Warning, /DD4hep/doc/usermanuals/DDRec/DDRecManual.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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0002 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}
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0004 \input{./setup/DD4hep-setup.tex}
0005 \input{./setup/AIDA2020-setup.tex}
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0007 \pagestyle{fancyplain}{\fancyfoot[C]{\sffamily{DDRec User Manual}}}
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0010 \graphicspath{{./figs/}}
0011 \begin{document}
0012 %
0013 \mytitle{
0014 DDRec
0015 }{
0016 Reconstruction Interface for the \\
0017 \vspace{0.5cm}
0018 DD4hep Geometry Description \\
0019 \vspace{0.5cm}
0020 Toolkit
0021 \vspace{2cm}
0022 }{
0023 %M.Frank%\textsuperscript{1},
0024 F.Gaede%\textsuperscript{2},
0025 %C.Grefe\textsuperscript{1},
0026 %P.Mato\textsuperscript{1}
0028 %{\textsuperscript{1}
0029 {CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland}
0031 %{\textsuperscript{2}
0032 {Desy, 22607 Hamburg, Germany}
0033 }
0034 %
0035 %
0036 %== Abstract ===============================================================
0037 \pagestyle{plain}
0038 \pagenumbering{Roman}
0039 \setcounter{page}{1}
0040 \begin{abstract}
0041 %=============================================================================
0043 \noindent
0044 \normalsize
0045 The reconstruction of particle tracks and clusters in an High Energy Physics detector
0046 requires information about the geometrical and material properties of the various
0047 tracking and calorimeter subdetectors.
0048 In general, a higher level view on the detector geometry is needed than for the purpose
0049 of simulating the detailed detector response with tools such as Geant4\cite{bib:geant4}.
0050 This higher level view typically involves the abstraction of detector layers, the corresponding
0051 measurement surfaces, accumulation of dead material along a path and conversion between cellIDs and
0052 positions.
0053 While in principle it is of course possible to extract this information from the detailed
0054 detector geometry model used for simulation, doing so would tightly couple the reconstruction
0055 code to the specific implementation of the simulation model.
0056 \DDR provides a generalized API for reconstruction that can be used to decouple the details of
0057 the \DDH\cite{bib:DD4hep} detector geometry model from the reconstruction algorithms.
0059 \end{abstract}
0061 \vspace{8cm}
0063 \begin{center}
0064 {\large{\bf{
0065 \begin{tabular} {| l | l | l |}
0066 \hline
0067 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0068 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{Document History} \\[0.2cm]
0069 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0070 \hline
0071 & & \\
0072 Document & & \\
0073 version & Date & Author \\[0.2cm] \hline
0074 & & \\
0075 1.0 & 11/11/2014 & Frank Gaede CERN/DESY \\
0076 & & \\ \hline
0077 \end{tabular}
0078 }}}
0079 \end{center}
0081 \clearpage
0082 %
0083 %
0084 %== TOC ====================================================================
0085 \tableofcontents
0086 \clearpage
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0089 %=============================================================================
0090 % Manual
0091 %=============================================================================
0092 \pagenumbering{arabic}
0093 \setcounter{page}{1}
0095 %=============================================================================
0096 \section{Introduction}
0097 \label{sec:ddrec-manual-introduction}
0098 %=============================================================================
0099 \noindent
0100 This manual introduces the \DDR package which is part of \DDH and provides the
0101 high level view on the HEP detector geometry that is needed during reconstruction and
0102 analysis.
0103 In the detailed simulation of the response of a typical High Energy Physics detector
0104 very little information is needed in principle on the actual structure of the material
0105 distribution in the detector. This becomes obvious if one considers the fact that
0106 the Geant4 program is also used in medical applications where the human body
0107 is approximated by a voxelised phantom.
0108 During the reconstruction of particle trajectories and calorimeter clusters, in particular
0109 in the phase of pattern recognition, one typically regards the detector as an abstract
0110 structure of measurement surfaces or volumes that generally follow a layering structure.
