Warning, /DD4hep/examples/ClientTests/compact/Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_Z.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <lccdd>
0003 <!-- #==========================================================================
0004 # AIDA Detector description implementation
0005 #==========================================================================
0006 # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0007 # All rights reserved.
0008 #
0009 # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0010 # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0011 #
0012 #==========================================================================
0013 -->
0015 <includes>
0016 <gdmlFile ref="CheckShape.xml"/>
0017 </includes>
0019 <detectors>
0020 <detector id="1" name="Shape_Eightpoint" type="DD4hep_TestShape_Creator">
0022 <check vis="Shape1_vis">
0023 <shape type="EightPointSolid" dz="30*cm">
0024 <vertex x="-30*cm" y="-25*cm"/>
0025 <vertex x="-25*cm" y=" 25*cm"/>
0026 <vertex x=" 5*cm" y=" 25*cm"/>
0027 <vertex x=" 25*cm" y="-25*cm"/>
0028 <vertex x="-28*cm" y="-23*cm"/>
0029 <vertex x="-23*cm" y=" 27*cm"/>
0030 <vertex x="-23*cm" y=" 27*cm"/>
0031 <vertex x=" 13*cm" y="-27*cm"/>
0032 </shape>
0033 <position x="0" y="0" z="100"/>
0034 <rotation x="0" y="0" z="0"/>
0035 </check>
0037 <check vis="Shape2_vis">
0038 <shape type="EightPointSolid" dz="30*cm">
0039 <vertex x="-30*cm" y="-25*cm"/>
0040 <vertex x="-25*cm" y=" 25*cm"/>
0041 <vertex x=" 5*cm" y=" 25*cm"/>
0042 <vertex x=" 25*cm" y="-25*cm"/>
0043 <vertex x="-28*cm" y="-23*cm"/>
0044 <vertex x="-23*cm" y=" 27*cm"/>
0045 <vertex x="-23*cm" y=" 27*cm"/>
0046 <vertex x=" 13*cm" y="-27*cm"/>
0047 </shape>
0048 <position x="0*cm" y="0*cm" z="-100*cm"/>
0049 <rotation x="0*rad" y="0*rad" z="0*rad"/>
0050 <reflect_z/>
0051 </check>
0052 <testnot type="DD4hep_Mesh_Verifier" ref="${DD4hepExamplesINSTALL}/examples/ClientTests/ref/Ref_Eightpoint_Reflect_Z.txt" create="1" a="CheckShape_create"/>
0053 </detector>
0054 </detectors>
0055 </lccdd>