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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework includes
0015 #include "DD4hep/Printout.h"
0016 #include "DD4hep/MatrixHelpers.h"
0017 #include "DD4hep/DetFactoryHelper.h"
0018 #include "XML/VolumeBuilder.h"
0019 #include "XML/Utilities.h"
0020 #include <iostream>
0021 #include <cmath>
0023 using namespace std;
0024 using namespace dd4hep;
0025 using namespace dd4hep::detail;
0027 namespace   {
0028   Rotation3D makeRotReflect(double thetaX, double phiX, double thetaY, double phiY, double thetaZ, double phiZ) {
0029     // define 3 unit std::vectors forming the new left-handed axes
0030     Position x(cos(phiX) * sin(thetaX), sin(phiX) * sin(thetaX), cos(thetaX));
0031     Position y(cos(phiY) * sin(thetaY), sin(phiY) * sin(thetaY), cos(thetaY));
0032     Position z(cos(phiZ) * sin(thetaZ), sin(phiZ) * sin(thetaZ), cos(thetaZ));
0033     printout(INFO,"ReflectionMatrices",
0034            "+++ Adding rotation: (theta/phi)[rad] X: %6.3f %6.3f Y: %6.3f %6.3f Z: %6.3f %6.3f",
0035            thetaX,phiX,thetaY,phiY,thetaZ,phiZ);
0036     Rotation3D rotation(x.x(), y.x(), z.x(), x.y(), y.y(), z.y(), x.z(), y.z(), z.z());
0037     return rotation;
0038   }
0039   Transform3D transform_3d(xml_h element)   {
0040     xml_dim_t xrot(element.child(_U(rotation)));
0041     xml_dim_t xpos(element.child(_U(position)));
0042     double thetaX = xrot.attr<double>(Unicode("thetaX"));
0043     double phiX   = xrot.attr<double>(Unicode("phiX"));
0044     double thetaY = xrot.attr<double>(Unicode("thetaY"));
0045     double phiY   = xrot.attr<double>(Unicode("phiY"));
0046     double thetaZ = xrot.attr<double>(Unicode("thetaZ"));
0047     double phiZ   = xrot.attr<double>(Unicode("phiZ"));
0048     printout(INFO, "ReflectionMatrices",
0049          "+++ Adding reflection rotation \"%s\": "
0050          "(theta/phi)[rad] X: %6.3f %6.3f Y: %6.3f %6.3f Z: %6.3f %6.3f",
0051          element.attr<string>(_U(name)).c_str(), thetaX, phiX, thetaY, phiY, thetaZ, phiZ);
0052     Rotation3D rot = makeRotReflect(thetaX, phiX, thetaY, phiY, thetaZ, phiZ);
0053     Position   pos = Position(xpos.x(),xpos.y(),xpos.z());
0054     return Transform3D(rot, pos);
0055   }
0057   struct ReflectionMatrices : public xml::tools::VolumeBuilder  {
0058     int num_left = 0, num_right = 0;
0060     using VolumeBuilder::VolumeBuilder;
0061     ///
0062     void dump(const string& nam, const Transform3D& tr)   {
0063       stringstream str;
0064       Position x, y, z, p;
0065       Rotation3D r;
0066       tr.GetDecomposition(r, p);
0067       r.GetComponents(x,y,z);
0068       double det1 = (x.Cross(y)).Dot(z);
0069       double det2 = detail::matrix::determinant(r);
0070       double det3 = detail::matrix::determinant(tr);
0071       str << "+++ Using rotation: " << nam << "   "
0072       << (const char*)((det1 >= 0) ? "RIGHT" : "LEFT") << "-handed  "
0073       << " Determinant: " << det1 << " " << det2 << " " << det3 << endl
0074       << "Pos: " << p << " Rotation:" << x << " " << y << " " << z
0075       << r;
0076       PrintLevel lvl = det1 != det2 || det1 != det3 ? ERROR : INFO;
0077       if ( det1 < 0e0 ) ++num_left;
0078       if ( det1 > 0e0 ) ++num_right;
0079       if ( det1 < 0e0 && nam.find("LEFT-handed") == string::npos )   {
0080     lvl = ERROR;
0081       }
0082       printout(lvl, "ReflectionMatrices",str.str().c_str());
0083     }
0084     /// 
0085     void dump(xml_elt_t elt, char reflection)   {
0086       Position    pos;
0087       RotationZYX rot;
0088       xml_dim_t   e(elt);
0089       xml_dim_t   xpos = e.child(_U(position), false);
0090       xml_dim_t   xrot = e.child(_U(rotation), false);
0091       if ( !xpos.ptr() ) xpos = e;
0092       if ( xpos.ptr()  ) pos = Position(xpos.x(0),xpos.y(0),xpos.z(0));
0093       if ( xrot.ptr()  ) rot = RotationZYX(xrot.x(0),xrot.y(0),xrot.z(0));
0095       TGeoHMatrix mat;
0096       detail::matrix::_transform(mat, pos, rot);
0097       switch(reflection)  {
0098       case 'X':
0099     mat.ReflectX(kTRUE, kTRUE);
0100     break;
0101       case 'Y':
0102     mat.ReflectY(kTRUE, kTRUE);
0103     break;
0104       case 'Z':
0105       default:
0106     mat.ReflectZ(kTRUE, kTRUE);
0107     break;
0108       }
0109       dump(e.nameStr(), detail::matrix::_transform(mat));
0110     }
0111     DetElement create()    {
0112       xml_dim_t x_box(x_det.dimensions()); 
0113       double    bx = x_box.x();
0114       double    by = x_box.y();
0115       double    bz = x_box.z();
0117       for(xml_coll_t c(x_det,_U(reflect_x)); c; ++c)
0118     dump(c, 'X');
0119       for(xml_coll_t c(x_det,_U(reflect_y)); c; ++c)
0120     dump(c, 'Y');
0121       for(xml_coll_t c(x_det,_U(reflect_z)); c; ++c)
0122     dump(c, 'Z');
0123       for(xml_coll_t c(x_det,_U(reflect)); c; ++c)
0124     dump(xml_dim_t(c).nameStr(), transform_3d(c));
0126       auto pv = placeDetector(Volume("envelope",Box(bx, by, bz),description.air()), x_det);
0127       pv.addPhysVolID("system",;
0128       return detector;
0129     }
0130   };
0131   ///
0132   Ref_t create_test(Detector& description, xml_dim_t x_det, SensitiveDetector sens)  {
0133     ReflectionMatrices builder(description, x_det, sens);
0134     DetElement det = builder.create();
0135     printout(ALWAYS,"ReflectionMatrices",
0136          "+++ Analysed %d right handed and %d left handed matrices.",
0137          builder.num_right, builder.num_left);
0138     return det;
0139   }
0140 }
0142 DECLARE_DETELEMENT(DD4hep_Test_ReflectionMatrices,create_test)