0111 \DDR contains an API that provides this information for reconstruction algorithms, thereby
0112 decoupling the details of the actual simulation model used from the reconstruction code.
0113 \noindent
0114 The \DDR API provides the following functionality:
0116 \begin{itemize}\itemcompact
0117 \item description of measurement surfaces with coordinate systems for
0118 track finding and fitting
0119 \item description of non-active surfaces with material properties in
0120 order to take effects of multiple scattering and energy loss
0121 into account
0122 \item conversion of cellIDs assigned to simulated tracker and calorimeter hits
0123 to positions of readout cells and vice versa
0124 \item access to a list of materials between any two points inside the world
0125 volume of the detector
0126 \item access to the materials at any given point or along a straight line between two points
0127 \item averaged material properties for a list of materials
0128 \item computation of radiation and interaction lengths for detector layers, modules
0129 or arbitrary sections through the detector
0130 \end{itemize}
0132 \noindent
0133 In this manual we describe the different classes in \DDR and how they should be
0134 used in the detector geometry constructors as well as in the reconstruction
0135 code.
0137 \subsection*{Doxygen code documentation}
0138 Please also refer to the code documentation that is created with doxygen for more
0139 details on the classes and their members. This documentation can be build with:
0141 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0142 cmake -D INSTALL_DOC=ON ${path_to_dd4hep_source}
0143 make install
0144 \end{unnumberedcode}
0146 \noindent
0147 and will then be available at
0148 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0149 ${DD4hepINSTALL}/doc/html/index.html
0150 \end{unnumberedcode}
0152 %=============================================================================
0153 \section{Surfaces}
0154 \label{sec:ddrec-manual-surfaces}
0155 %=============================================================================
0156 For fitting the trajectories of charged particle tracks one generally needs to know
0157 the measurement surfaces on which the hits where deposited. Additionally the material
0158 properties along the trajectory need to be known in order to correct for effects
0159 from multiple scattering and energy loss.
0160 \DDR provides an abstract interface for surfaces and materials in the namespace
0161 {\em DDSurfaces} and a concrete implementation, described below, in the namespace
0162 {\em DDRec}. This is done in order to separate interface and implementation and allow
0163 other software tools, e.g. tracking packages to just use the interface.
0165 %=============================================================================
0166 \subsection{namespace DDSurfaces}
0167 \label{subsec:ddrec-ddsurfaces}
0168 %=============================================================================
0169 The basic concept of surfaces in \DDR is expressed with the two main interfaces
0170 {\em ISurface} and {\em IMaterial}. They are shown together with helper classes in
0171 the {\em DDSurfaces} in figure:\ref{fig:ddrec_ddsurfaces_classes}
0172 and are briefly described in the following.
0174 \begin{figure}[h]
0175 \begin{center}
0176 \includegraphics[width=120mm] {DDRec_ISurface_classes}
0177 \caption{Classes in namespace DDSurfaces: abstract interfaces {\em ISurface, IMaterial, ICylinder}
0178 and helper classes {\em Vector3D, ISurface::Vector2D, SurfaceType}. }
0179 \label{fig:ddrec_ddsurfaces_classes}
0180 \end{center}
0181 \end{figure}
0183 \noindent{\em \bf ISurface}: Defines the surface by means of an origin, a normal vector n and two,
0184 typically orthogonal, direction vectors u and v, where all of the vectors n,u,v might depend
0185 on the actual position on (or close to) the surface. In order to describe material properties
0186 two thicknesses are assigned to the surface - one in direction of the normal vector (outerThickness)
0187 and one in the opposite direction (innerThickness). There are two materials assigned to these
0188 thicknesses, where these materials could be averaged along the normal and thickness.
0189 The method {\em isInsideBounds} allows in principle to implement arbitrary bounds for the surface.
0190 Two methods allow the conversion between global 3d coordinates (on the surface) and local 2d coordinates
0191 in the coordinate system of the surface.
0193 \noindent
0194 {\em \bf IMaterial}: Interface to describe the relevant material properties: atomic number and weight,
0195 density and radiation- and interaction lengths. These can be real materials or averaged materials along
0196 a given direction and length (thickness assigned to the surface).
