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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /DD4hep/examples/DDCMS/data/testSolids.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0"?>
0002 <DDDefinition xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../Schema/DDLSchema.xsd">
0004   <SolidSection label="testSolids.xml">
0005     <Trapezoid name="trap1" alp1="10*deg" alp2="10*deg" bl1="50*cm" bl2="75*cm" dz="1*m" h1="20*cm" h2="40*cm" phi="30*deg" theta="30*deg" tl1="50*cm" tl2="75*cm"/>
0006     <Trapezoid name="trap2" alp1="10*deg" alp2="10*deg" bl1="50*cm" bl2="75*cm" dz="1*m" h1="20*cm" h2="40*cm" tl1="50*cm" tl2="75*cm"/>
0007     <PseudoTrap name="ptrap1" dx1="10" dx2="3" dy1="30" dy2="10" dz="30" radius="10" atMinusZ="false"/>
0008     <PseudoTrap name="ptrap2" dx1="10" dx2="3" dy1="30" dy2="10" dz="30" radius="10" atMinusZ="true"/>
0009     <Box name="box1" dx="10*cm" dy="10*cm" dz="10*cm"/>
0010     <Cone name="cone1" dz="1*m" rMin1="50*cm" rMax1="100*cm" rMin2="75*cm" rMax2="125*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg"/>
0011     <Cone name="cone2" dz="1*m" rMin1="50*cm" rMax1="100*cm" rMin2="50*cm" rMax2="100*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg"/>
0012     <Cone name="cone2hole" dz="20*cm" rMin1="50*cm" rMax1="100*cm" rMin2="50*cm" rMax2="100*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="20*deg"/>
0013     <!-- While using this as a test solid I found that there is a 
0014 problem with it.  Can a Polycone come to a point "in the real world?" -->
0015     <Polycone name="pczsect" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg">
0016       <!-- see above comment ZSection z="1*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="50*cm"/-->
0017       <ZSection z="1*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="55*cm"/>
0018       <ZSection z="1.5*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="60*cm"/>
0019       <ZSection z="2*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="75*cm"/>
0020     </Polycone>
0022     <Polycone name="pcrz" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg">
0023       <RZPoint r="50*cm" z="1*m"/>
0024       <RZPoint r="60*cm" z="1.5*m"/>
0025       <RZPoint r="75*cm" z="2*m"/>
0026       <RZPoint r="50*cm" z="2.0001*m"/>
0027     </Polycone>
0029     <Polyhedra name="phzsect" numSide="18" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg">
0030       <ZSection z="1*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="50*cm"/>
0031       <ZSection z="1.5*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="60*cm"/>
0032       <ZSection z="2*m" rMin="50*cm" rMax="75*cm"/>
0033     </Polyhedra>
0035     <Polyhedra name="phrz" numSide="18" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg">
0036       <RZPoint r="50*cm" z="1*m"/>
0037       <RZPoint r="60*cm" z="1.5*m"/>
0038       <RZPoint r="75*cm" z="2*m"/>
0039       <RZPoint r="50*cm" z="2.0001*m"/>
0040     </Polyhedra>
0042     <ExtrudedPolygon name="extrudedpgon">
0043       <XYPoint x="-30*cm" y="-30*cm"/>
0044       <XYPoint x="-30*cm" y=" 30*cm"/>
