Warning, /DD4hep/examples/ClientTests/compact/FiberTubeCalorimeter.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <lccdd>
0002 <info name="SCEPCAL with IDEA"
0003 title="SCEPCAL with IDEA"
0004 author="Sarah Eno"
0005 url="https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CLIC/xxx"
0006 status="development"
0007 version="1.0">
0008 <comment>The compact format for the SCEPCAL IDEA from Sarah Eno</comment>
0009 </info>
0011 <includes>
0012 <gdmlFile ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/elements.xml"/>
0013 <gdmlFile ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/materials.xml"/>
0014 </includes>
0016 <materials>
0017 <material name="Brass">
0018 <D value="8.73" unit="g/cm3" />
0019 <fraction n="0.75" ref="Cu"/>
0020 <fraction n="0.25" ref="Zn"/>
0021 </material>
0022 </materials>
0024 <define>
0025 <!-- constants for dual readout crystal calorimeter -->
0026 <constant name="DRcrystalwidth" value="1.0*cm"/> <!-- should be 1 -->
0027 <constant name="DRcrystallength" value="20.0*cm"/> <!-- should be 20 normally, 400 for 20 interacion length test-->
0028 <constant name="DRcrystalNsize" value="45"/> <!-- should be 45 -->
0029 <!-- gap between ecal and hcal -->
0030 <constant name="EcalHcalgap" value="0.1*cm"/> <!-- should be small 0.1 mm -->
0031 <!-- constants for dual readout spagetti fiber hcal calorimeter in SCEPCAL -->
0032 <!-- these are radii (or half widths) -->
0033 <constant name="DRFiberAbswidthSCE" value="1.0*mm"/> <!-- should be 1.0 mm -->
0034 <constant name="DRFiberFibwidthSCE" value=".5025*mm"/> <!-- should be 0.5025 mm -->
0035 <constant name="holeoverSCE" value="0.025*mm"/>
0036 <constant name="gapSCE" value="0.0001*mm"/>
0037 <constant name="DRFiberlengthSCE" value="2.*cm"/> <!-- should be 200 cm -->
0038 <constant name="DRFiberNsizeSCE" value="5"/> <!-- should be 136 -->
0039 <!-- 200 crash 190 no crash 195 no crash 197 no crash 199 no crash-->
0040 <!-- crashes when make fiber size smaller -->
0042 <!-- constants for dual readout spagetti fiber hcal calorimeter in IDEA -->
0043 <constant name="DRFiberAbswidthIDEA" value="1.0*mm"/> <!-- should be 1.0 mm -->
0044 <constant name="DRFiberFibwidthIDEA" value="0.5025*mm"/> <!-- should be 0.5025 mm -->
0045 <constant name="holeoverIDEA" value="0.025*mm"/>
0046 <constant name="gapIDEA" value="0.0001*mm"/>
0047 <constant name="DRFiberlengthIDEA" value="400.*cm"/> <!-- should be 200 cm -->
0048 <constant name="DRFiberNsizeIDEA" value="199"/> <!-- should be 150 -->
0051 <!-- constants for dual readout sampling hcal calorimeter -->
0052 <constant name="DRSampAthick" value="4.*mm"/> <!-- should be 20 -->
0053 <constant name="DRSampSthick" value="4.*mm"/> <!-- should be 5 -->
0054 <constant name="DRSampQthick" value="4.*mm"/> <!-- should be 5 -->
0055 <constant name="DRSampxy" value="20.*mm"/> <!-- should be 20 -->
0056 <constant name="DRSampNsize" value="10"/> <!-- should be 5 -->
0057 <constant name="DRSampNlayer" value="200"/> <!-- should be 40 -->
0058 <!-- detector numbering scheme -->
0059 <constant name="Ecal_ID" value="5"/>
0060 <constant name="Hcal_ID" value="6"/>
0061 <constant name="EdgeDet_ID" value="4"/>
0063 <constant name="killthick" value="0.01*cm"/>
0064 <constant name="edgeoffset" value="50*cm"/>
0066 <constant name="world_side" value="DRcrystallength+2*DRFiberlengthIDEA+EcalHcalgap+edgeoffset+10."/>
0067 <constant name="world_x" value="world_side/1.5"/> <!-- should be /4 -->
0068 <constant name="world_y" value="world_side/1.5"/> <!-- should be /4 -->
0069 <constant name="world_z" value="world_side"/>
0070 </define>
0072 <display>
0073 <vis name="AbsVis" alpha="0.5" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0074 <vis name="CerenVis" alpha="0.5" r="0.0" g="0.0" b="1.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0075 <vis name="ScintVis" alpha="0.5" r="1.0" g="0.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0076 <vis name="phdetVis" alpha="1.0" r="1.0" g="1.0" b="1.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0077 <vis name="towerVis" alpha="0.1" r="0.3" g="0.3" b="0.3" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0078 <vis name="layerVis" alpha="0.5" r="0.1" g="0.1" b="0.9" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0079 </display>
0081 <readouts>
0082 <readout name="DRFNoSegment">
0083 <segmentation type="NoSegmentation"/>
0084 <id>system:8,layer:12,tube:12,hole:3,type:3</id>
0085 </readout>
0086 </readouts>
0088 <detectors>
0089 <detector id="Hcal_ID" name="FiberTubeCalorimeter" type="DD4hep_FiberTubeCalorimeter" readout="DRFNoSegment" vis="towerVis">
0090 <!-- here z_length is the absorber length, thickness is length of an end side
0091 z1 is the photodetector length gap is the distance between modules, and dz is how far the fiber sticks out of the absorber.
0092 Nsize is the number of cells to make
0093 zmin is where the dtector goes
0094 -->
0095 <dimensions numsides="DRFiberNsizeSCE"
0096 thickness="DRFiberAbswidthSCE+holeoverSCE"
0097 z_length="DRFiberlengthSCE"
0098 gap="gapSCE"
0099 zmin="-world_side/2.+2*killthick+edgeoffset+DRcrystallength+EcalHcalgap"
0100 z1="killthick"
0101 sensitive="yes"/>
0102 <structure>
0103 <core1 name="scintillator" rmax="DRFiberFibwidthSCE" rmin="0.0" material="Polystyrene" vis="ScintVis" sensitive="yes"/>
0104 <core2 name="quartz" rmax="DRFiberFibwidthSCE" rmin="0.0" material="Quartz" vis="CerenVis" sensitive="yes"/>
0105 <hole name="hole" rmax="DRFiberFibwidthSCE+holeoverSCE" rmin="DRFiberFibwidthSCE" material="Air" vis="holeVis" sensitive="yes"/>
0106 <absorb material="Brass" vis="AbsVis" sensitive="yes"/>
0107 <phdet1 name="phdet1" rmax="DRFiberFibwidthSCE" rmin="0.0" material="killMedia2" vis="phdetVis" sensitive="yes"/>
0108 <phdet2 name="phdet2" rmax="DRFiberFibwidthSCE" rmin="0.0" material="killMedia3" vis="phdetVis" sensitive="yes"/>
0109 </structure>
0110 </detector>
0111 </detectors>
0112 </lccdd>