0198 \noindent
0199 {\em \bf ICylinder}: Simple interface for cylindrical surfaces adding the cyliner radius to a surface
0200 through multiple inheritance.
0202 \noindent
0203 {\em \bf ISurface::Vector2D} Helper struct inside ISurface for 2d vectors with coordinates u and v.
0205 \noindent
0206 {\em \bf Vector3D}: Generic 3d vector class with cartesian coordinates x,y,z that allows initialization
0207 from other 3d vector implementations or using cylindircal or spherical coordinates. Provides acces to
0208 quantities often needed, such as magnitude, transversal component, representation in non-cartesian
0209 coordinates.
0211 \noindent
0212 {\em \bf SurfaceType}: Helper class using an {\em std::bitfield<32>} to encode the
0213 following properties of the surface: {\em isCylinder, isPlane, isSensitive, isHelper} (dead material),
0214 {\em isParallelToZ, isOrthogonalToZ, isInvisible, isMeasurement1D}.
0216 %=============================================================================
0217 \subsection{Surface implementation}
0218 \label{subsec:ddrec-ddsurfaces}
0219 %=============================================================================
0220 \DDR provides classes that implement the interface defined in {\em DDSurfaces}.
0221 The main classes for implementing {\em ISurface} are shown in
0222 figure \ref{fig:ddrec_surfaces_classes}.
0224 \begin{figure}[h]
0225 \begin{center}
0226 \includegraphics[width=100mm] {DDRec_surface_classes}
0227 \caption{Class diagram with the main classes describing detector
0228 surfaces and their relations.}
0229 \label{fig:ddrec_surfaces_classes}
0230 \end{center}
0231 \end{figure}
0233 \noindent
0234 The implementation of the surfaces in \DDR is done in two parallel hierarchies
0235 of implementation classes. The first hierarchy is based on the {\em VolSurface}
0236 class which connects a surface with its surrounding volume.
0237 This volume then provide the boundaries of the surface and gives access to
0238 the local to global coordinate transformations inside the coordinate system
0239 of the volume. There are currently two concrete implementations:
0240 {\em VolCylinder} and {\em VolPlane} that can be used in the detector construction
0241 code as described in\ref{subsec:ddrec-surfaces-constructors}.
0242 The second hierarchy is the actual implementation of the surface concept in \DDR
0243 to be used by reconstruction code as described in \ref{subsec:ddrec-surfaces-reconstruction}.
0244 It uses the extension and views concept described in the main \DDH manual\cite{bib:DD4hepManual}.
0245 The {\em Surface} class has a {\em VolSurface} object and a {\em DetElement} and
0246 uses these to establish the local to global coordinate transforms, the surface boundaries
0247 and the material properties. The materials on both sides of the surface are
0248 the averaged materials along the direction of the normal with the given thicknesses.
0249 It is thus possible to also take material effects into account for materials
0250 that lay outside of the actual volume the surface is attached to.
0251 This is in particular useful for compound materials that consist of a larger number
0252 of thin slices.
0254 %=============================================================================
0255 \subsection{Using surfaces in geometry constructors}
0256 \label{subsec:ddrec-surfaces-constructors}
0257 %=============================================================================
0258 The surfaces that should be available in the reconstruction code,
0259 have to be assigned to their corresponding volume and detector element by the
0260 user in the detector geometry construction code.
0261 This is done by specifying the coordinate system
0262 and orientation of the surface inside the volume with vectors o,n,u and v
0263 and then instantiating one of the two types {\em VolCylinder} or {\em VolPlane} for a
0264 given volume.
0265 After the placement of the corresponding DetElement, the surface is added to the
0266 list of surfaces for this DetElement.
0268 \noindent
0269 This is demonstrated in the following example code:
0271 \begin{code}
0272 #include "DDRec/Surface.h"
0273 //...
0274 // base vectors for surfaces:
0275 DDSurfaces::Vector3D o(0,0,0) ;
0276 DDSurfaces::Vector3D u(1,0,0) ;
0277 DDSurfaces::Vector3D v(0,1,0) ;
0278 DDSurfaces::Vector3D n(0,0,1) ;
0280 // --- loop over layers ----
0281 // ...
