Warning, /DD4hep/examples/CLICSiD/sim/sequences.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <geant4_setup>
0003 <!-- #==========================================================================
0004 # AIDA Detector description implementation
0005 #==========================================================================
0006 # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0007 # All rights reserved.
0008 #
0009 # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0010 # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0011 #
0012 #==========================================================================
0013 -->
0015 <!-- Kernel parameters
0016 UI="UI" is default,
0018 Note:
0019 NumEvents is ignored in interactive sessions, but used
0020 in batch mode without ui nor vis.
0022 To run batch: set UI=""
0023 -->
0024 <kernel UI="" NumEvents="10"/>
0026 <!-- List of globally known actions. These actions will be registered with the Geant4Kernel
0027 object and may be retrieved by there using the action name.
0029 Note: registered actions MUST be unique.
0030 However, not all actions need to registered....
0031 Only register those, you later need to retrieve by name.
0032 -->
0033 <actions>
0034 <action name="Geant4TestRunAction/RunInit">
0035 <properties Control="true"
0036 Property_int="12345"
0037 Property_double="-5e15"
0038 Property_string="Startrun: Hello_2"/>
0039 </action>
0040 <action name="Geant4TestEventAction/UserEvent_2">
0041 <properties Control="true"
0042 Property_int="1234"
0043 Property_double="5e15"
0044 Property_string="Hello_2"/>
0045 </action>
0046 <action name="Geant4TCUserParticleHandler/UserParticleHandler">
0047 <properties Control="true"
0048 TrackingVolume_Zmax="165*cm"
0049 TrackingVolume_Rmax="125*cm"/>
0050 </action>
0052 <!-- UI handler initializing vis and ui. NAME IS FIXED/COMMON KNOWLEDGE -->
0053 <action name="Geant4UIManager/UI">
0054 <properties HaveVIS="0"
0055 HaveUI="1"
0056 SetupUI=""
0057 SessionType="csh"/>
0058 </action>
0059 </actions>
0061 <!-- List of known phases.
0062 Note: Phases can only be attached to the program at very well defined moments,
0063 which are explained in the documentation.
0064 These are typically the "standard" moments: BeginRun, EndRun, BeginEvent, etc.
0065 and the calls after processing the hits of each sensitive detector.
0067 -->
0068 <phases>
0069 <phase type="RunAction/begin">
0070 <action name="RunInit"/>
0071 <action name="Geant4TestRunAction/UserRunInit">
0072 <properties Control="true"
0073 Property_int="1234"
0074 Property_double="5e15"
0075 Property_string="'Hello_2'"/>
0076 </action>
0077 </phase>
0078 <phase type="EventAction/end">
0079 <action name="UserEvent_2"/>
0080 </phase>
0081 <phase type="EventAction/begin">
0082 <action name="UserEvent_2"/>
0083 </phase>
0084 </phases>
0086 <!-- List of globally known filters. Filters are called by Geant4 before the
0087 hit processing in the sensitive detectors start. The global filters
0088 may be shared between many sensitive detectors. Alternatively filters
0089 may be directly attached to the sensitive detector in question.
0090 Attributes are directly passed as properties to the filter action.
0092 Note: registered global filters MUST be unique.
0093 However, not all filters need to registered....
0094 -->
0095 <filters>
0096 <filter name="GeantinoRejectFilter/GeantinoRejector"/>
0097 <filter name="ParticleRejectFilter/OpticalPhotonRejector">
0098 <properties particle="opticalphoton" Control="true"/>
0099 </filter>
0100 <filter name="ParticleSelectFilter/OpticalPhotonSelector">
0101 <properties particle="opticalphoton" Control="true"/>
0102 </filter>
0103 <filter name="EnergyDepositMinimumCut">
0104 <properties Cut="10*keV" Control="true"/>
0105 </filter>
0106 </filters>
0108 <!-- List of known action sequences.
0109 Note: Action sequences exist for each of the various geant4 callback,
0110 which are explained in the documentation, such as EventAction, RunAction, etc
0111 and the calls after processing the hits of each sensitive detector.
