Warning, /DD4hep/examples/CLICSiD/compact/SiD_multiple_inputs.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <lccdd>
0002 <!-- #==========================================================================
0003 # AIDA Detector description implementation
0004 #==========================================================================
0005 # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0006 # All rights reserved.
0007 #
0008 # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0009 # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0010 #
0011 #==========================================================================
0012 -->
0013 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
0014 <!-- -->
0015 <!-- XML description of the complete SiD tracker detector -->
0016 <!-- of the SiD linear collider detector design. -->
0017 <!-- -->
0018 <!-- Contained are the required -->
0019 <!-- ++ global constants used uniquely by this module -->
0020 <!-- ++ visualization attributes -->
0021 <!-- ++ the definition of the readout structure and the -->
0022 <!-- readout segmentation (if necessary) -->
0023 <!-- ++ the include statements for the sensitive detectors and -->
0024 <!-- the corresponding support structure(s) -->
0025 <!-- -->
0026 <!-- -->
0027 <!-- @author M.Frank -->
0028 <!-- @date 14/11/2014 -->
0029 <!-- -->
0030 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
0032 <geometry open="true" close="false"/>
0034 <info name="clic_sid_cdr"
0035 title="CLIC Silicon Detector CDR"
0036 author="Christian Grefe"
0037 url="https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CLIC/ClicSidCdr"
0038 status="development"
0039 version="$Id: compact.xml 1374 2014-11-05 10:49:55Z markus.frank@cern.ch $">
0040 <comment>The compact format for the CLIC Silicon Detector used for the conceptual design report</comment>
0041 </info>
0043 <includes>
0044 <gdmlFile ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/elements.xml"/>
0045 <gdmlFile ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/materials.xml"/>
0046 </includes>
0048 <define>
0049 <include ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/SiDConstants.xml"/>
0050 </define>
0053 <limits>
0054 <limitset name="cal_limits">
0055 <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm" />
0056 </limitset>
0057 <limitset name="SiTrackerBarrelRegionLimitSet">
0058 <limit name="step_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm" />
0059 <limit name="track_length_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm" />
0060 <limit name="time_max" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="ns" />
0061 <limit name="ekin_min" particles="*" value="0.01" unit="MeV" />
0062 <limit name="range_min" particles="*" value="5.0" unit="mm" />
0063 </limitset>
0064 </limits>
0065 <regions>
0066 <region name="SiTrackerBarrelRegion" eunit="MeV" lunit="mm" cut="0.001" threshold="0.001">
0067 <limitsetref name="SiTrackerBarrelRegionLimitSet"/>
0068 </region>
0069 </regions>
0072 <comment>Common Generic visualization attributes</comment>
0073 <display>
0074 <vis name="InvisibleNoDaughters" showDaughters="false" visible="false"/>
0075 <vis name="InvisibleWithDaughters" showDaughters="true" visible="false"/>
0076 <vis name="GreenVis" alpha="1" r="0.0" g="1.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0077 <vis name="RedVis" alpha="1" r="1.0" g="0.0" b="0.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0078 <vis name="BlueVis" alpha="1" r="0.0" g="0.0" b="1.0" showDaughters="true" visible="true"/>
0079 </display>
0081 <comment>Additional design specific material definitions</comment>
0082 <include ref="${DD4hepINSTALL}/DDDetectors/compact/SiD/SiD_Materials.xml"/>
0084 </lccdd>