0283 DD4hep::Geometry::Box box( dimX/2, dimY/2, dimZ/2 ) ;
0284 DD4hep::Geometry::Volume vol( volumeName, lcdd.material( x_layer.materialStr() )) ;
0286 DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement layerDetElement( parentDetElement , "layer"+_toString(i,"_%02d") , det_id ) ;
0288 // add a measurement surface to the layer for every sensitive slice:
0290 DD4hep::DDRec::VolPlane surf( vol ,
0291 DDSurfaces::SurfaceType(DDSurfaces::SurfaceType::Sensitive),
0292 dimZ, dimZ,
0293 u, v, n , o ) ;
0295 // place the layer
0296 DD4hep::Geometry::PlacedVolume pv = parentVol.placeVolume( vol, layerPlacement );
0298 layerDetElement.setPlacement( pv ) ;
0300 DD4hep::DDRec::volSurfaceList( layerDetElement )->push_back( surf ) ;
0302 // --- end loop over layers ----
0304 \end{code}
0305 In this example a planar ({\em VolPlane}) measurement ({\em SurfaceType(Sensitive)})
0306 surface is attached to the box volume of a detector layer.
0307 The thickness of the surface corresponds to that of the box and is given by its half length in z
0308 ( Vector3D n(0,0,1) runs along z). Thus the surface is completely contained in
0309 the box and no averaging of materials will be done, unless additional volumes
0310 are placed inside the box at a later stage.
0311 The origin of the coordinate system of the surface coinsides with that of the box
0312 ({\em Vector3D o(0,0,0); })
0313 and the two measurememnt directions u,v run along the x and y axis of the box
0314 respectively.
0316 \noindent
0317 The following code snipped shows the creation of a cylindrical surface attached
0318 to a tube volume for the inner field cage of a tpc. The radius of the cylindrical
0319 surface is given by the transversal component of the origin vector {\em ocyl}.
0320 The volume {\em innerWallVol} is filled with air and will be later populated
0321 with slices of a compound material, thus the material properties will be
0322 averaged along the thickness of the tube.
0324 \begin{code}
0325 //...
0326 DD4hep::Geometry::Tube innerWallSolid(rInner ,rInner + dr_InnerWall ,dz_Wall / 2.0 ) ;
0328 DD4hep::Geometry::Volume innerWallVol( "TPCInnerWallVol", innerWallSolid, materialAir ) ;
0330 pv = tpc_motherLog.placeVolume( innerWallVol ) ;
0332 DDSurfaces::Vector3D ocyl( rInner + 0.5*dr_InnerWall , 0. , 0. ) ;
0334 DD4hep::DDRec::VolCylinder surfI( innerWallVol ,
0335 SurfaceType( SurfaceType::Helper ) ,
0336 0.5*dr_InnerWall, 0.5*dr_InnerWall,
0337 ocyl ) ;
0339 volSurfaceList( tpc )->push_back( surfI ) ;
0340 //...
0341 \end{code}
0346 %=============================================================================
0347 \subsection{Using surfaces in reconstruction code}
0348 \label{subsec:ddrec-surfaces-reconstruction}
0349 %=============================================================================
0350 Accessing and using the surfaces in reconstruction code is very easy.
0351 There are two possibilities to access the surfaces:
0352 \begin{itemize}
0353 \item use the {\em DetectorSurfaces} view class to get a list of
0354 all surfaces that have been assigned to a particular {\em DetElement}
0355 object.
0356 \item or use the {\em SurfaceManager} class to get a list of all
0357 surfaces of a given {\em DetElement} and all its daughters.
0358 \end{itemize}
0360 \noindent
0361 The following code snippet uses the {\em SurfaceManager}, initialized
0362 with the world {\em DetElement}, to get a list of all surfaces
0363 defined for a given detector model.
0364 The surfaces are then printed to {\em std::cout} and filled
0365 into a map, using the surfaces ID as a key.