0045       <XYPoint x=" 30*cm" y=" 30*cm"/>
0046       <XYPoint x=" 30*cm" y="-30*cm"/>
0047       <XYPoint x=" 15*cm" y="-30*cm"/>
0048       <XYPoint x=" 15*cm" y=" 15*cm"/>
0049       <XYPoint x="-15*cm" y=" 15*cm"/>
0050       <XYPoint x="-15*cm" y="-30*cm"/>
0051       <ZXYSection z="-60*cm" x="0*cm" y="30*cm" scale="0.8"/>
0052       <ZXYSection z="-15*cm" x="0*cm" y="-30*cm" scale="1."/>
0053       <ZXYSection z="10*cm" x="0*cm" y="0*cm" scale="0.6"/>
0054       <ZXYSection z="60*cm" x="0*cm" y="30*cm" scale="1.2"/>
0055     </ExtrudedPolygon>
0056     <Trd1 name="trd1" dx1="1*m" dx2="1.3*m" dz="3*m" dy1="30*cm"/>
0057     <Trd1 name="trd2" dx1="1*m" dx2="1.3*m" dz="3*m" dy1="30*cm" dy2="50*cm"/>
0058     <Tube name="tube1" rMin="1*m" rMax="1.5*m" dz="1*m"/>
0059     <Tubs name="tube2" rMin="1*m" rMax="2*m" dz="1*m" startPhi="30*deg" deltaPhi="150*deg"/>
0060     <CutTubs name="cuttubs" rMin="1*m" rMax="2*m" dz="1*m" startPhi="30*deg" deltaPhi="150*deg" lx="0" ly="-0.7" lz="-0.71" tx="0.7" ty="0" tz="0.71"/>
0061     <TruncTubs name="trunctubs1" zHalf="50*cm" rMin="20*cm" rMax="40*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="90*deg" cutAtStart="25*cm" cutAtDelta="35*cm" cutInside="true"/>
0062     <ShapelessSolid name="momma"/>
0063     <Box name="MotherOfAllBoxes" dx="10*m" dy="10*m" dz="10*m"/>
0064     <Torus name="torus" innerRadius="7.5*cm" outerRadius="10*cm" torusRadius="30*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="360*deg"/>
0065     <ReflectionSolid name="trd2mirror">
0066       <rSolid name="trd2"/>
0067     </ReflectionSolid>
0068     <SubtractionSolid name="subsolid" firstSolid="cone2" secondSolid="cone2hole"/>
0069     <SubtractionSolid name="subsolidOLD">
0070         <rSolid name="cone2"/>
0071         <rSolid name="cone2hole"/>
0072         <rRotation name="testRotations:x90y45"/>
0073     </SubtractionSolid>
0074     <UnionSolid name="unionsolid" firstSolid="pcrz" secondSolid="cone1">
0075       <Translation x="0" y="0" z="-1.0*m"/>
0076     </UnionSolid>
0077     <MultiUnionSolid name="multiunionsolid">
0078       <rSolid name="pcrz"/>
0079       <rSolid name="cone1"/>
0080       <Translation x="0" y="0" z="-1.0*m"/>
0081     </MultiUnionSolid>
0082     <IntersectionSolid name="intsolid" firstSolid="cone1" secondSolid="cone2">
0083       <RotationByAxis axis="y" angle="90*deg"/>
0084       <Translation x="0" y="0" z="50*cm"/>
0085     </IntersectionSolid>
0086     <Sphere name="asphere" innerRadius="1.*cm" outerRadius="1.1*cm" startPhi="0*deg" deltaPhi="180*deg" startTheta="15*deg" deltaTheta="90*deg"/>
0087     <Orb name="anorb" radius="1.*cm"/>
0088     <EllipticalTube name="etube" xSemiAxis=".5*cm" ySemiAxis="1.*cm" zHeight="3.*cm"/>
0089     <Ellipsoid name="anelipsoid" xSemiAxis=".5*cm" ySemiAxis="1.*cm" zSemiAxis="3.*cm" zBottomCut="0.*cm" zTopCut="1.5*cm"/>
0090     <Ellipsoid name="unusedelipsoid" xSemiAxis=".5*cm" ySemiAxis="1.*cm" zSemiAxis="3.*cm"/>
0091     <Parallelepiped name="para" xHalf="5.*cm" yHalf="6.*cm" zHalf="7.*cm" alpha="15*deg" theta="30*deg" phi="45*deg"/>
0092   </SolidSection>
0093 </DDDefinition>