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Warning, /DD4hep/examples/DDCAD/compact/DD4hep_Issue_1134_resolved.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <lccdd>
0002 <!-- #==========================================================================
0003      #  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0004      #==========================================================================
0005      # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0006      # All rights reserved.
0007      #
0008      # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0009      # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0010      #
0011      #==========================================================================
0013 -->
0015   <info name=   "DDCAD_test"
0016         title=  "Checking issue 1134"
0017         author= "Markus Frank"
0018         url=    ""
0019         status= "development"
0020         version="1.0">
0021     <comment>CAD Shape tester</comment>        
0022   </info>
0024   <includes>
0025     <gdmlFile  ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/elements.xml"/>
0026     <gdmlFile  ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/materials.xml"/>
0027   </includes>
0029   <materials>
0030     <material name="DefaultMaterial">
0031       <D value="7.85" unit="g/cm3"/>
0032       <fraction n="0.998" ref="Fe"/>
0033       <fraction n=".002"  ref="C"/>
0034     </material>
0035     <material name="Material01">
0036       <D value="7.85" unit="g/cm3"/>
0037       <fraction n="1.0" ref="Fe"/>
0038     </material>
0039   </materials>
0042   <define>
0043     <constant name="world_side"  value="15*m"/>
0044     <constant name="world_x"     value="world_side"/>
0045     <constant name="world_y"     value="world_side"/>
0046     <constant name="world_z"     value="world_side"/>
0047     <constant name="unit_length" value="1*10"/>
0048     <constant name="unit_pos"    value="unit_length/10"/>
0049     <constant name="CheckShape_create"   value="0"/>
0050     <constant name="tracker_region_zmax" value="15*m"/>
0051     <constant name="tracker_region_rmax" value="5*m"/>
0052   </define>
0054   <display>
0055     <vis name="InvisibleNoDaughters"      showDaughters="false" visible="false"/>
0056     <vis name="InvisibleWithDaughters"    showDaughters="true"  visible="false"/>
0057     <vis name="Shape1_vis_20"    alpha="0.2" r="0.9" g="0.8" b="0.8" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0058     <vis name="ShapeGray_vis_50" alpha="0.5" r="0.9" g="0.8" b="0.8" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0059     <vis name="Shape0_vis"       alpha="1.0" r="0"   g="1"   b="1"   showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0060     <vis name="Shape1_vis"       alpha="1.0" r="1"   g="0"   b="0"   showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0061     <vis name="Shape2_vis"       alpha="1.0" r="0"   g="1"   b="0"   showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0062     <vis name="Shape3_vis"       alpha="1.0" r="0"   g="0"   b="1"   showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0063     <vis name="Shape_grey"       alpha="0.5" r="0.0" g="0.4" b="0.4" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0064   </display>
0066   <detectors>
0067     <detector id="1" name="Shape_STL" type="DD4hep_TestShape_Creator">
0068       <check>
0069         <shape type="StdVolume">
0070           <volume name="Assembly" type="Assembly" vis="ShapeGray_vis_50">
0071             <volume material="Air" vis="ShapeGray_vis_50">
0072               <!-- create a box to place the CAD inside. The box can then be placed into the assembly's origin
0073                    and rotated/positioned as desired.  -->
0074               <shape name="box" type="Box" dx="8*cm" dy="8*cm" dz="30*cm">
0075                 <volume type="CAD_MultiVolume"
0076                   ref="${DD4hepExamplesINSTALL}/examples/DDCAD/models/STL/DD4hep_Issue_1134.stl"
0077                   unit="cm">
0078                   <!-- select shape # 0 from the multi-shape CAD and place it in the origin of the box -->
0079                   <volume id="0" name="s1" vis="Shape3_vis" material="Gold"/>
0080                   <position x="454*mm" y="-9*mm" z="-385*mm"/>
0081                   <rotation x="0*pi/8*rad" y="-2*pi/8*rad" z="0*rad"/>
0082                 </volume>
0083               </shape>
0084             </volume>
0085           </volume>
0086         </shape>
0088         <rotation x="2*pi/8*rad" y="0*pi/8*rad" z="0*rad"/>  
0090       </check>
0091     </detector>
0092   </detectors>
0093 </lccdd>