0366 For sensitive surfaces, attached to sensitive volumes, the ID
0367 will be that of the sensitve volume and thus such a map provides
0368 a very easy lookup from the hitID to its corresponding measurement
0369 surface.
0371 \begin{code}
0372 // ...
0374 DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD& lcdd = DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD::getInstance();
0376 lcdd.fromCompact( inFile );
0378 DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement world = lcdd.world() ;
0380 // create a list of all surfaces in the detector:
0381 DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceManager surfMan( world ) ;
0383 const DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceList& sL = surfMan.surfaceList() ;
0385 // map of surfaces
0386 std::map< long64, DD4hep::DDRec::Surface* > surfMap ;
0388 for( DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceList::const_iterator it = sL.begin() ; it != sL.end() ; ++it ){
0390 DD4hep::DDRec::Surface* surf = *it ;
0392 std::cout << " ------------------------- "
0393 << " surface: " << *surf << std::endl
0394 << " ------------------------- " << std::endl ;
0396 surfMap[ surf->id() ] = surf ;
0397 }
0399 \end{code}
0401 \noindent
0402 And similarily this code uses the {\em DetectorSurfaces} class to just access the surfaces
0403 for a particular detector element:
0405 \begin{code}
0406 // ...
0408 DD4hep::Geometry::DetElement ladderDE = lcdd.detector("VXD_layer02_ladder42") ;
0410 // create surfaces
0411 DD4hep::DDRec::DetectorSurfaces ds( ladderDE ) ;
0413 const DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceList& detSL = ds.surfaceList() ;
0415 for( DD4hep::DDRec::SurfaceList::const_iterator it = detSL.begin() ; it != detSL.end() ; ++it ){
0417 DD4hep::DDRec::Surface* surf = *it ;
0419 std::cout << " ------------------------- "
0420 << " surface: " << *surf << std::endl
0421 << " ------------------------- " << std::endl ;
0422 }
0423 \end{code}
0425 %=============================================================================
0426 \subsection{Visualizing detector surfaces}
0427 \label{subsec:ddrec-surfaces-visualization}
0428 %=============================================================================
0430 The detector surfaces and the vectors defining their coordinate system can be
0431 visualized with the program {\em teveDisplay} that is part of \DDH. In a future
0432 version of \DDH this visualization might be included in \DDE.
0433 Currently a full 3d view of the detector surfaces as well as a $\rho-\phi$-view
0434 and a $\rho$-z view are available. See figure~\ref{fig:ddrec_surfaces_visualization}.
0436 \begin{figure}[h]
0437 \begin{center}
0438 \includegraphics[width=0.48\hsize]{DDRec_rhoz_surfaces} \includegraphics[width=0.48\hsize]{DDRec_inner_tracking_surfaces}
0439 \caption{Example of surface visualization. Left: $\rho$-z view of the tracking surfaces in the ILD detector, Right: 3D view of the
0440 surfaces in the inner tracking detectors in ILD.}
0441 \label{fig:ddrec_surfaces_visualization}
0442 \end{center}
0443 \end{figure}
0447 %=============================================================================
0448 \section{Materials}
0449 \label{sec:ddrec-manual-materials}
0450 %=============================================================================
0451 The surfaces classes described above provide a way that allows to
0452 augment a detector geometry description with a high level view on the detector
0453 that should be sufficient for most reconstruction tasks, such as pattern
0454 recognition, track fitting and calorimeter reconstruction as in a particle
0455 flow algorithm. However they require that care has been taken to assign all
0456 relevant surfaces with corresponding thicknesses to the volumes and detector
0457 elements. For cases where this is not possible or where other reconstruction
0458 geometries should be instantiated, \DDR provides the possibility to access
0459 the materials at any given point in the world volume of the detector or
0460 to retrieve a list of materials along a straight line between any two points.
0462 \noindent
0463 This is done with the class {\em MaterialManager}, which also allows to
0464 create an averaged material for a list of materials ({\em MaterialVector}).
