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File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:14:37

0001 #!/bin/bash
0002 #==========================================================================
0003 #  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0004 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0005 # Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0006 # All rights reserved.
0007 #
0008 # For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0009 # For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0010 #
0011 #==========================================================================
0012 do_scp()  {
0013     echo "Copy files:    scp $*";
0014     scp $*;
0015 }
0016 #
0017 copy_files()   {
0018     target=${1};
0019     cd DDCore/include/DD4hep
0020     echo "+++ Copy header files from `pwd` to: ${target}/DD4hep ....";
0021     do_scp  BasicGrammar.h      ComponentProperties.h      \
0022             Exceptions.h        Plugins.h       Printout.h \
0023             BasicGrammar_inl.h  ComponentProperties_inl.h  \
0024             Parsers.h           Primitives.h    ToStream.h \
0025             ${target}/DD4hep;
0026     cd -;
0027     cd DDCore/src;
0028     echo "+++ Copy source files from `pwd` to: ${target}/src/DD4hep ....";
0029     do_scp -r parsers               BasicGrammar.cpp   \
0030            ComponentProperties.cpp  Plugins.cpp        Printout.cpp \
0031            BasicGrammarTypes.cpp    Exceptions.cpp     \
0032            Primitives.cpp          ToStream.cpp        \
0033            ${target}/src/DD4hep/;
0034     cd -;
0035     do_scp doc/externalize/PluginManager.cpp ${target}/src/DD4hep/;
0036     do_scp doc/externalize/ExtraParsers.cpp ${target}/src/DD4hep/parsers/;
0037     do_scp doc/externalize/ExtraProperties.cpp ${target}/src/DD4hep/;
0038 }
0040 TARGET=${1};
0041 if test "" = "${TARGET}"; then
0042     cat <<EOF
0043  Usage:  bash ${0} <scp-target-directory>
0044              e.g. ${USER}/cmtuser/Online_vxry/Online/Dataflow
0045          This script extracts the dd4hep property mechanism so that
0046          it can be used without dd4hep.
0048  Note:   to use the properties and the parsers, you also MUST
0049          externalize the Evaluator.
0051 EOF
0052     exit 1;
0053 fi;
0055 echo "+++ Copy property files to target location: ${TARGET}";
0056 copy_files ${TARGET};