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0001 //==============================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation for LHCb
0003 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 //  \author   Markus Frank
0011 //  \date     2018-03-08
0012 //  \version  1.0
0013 //
0014 //==============================================================================
0016 // Framework include files
0017 #include "Detector/DetectorElement_inl.h"
0018 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
0019 #include "DDDB/DDDBConversion.h"
0020 #include "DD4hep/ConditionsDebug.h"
0022 namespace gaudi {
0023   template std::map<dd4hep::DetElement, gaudi::detail::DeStaticObject*>
0024   DeHelpers::getChildConditions<gaudi::detail::DeStaticObject>(ConditionsMap& m, DetElement de, itemkey_type key, int flags);
0025 }
0027 using namespace gaudi;
0028 using namespace gaudi::detail;
0030 /// Helper to initialize the basic information
0031 DeStaticObject* DeStaticObject::fill_info(DetElement de, Catalog* cat)    {
0032 #if !defined(DD4HEP_MINIMAL_CONDITIONS)
0033   name      = Keys::staticKeyName;
0034 #endif
0035   detector = de;
0036   geometry = de.placement();
0037   key      = Keys::staticKey;
0038   clsID    = cat->classID;
0039   catalog  = cat;
0040   for( const auto& p : cat->params )
0041     parameters.set(p.first, p.second.second, p.second.first);
0042   return this;
0043 }
0045 /// Initialization of sub-classes
0046 void DeStaticObject::initialize()   {
0047   if ( (de_flags&DeInit::INITIALIZED) == 0 )   {
0048     de_flags |= DeInit::INITIALIZED;
0049     return;
0050   }
0051   except("DeStatic","initialize> Modifying a condition after initialization is not allowed!");
0052 }
0054 /// Printout method to stdout
0055 void DeStaticObject::print(int indent, int flg)  const   {
0056   std::string prefix = DE::indent(indent);
0057   printout(INFO, "DeStatic", "%s*========== Detector:%s",
0058            prefix.c_str(), detector.path().c_str());
0059   if ( flg & DePrint::PARAMS )  {
0060     for( const auto& p : parameters.params() )   {
0061       printout(INFO, "DeStatic", "%s+ Param: %s -> %s [%s]",
0062                prefix.c_str(), p.first.c_str(),
0063                p.second.value.c_str(), p.second.type.c_str());
0064     }
0065   }
0066   printout(INFO, "DeStatic",
0067            "%s+ Name:%s Hash:%016lX Type:%s Flags:%08X %s%s",
0068            prefix.c_str(), dd4hep::cond::cond_name(this).c_str(), hash,
0069            is_bound() ? data.dataType().c_str() : "<UNBOUND>",
0070            flags, iov ? "" : "IOV:", iov ? "" : "---");
0071   if ( iov )  {
0072     printout(INFO, "DeStatic","%s+ IOV: %s", prefix.c_str(), iov->str().c_str());
0073   }
0074   if ( flg & DePrint::BASICS )  {
0075     const DetElement::Children& c = detector.children();
0076     printout(INFO, "DeStatic", "%s+ Detector:%s Class:%d key:%08X #Dau:%d",
0077              prefix.c_str(),, clsID, key, int(c.size()));
0078   }
0079 }
0081 /// Access daughter elements: Static part
0082 DeStaticObject* DeStaticObject::child(DetElement de)   const   {
0083   auto i = childCache.find(de);
0084   if ( i == childCache.end() )  {
0085     except("DeStatic","child> No such condition:%s for detector element:%s",
0086            Keys::staticKeyName.c_str(), de.path().c_str());
0087   }
0088   return (*i).second;
0089 }
0091 /// Fill the child cache. May only be called while the condition is NOT active
0092 void DeStaticObject::fillCache(ConditionsMap& m)    {
0093   if ( (de_flags&DeInit::INITIALIZED) == 0 )   {
0094     childCache = DeHelpers::getChildConditions<DeStaticObject>(m, detector,Keys::deKey, DeHelpers::ALL);
0095     return;
0096   }
0097   except("DeIov","fillCache> Modifying % (%s) after initialization is not allowed!",
0098          Keys::staticKeyName.c_str(), detector.path().c_str());
0099 }
0101 /// Access parameters directory
0102 const ParameterMap::Parameters& DeStaticObject::params()  const    {
0103   return this->parameters.params();
0104 }
0106 /// Access single parameter
0107 const ParameterMap::Parameter&
0108 DeStaticObject::parameter(const std::string& nam, bool throw_if_not_present)   const    {
0109   return this->parameters.parameter(nam, throw_if_not_present);
0110 }