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0001 #include "TROOT.h"
0002 #include "TColor.h"
0003 #include "TGeoCone.h"
0004 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
0005 #include "TGeoManager.h"
0006 #include "TGeoElement.h"
0007 #include "TGeoMaterial.h"
0009 #include <cstdio>
0012 class Test    {
0013 public:
0014   TGeoManager*   m_manager = nullptr;
0015   TGeoMaterial*  m_vacuum  = nullptr;
0016   TGeoMedium*    m_air     = nullptr;
0018   TGeoBBox*      m_worldShape   = nullptr;
0019   TGeoVolume*    m_world = nullptr;
0021   struct Cone   {
0022     TGeoMaterial* material = nullptr;
0023     TGeoMedium*  medium = nullptr;
0024     TGeoConeSeg* shape = nullptr;
0025     TGeoVolume* volume = nullptr;
0026     TGeoNode* place = nullptr;
0027     void set_color(const char* typ, Float_t alpha, Float_t red, Float_t green, Float_t blue)   {
0028       Int_t col = TColor::GetColor(red, green, blue);
0029       TColor* color = gROOT->GetColor(col);
0030       if ( !color )    {
0031         ::printf("+++ %s Failed to allocate Color: r:%02X g:%02X b:%02X\n",
0032                  typ, int(red*255.), int(green*255.), int(blue*255));
0033       }
0034       char text[64];
0035       ::snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%p", this);
0036       TColor* colortr = new TColor(gROOT->GetListOfColors()->GetLast()+1,
0037                                    color->GetRed(), color->GetGreen(), color->GetBlue(), text, alpha);
0038       //colortr->SetAlpha(alpha);
0040       ::printf("Plot cone %s (col: %d) with transparency %8.3f r:%02X g:%02X b:%02X\n",
0041                typ, col, (1.0-alpha)*100, int(red*255.), int(green*255.), int(blue*255));
0043       /// Propagate values to the volume:
0044       int col_num    = color->GetNumber();
0045       int col_tr_num = colortr->GetNumber();
0046       volume->SetVisibility(kTRUE);
0047       volume->SetVisContainers(kTRUE);
0048       volume->SetVisDaughters(kTRUE);
0049       volume->SetLineWidth(10);
0050       volume->SetFillStyle(1001);
0051       volume->ResetTransparency((1.0-alpha)*100);
0052       volume->SetLineStyle(1);
0054       /// Set line color
0055       volume->SetLineColor(col_num);
0056       /// Set fill color
0057       volume->SetFillColor(col_tr_num);
0058     }
0059   } cone1, cone2;
0061 public:
0062   Test()   {
0063   }
0064   virtual ~Test()   {
0065   }
0066   void build(int version);
0067 };
0069 void Test::build(int version)    {
0070   m_manager = new TGeoManager("geom","Tube test");
0071   m_vacuum = new TGeoMaterial("vacuum", 0, 0, 0);
0072   m_air = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum", 0, m_vacuum);
0074   m_worldShape = new TGeoBBox("WorldBox", 100, 100, 100);
0075   m_world = new TGeoVolume("World", m_worldShape, m_air);
0077   cone1.material = new TGeoMaterial("Fe1", 55.845, 26, 7.87);
0078   cone1.medium   = new TGeoMedium("Iron1", 1, cone1.material);
0079   cone1.shape    = new TGeoConeSeg("Cone1Shape", 40, 0e0, 20e0, 0e0, 20e0, 0e0, 360e0);
0080   cone1.volume   = new TGeoVolume("Cone1", cone1.shape, cone1.medium);
0081   cone1.set_color("Cone1",
0082                   version ? 0.1 : 0.9,
0083                   version ? 1e0 : 0e0,
0084                   0e0,
0085                   version ? 0e0 : 1e0);
0086   m_world->AddNode(cone1.volume, 1, new TGeoTranslation(-30, -30, 0));
0088   cone2.material = version ? new TGeoMaterial("Fe2", 55.845, 26, 7.87) : cone1.material;
0089   cone2.medium   = version ? new TGeoMedium("Iron2", 1, cone2.material) : cone1.medium;
0090   cone2.shape    = new TGeoConeSeg("Cone2Shape", 40, 0e0, 20e0, 0e0, 20e0, 0e0, 360e0);
0091   cone2.volume   = new TGeoVolume("Cone2", cone2.shape, cone2.medium);
0092   cone2.set_color("Cone2",
0093                   version ? 0.9 : 0.1,
0094                   version ? 0e0 : 0.9,
0095                   0e0,
0096                   version ? 0.9 : 0e0);
0097   m_world->AddNode(cone2.volume, 1, new TGeoTranslation(30, 30, 0));
0099   m_manager->SetTopVolume(m_world);
0100   m_manager->SetTopVisible(0);
0102   m_manager->GetTopVolume()->Draw("ogl");
0103 }
0106 Test* visTest(int version=0)   {
0107   Test* obj = new Test();
0108   obj->build(version);
0109   return obj;
0110 }