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0001 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
0002 import os
0003 import sys
0004 import time
0005 import DDG4
0006 from DDG4 import OutputLevel as Output
0007 from g4units import GeV, MeV
0008 import logging
0010 logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
0011 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
0013 #
0014 #
0015 """
0017    dd4hep example setup using the python configuration
0019    \author  M.Frank
0020    \version 1.0
0022 """
0025 def run():
0026   kernel = DDG4.Kernel()
0027   install_dir = os.environ['DD4hepExamplesINSTALL']
0028   kernel.setOutputLevel(str('Geant4Converter'), Output.DEBUG)
0029   kernel.setOutputLevel(str('Gun'), Output.INFO)
0030   kernel.detectorDescription().fromXML(str("file:" + install_dir + "/examples/DDCMS/data/dd4hep-ecal.xml"))
0031   kernel.NumEvents = 5
0032   geant4 = DDG4.Geant4(kernel, tracker='Geant4TrackerCombineAction')
0033   geant4.printDetectors()
0035   batch = False
0036   test = False
0037   vis = False
0038   ui = None
0039   for i in range(len(sys.argv)):
0040     arg = sys.argv[i].lower()
0041     if arg == 'batch':
0042       batch = True
0043     elif arg[:4] == '-vis':
0044       vis = True
0045     elif arg == 'test':
0046       test = True
0047     elif arg == 'numevents':
0048       kernel.NumEvents = int(sys.argv[i + 1])
0049   if batch or test:
0050     geant4.setupCshUI(ui=None, vis=None)
0051     kernel.UI = 'UI'
0052   else:
0053     ui = geant4.setupCshUI(vis=vis)
0055   # Configure field
0056   geant4.setupTrackingField(prt=True)
0057   # Configure I/O
0058   geant4.setupROOTOutput('RootOutput', 'CMSEcal_' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M'), mc_truth=True)
0059   # Setup particle gun
0060   generators = []
0061   generators.append(geant4.setupGun("GunPi-", particle='pi-', energy=300 * GeV,
0062                                     multiplicity=1, Standalone=False, register=False, Mask=1))
0063   if not test:
0064     generators.append(geant4.setupGun("GunE+", particle='e+', energy=100 * GeV,
0065                                       multiplicity=1, Standalone=False, register=False, Mask=8))
0066   geant4.buildInputStage(generators)
0067   # Now setup all tracking detectors
0068   for i in geant4.description.detectors():
0069     o = DDG4.DetElement(i.second.ptr())
0070     sd = geant4.description.sensitiveDetector(
0071     if sd.isValid():
0072       typ = geant4.sensitive_types[sd.type()]
0073'CMSTracker: Configure subdetector %-24s of type %s' % (, typ,))
0074       geant4.setupDetector(, typ)
0076   # And handle the simulation particles.
0077   part = DDG4.GeneratorAction(kernel, "Geant4ParticleHandler/ParticleHandler")
0078   kernel.generatorAction().adopt(part)
0079   part.SaveProcesses = ['conv', 'Decay']
0080   part.MinimalKineticEnergy = 1 * MeV
0081   part.OutputLevel = 5  # generator_output_level
0082   part.enableUI()
0084   # Now build the physics list:
0085   phys = kernel.physicsList()
0086   phys.extends = 'QGSP_BERT'
0087   phys.enableUI()
0088   #
0089   #
0090   if ui and vis:
0091     cmds = []
0092     cmds.append('/control/verbose 2')
0093     cmds.append('/run/initialize')
0094     cmds.append('/vis/open OGL')
0095     cmds.append('/vis/verbose errors')
0096     cmds.append('/vis/drawVolume')
0097     cmds.append('/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 55. 45.')
0098     cmds.append('/vis/scene/add/axes 0 0 0 3 m')
0099     ui.Commands = cmds
0100   #
0101   # and run
0102   geant4.execute()
0105 if __name__ == "__main__":
0106   run()