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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /DD4hep/examples/DDCMS/data/dd4hep-ecal.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <plugins>
0002 <!--
0004    # Configuration file top load the CMS geometry
0006    This XML script extends the raw geometry defintiion from CMS (see cms_tracker.xml for details).
0007    * We load the primary geometry entities and instantiate them.
0008      Note: TEC, and PixbarFWD do not work and cannot be converted;
0009    * Here the DetElement structure and the readout structures are defined to run Geant4
0010      Note: TEC, and PixbarFWD do not work and cannot be used for Geant4. To be investigated.
0011    * Here we also define the visualization attributes to get nicer pictures.
0013                          M.Frank CERN EP/LBC  October 2017
0015 -->
0017   <display>
0018     <vis name="ecal:ECAL"                                        alpha="1.0"   r="0.1"  g="0.1"  b="0.1" showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
0019     <vis name="ecal:EEDee"                                       alpha="0.5"   r="0.1"  g="1.0"  b="0.1" showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
0020     <vis name="ecal:EEQuad"                                      alpha="0.3"   r="1.0"  g="0.0"  b="0.0" showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
0021     <vis name="ecal:EESCEnv"                                     alpha="0.5"   r="0.0"  g="0.0"  b="0.9" showDaughters="false" visible="true"/>
0022     <vis name="ecal:EREG"                                        alpha="0.3"   r="1.0"  g="0.1"  b="1.0" showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
0023     <vis name="ecal:EFRY"                                        alpha="0.7"   r="0.0"  g="0.9"  b="0.2" showDaughters="true"  visible="true"/>
0024   </display>
0026   <plugin name="DD4hep_XMLLoader">
0027     <arg value="file:${DD4hepExamplesINSTALL}/examples/DDCMS/data/world-open.xml"/>
0028   </plugin>
0029   <plugin name="DD4hep_XMLLoader">
0030     <arg value="file:${DD4hepExamplesINSTALL}/examples/DDCMS/data/cms_ecal.xml"/>
0031   </plugin>
0032   <plugin name="DD4hep_PlacedVolumeProcessor">
0033     <arg value="-recursive"/>
0034     <arg value="-processor"/>         <arg value="DD4hep_VisVolNameProcessor"/>
0035     <arg value="-vis"/>               <arg value="ecal:ECAL"/>
0036     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eregalgo:ECAL"/>
0037     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eehier:ENCA"/>
0038     <arg value="-show"/>
0039   </plugin>
0040   <plugin name="DD4hep_PlacedVolumeProcessor">
0041     <arg value="-recursive"/>
0042     <arg value="-processor"/>         <arg value="DD4hep_VisVolNameProcessor"/>
0043     <arg value="-vis"/>               <arg value="ecal:EEDee"/>
0044     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eehier:EEDee"/>
0045     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eehier:EEBackDee"/>
0046     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eehier:EEFrontDee"/>
0047     <arg value="-show"/>
0048   </plugin>
0049   <plugin name="DD4hep_PlacedVolumeProcessor">
0050     <arg value="-recursive"/>
0051     <arg value="-processor"/>         <arg value="DD4hep_VisVolNameProcessor"/>
0052     <arg value="-vis"/>               <arg value="ecal:EEQuad"/>
0053     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eehier:EEFrontQuad"/>
0054     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eehier:EEBackQuad"/>
0055     <arg value="-show"/>
0056   </plugin>
0057   <plugin name="DD4hep_PlacedVolumeProcessor">
0058     <arg value="-recursive"/>
0059     <arg value="-processor"/>         <arg value="DD4hep_VisVolNameProcessor"/>
0060     <arg value="-vis"/>               <arg value="ecal:EESCEnv"/>
0061     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eregalgo:EESCEnv."/>
0062     <arg value="-show"/>
0063   </plugin>
0064   <plugin name="DD4hep_PlacedVolumeProcessor">
0065     <arg value="-recursive"/>
0066     <arg value="-processor"/>         <arg value="DD4hep_VisVolNameProcessor"/>
0067     <arg value="-vis"/>               <arg value="ecal:EREG"/>
0068     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="eregalgo:EREG"/>
0069     <arg value="-show"/>
0070   </plugin>
0071   <plugin name="DD4hep_PlacedVolumeProcessor">
0072     <arg value="-recursive"/>
0073     <arg value="-processor"/>         <arg value="DD4hep_VisVolNameProcessor"/>
0074     <arg value="-vis"/>               <arg value="ecal:EFRY"/>
0075     <arg value="-match"/>             <arg value="EFRY"/>
0076     <arg value="-show"/>
0077   </plugin>
0078   <!--
0079   <plugin name="DD4hep_VolumeDump">
0080     <arg value="-materials"/>
0081     <arg value="-vis"/>
0082   </plugin>
0083   -->
0084   <plugin name="DD4hep_XMLLoader">
0085     <arg value="file:${DD4hepExamplesINSTALL}/examples/DDCMS/data/world-close.xml"/>
0086   </plugin>
0087 </plugins>