detail::DeVPSensorStaticObject());
0033   else if ( cat->classID == DeVP::classID()  )     // DeVP Velo main element
0034     s = DeStatic(new detail::DeVPStaticObject());
0035   else                                     // All other in the hierarchy
0036     s = DeStatic(new detail::DeVPGenericStaticObject());
0037   return s->fill_info(det, cat);
0038 }
0040 /// Interface to client callback for resolving references or to use data from other conditions
0041 void DeVPStaticConditionCall::resolve(Condition c, Context& context)    {
0042   DeStatic s(c);
0043   if ( s->clsID == DeVP::classID() )  {   // Velo main element
0044     DeVPStatic vp = s;
0045     DeVPSensorStatic sens;
0046     DeVPGenericStatic side, support, module, ladder;
0047     std::vector<std::pair<DetElement, int> > elts;
0048     dd4hep::DetectorScanner(dd4hep::detElementsCollector(elts), s->detector);
0050     vp->de_user |= VP::MAIN;
0051     vp->sensors.resize(200);
0052     for ( const auto& i : elts )   {
0053       DetElement de = i.first;
0054       KeyMaker   key(de.key(), Keys::staticKey);
0055       DeStatic   cond = context.condition(key.hash);
0056       const std::string& path = de.path();
0057       if ( path.find("/VPLeft") != std::string::npos || path.find("/VPRight") != std::string::npos )   {
0058         switch( i.second )   {
0059         case 0:  // Self!
0060           break;
0061         case 1:
0062           side = cond;
0063           side->parent   = vp.access();
0064           side->de_user |= VP::SIDE;
0065           vp->sides.push_back(side);
0066           printout(INFO,"DeVPStatic","Add Side[%03ld]:    %s",vp->sides.size()-1,path.c_str());
0067           break;
0068         case 2:
0069           support = cond;
0070           support->parent   = side.access();
0071           support->de_user |= VP::SUPPORT;
0072           vp->supports.push_back(support);
0073           printout(INFO,"DeVPStatic","Add Support[%03ld]: %s",vp->supports.size()-1,path.c_str());
0074           break;
0075         case 3:
0076           module = cond;
0077           module->parent   = support.access();
0078           module->de_user |= VP::MODULE;
0079           vp->modules.push_back(module);
0080           printout(INFO,"DeVPStatic","Add Module[%03ld]:  %s",vp->modules.size()-1,path.c_str());
0081           break;
0082         case 4:
0083           ladder = cond;
0084           ladder->parent   = module.access();
0085           ladder->de_user |= VP::LADDER;
0086           vp->ladders.push_back(ladder);
0087           printout(INFO,"DeVPStatic","Add Ladder[%03ld]:  %s",vp->ladders.size()-1,path.c_str());
0088           break;
0089         case 5:
0090           sens = cond;
0091           sens->parent = ladder.access();
0092           if ( sens->sensorNumber >= vp->sensors.size() )
0093             vp->sensors.resize(sens->sensorNumber+1);
0094           vp->sensors[sens->sensorNumber] = sens;
0095           ladder->sensors.push_back(sens);
0096           module->sensors.push_back(sens);
0097           support->sensors.push_back(sens);
0098           side->sensors.push_back(sens);
0099           printout(DEBUG,"DeVPStatic","Add Sensor[%03ld]:  %s",long(sens->sensorNumber),path.c_str());
0100           break;
0101         default:
0102           break;
0103         }
0104       }
0105       else   {
0106         printout(DEBUG,"DeVPStatic","Aux.DetElmenet:   %s",path.c_str());
0107       }
0108     }
0109   }
0110   s->initialize();
0111 }
0113 /// Interface to client Callback in order to update the condition
0114 dd4hep::Condition DeVPIOVConditionCall::operator()(const ConditionKey&, Context&)   {
0115   DeIOV iov;
0116   if ( catalog->classID == DeVPSensor::classID() )     // DeVPSensor
0117     iov = DeIOV(new detail::DeVPSensorObject());
0118   else if ( catalog->classID == DeVP::classID()  )     // DeVP Velo main element
0119     iov = DeIOV(new detail::DeVPObject());
0120   else                                     // All other in the hierarchy
0121     iov = DeIOV(new detail::DeVPGenericObject());
0122   return iov->fill_info(detector, catalog);
0123 }
0125 /// Interface to client callback for resolving references or to use data from other conditions
0126 void DeVPIOVConditionCall::resolve(Condition cond, Context& context)   {
0127   DeIOV iov(cond);
0128   Condition::detkey_type det_key = iov->detector.key();
0129   KeyMaker kalign(det_key,dd4hep::align::Keys::alignmentKey);
0130   KeyMaker kstatic(det_key,Keys::staticKey);
0132   /// Check that the alignments are computed. We need them here!
0133   if ( !velo_context->alignments_done.isValid() )  {
0134     velo_context->alignments_done = context.condition(Keys::alignmentsComputedKey);
0135   }
0137   std::vector<Condition> conds = context.conditions(det_key);
0138   iov->de_static = context.condition(kstatic.hash);
0139   iov->detectorAlignment = context.condition(kalign.hash);
0140   for ( Condition c : conds )
0141     iov->conditions.insert(std::make_pair(c.item_key(),c));
0142   iov->initialize();
0143 }
0145 static void add_generic( detail::DeVPObject* vp,
0146                          std::vector<DeVPGeneric>& cont,
0147                          const std::vector<DeVPGenericStatic>& src,
0148                          dd4hep::cond::ConditionUpdateContext& context)  
0149 {
0150   for ( const auto& i : src )   {
0151     dd4hep::ConditionKey::KeyMaker key(i->detector.key(), Keys::deKey);
0152     DeVPGeneric gen = context.condition(key.hash);
0153     cont.push_back(gen);
0154     for ( const auto& j : i->sensors )
0155       gen->sensors.push_back(vp->sensors[j->sensorNumber]);
0156     printout(DEBUG,"DeVP","Add [%03ld]:    %s",cont.size()-1,gen->detector.path().c_str());
0157   }
0158 }
0160 /// Interface to client callback for resolving references or to use data from other conditions
0161 void DeVPConditionCall::resolve(Condition cond, Context& context)   {
0162   DeIOV iov(cond);
0163   DeVP  vp(cond);
0164   DeVPIOVConditionCall::resolve(cond, context);
0165   DeVPStatic s = vp.access()->vp_static;
0167   vp->sensors.resize(s->sensors.size());
0168   for ( const auto& i : s->sensors )   {
0169     if ( i.isValid() )   {
0170       KeyMaker   key(i->detector.key(), Keys::deKey);
0171       DeVPSensor sens = context.condition(key.hash);
0172       vp->sensors[i->sensorNumber] = sens;
0173       printout(DEBUG,"DeVP","Add Sensor[%03ld]:  %s",long(i->sensorNumber),i->detector.path().c_str());
0174     }
0175   }
0176   add_generic(vp.ptr(), vp->sides,    s->sides,    context);
0177   add_generic(vp.ptr(), vp->supports, s->supports, context);
0178   add_generic(vp.ptr(), vp->modules,  s->modules,  context);
0179   add_generic(vp.ptr(), vp->ladders,  s->ladders,  context);
0180 }