0113 -->
0114 <sequences>
0115 <sequence name="Geant4EventActionSequence/EventAction">
0116 <properties Control="true"/>
0117 <action name="Geant4TestEventAction/UserEvent_1">
0118 <properties Control="true"
0119 OutputLevel="3"
0120 Property_int="901234"
0121 Property_double="1e11"
0122 Property_string="'Hello_1'"/>
0123 </action>
0124 <action name="UserEvent_2"/>
0125 <!--
0126 <action name="Geant4Output2LCIO/LCIOOutput">
0127 <properties Control="true" Output="simple_lcio"/>
0128 </action>
0129 -->
0130 <!-- We need some simulation files to deal with DDDigi.
0131 Hence this part is in the AClick....
0133 <action name="Geant4Output2ROOT/RootOutput">
0134 <properties Control="true" Output="CLICSiD.xml.root"/>
0135 </action>
0136 -->
0137 </sequence>
0138 <sequence name="Geant4GeneratorActionSequence/GeneratorAction">
0139 <action name="Geant4ParticleGun/Gun">
0140 <properties Control="true"
0141 OutputLevel="3"
0142 energy="500*MeV"
0143 particle="'e-'"
0144 multiplicity="1"
0145 direction="(1,1,1)"/>
0146 </action>
0147 <action name="Geant4ParticleHandler/ParticleHandler">
0148 <properties Control="true"
0149 SaveProcesses="['Decay']"
0150 MinimalKineticEnergy="100*MeV"/>
0151 <adopt name="UserParticleHandler"/>
0152 </action>
0153 </sequence>
0155 <sequence sd="SiVertexBarrel" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0156 <properties Control="true"/>
0157 <filter name="GeantinoRejector"/>
0158 <filter name="EnergyDepositMinimumCut"/>
0159 <action name="Geant4SimpleTrackerAction/SiVertexBarrelHandler">
0160 <properties Control="true"/>
0161 </action>
0162 </sequence>
0163 <sequence sd="SiVertexEndcap" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0164 <filter name="GeantinoRejector"/>
0165 <filter name="EnergyDepositMinimumCut"/>
0166 <action name="Geant4SimpleTrackerAction/SiVertexEndcapHandler"/>
0167 </sequence>
0168 <sequence sd="SiTrackerBarrel" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0169 <filter name="GeantinoRejector"/>
0170 <filter name="EnergyDepositMinimumCut"/>
0171 <action name="Geant4SimpleTrackerAction/SiTrackerBarrelHandler"/>
0172 </sequence>
0173 <sequence sd="SiTrackerEndcap" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0174 <properties Control="true"/>
0175 <action name="Geant4SimpleTrackerAction/SiTrackerEndcapHandler"/>
0176 </sequence>
0177 <sequence sd="SiTrackerForward" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0178 <properties Control="true"/>
0179 <action name="Geant4SimpleTrackerAction/SiTrackerForwardHandler"/>
0180 </sequence>
0181 <sequence sd="EcalBarrel" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0182 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/EcalBarrelHandler"/>
0183 </sequence>
0184 <sequence sd="EcalEndcap" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0185 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/EcalEndCapHandler"/>
0186 </sequence>
0187 <sequence sd="HcalBarrel" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0188 <properties Control="true"/>
0189 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/HcalBarrelHandler">
0190 <properties Control="true"/>
0191 <filter name="OpticalPhotonRejector"/>
0192 </action>
0193 <action name="Geant4SimpleOpticalCalorimeterAction/HcalBarrelHandler">
0194 <properties Control="true"/>
0195 <filter name="OpticalPhotonSelector"/>
0196 </action>
0197 </sequence>
0198 <sequence sd="HcalEndcap" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0199 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/HcalEndcapHandler"/>
0200 </sequence>
0201 <sequence sd="HcalPlug" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0202 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/HcalPlugHandler"/>
0203 </sequence>
0204 <sequence sd="MuonBarrel" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0205 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/MuonBarrelHandler"/>
0206 </sequence>
0207 <sequence sd="MuonEndcap" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0208 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/MuonEndcapHandler"/>
0209 </sequence>
0210 <sequence sd="LumiCal" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0211 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/LumiCalHandler"/>
0212 </sequence>
0213 <sequence sd="BeamCal" type="Geant4SensDetActionSequence">
0214 <action name="Geant4SimpleCalorimeterAction/BeamCalHandler"/>
0215 </sequence>
0216 </sequences>
0218 </geant4_setup>