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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /DD4hep/examples/DDDB/README.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002 Remarks:
0003 Transformation computation is ambiguous:
0004 Either the old magnet is correct or the upgrade magnet.
0005 See src/plugins/CondDB2DDDB.cpp apply_trafo(....)
0007 To show the display:
0008 -----------------
0009 $> geoPluginRun -destroy \
0010    -plugin DDDB_Executor -loader DDDB_FileReader \
0011    -params file:/tmp/frankm/DDDB/Parameters.xml \
0012    -vis -attr file:/tmp/frankm/DDDB/Visattrs.xml \
0013    -input file:/tmp/frankm/DDDB/DDDB/lhcb.xml \
0014    -config DD4hep_ConditionsManagerInstaller
0016 Optional:
0017    -config DD4hep_XMLLoader file:checkout/examples/DDDB/data/Debug.xml