0465 The usage of this class is simple and best demonstrated with an example:
0467 \begin{code}
0469 DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD& lcdd = DD4hep::Geometry::LCDD::getInstance();
0471 lcdd.fromCompact( inFile );
0473 DDSurfaces::Vector3D p0( x0, y0, z0 ) ;
0474 DDSurfaces::Vector3D p1( x1, y1, z1 ) ;
0476 DD4hep::DDRec::MaterialManager matMgr ;
0478 const DD4hep::DDRec::MaterialVec& materials = matMgr.materialsBetween( p0 , p1 ) ;
0480 std::cout << std::endl
0481 << " ####### materials between the two points : "
0482 << p0 << "*cm and " << p1 << "*cm : "
0483 << std::endl ;
0485 double sum_x0 = 0 ;
0486 double sum_lambda = 0 ;
0487 double path_length = 0 ;
0488 for( unsigned i=0,n=materials.size();i<n;++i){
0490 DD4hep::DDRec::Material mat = materials[i].first ;
0491 double length = materials[i].second ;
0493 double nx0 = length / mat.radLength() ;
0494 sum_x0 += nx0 ;
0496 double nLambda = length / mat.intLength() ;
0497 sum_lambda += nLambda ;
0499 path_length += length ;
0501 std::cout << " " << mat
0502 << " thickness: " << length
0503 << " path_length:" << path_length
0504 << " integrated_X0: " << sum_x0
0505 << " integrated_lambda: " << sum_lambda
0506 << std::endl ;
0507 }
0509 \end{code}
0511 \noindent
0512 Creation of an averaged material:
0514 \begin{code}
0515 // ...
0516 const DD4hep::DDRec::MaterialVec& materials = matMgr.materialsBetween( p0 , p1 ) ;
0518 const DD4hep::DDRec::MaterialData& avMat = matMgr.createAveragedMaterial( materials ) ;
0520 std::cout << " averaged Material : " << " Z: " << avMat.Z() << " A: " << avMat.A()
0521 << " densitiy: " << avMat.density()
0522 << " radiationLength: " << avMat.radiationLength()
0523 << " interactionLength: " << avMat.interactionLength()
0524 << std::endl ;
0525 \end{code}
0527 \noindent
0528 There is a utility program {\em print\_materials} that can be used to debug detector
0529 geometries:
0531 \begin{verbatim}
0532 $ print_materials
0533 usage: print_materials compact.xml x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1
0534 -> prints the materials on a straight line between the two given points ( unit is cm)
0535 \end{verbatim}
0538 \noindent
0539 {\bf Note: accessing the materials using the {\em MaterialManager} is a rather
0540 costly operation and should only be done at the initialization phase
0541 of a reconstruction program for caching material properties !}
0545 %=============================================================================
0546 \section{IDDecoder}
0547 \label{sec:ddrec-manual-iddecoder}
0548 %=============================================================================
0549 Sensitive volumes in a \DDH geometry model are assigned a unique volume-ID.
0550 This ID is then used by the corresponding {\em DDSegmentation} object
0551 to create a unique cellID for tracker and calorimeter hits, allowing
0552 to uniquely match hits to their sensitive volumes and also to their
0553 {\em DetElements} if they have been defined appropriately.
0554 During reconstruction tasks, including digitization of simulated hits,
0555 one often needs to convert between a cellID assigned to the hit and
0556 the position of the corresponding detector cell.
0557 For example one could write out simulated calorimeter hits without position
0558 information in order to save disk space and retrieve the position information
0559 based on the cellID. Another application might be a clustering algorithm
0560 where one looks for hits in the neighbor cells of a given hit.
0562 \noindent
0563 The functionality to do this is provided by the {\em IDDecoder} class with
0564 the following interface:
0566 \begin{code}
0567 class IDDecoder {
0568 public:
0569 /// Default constructor using the name of the corresponding readout collection
0570 IDDecoder(const std::string& collectionName);
0572 /// Default constructor using a readout object
0573 IDDecoder(const Geometry::Readout& readout);
0575 /// Destructor
0576 virtual ~IDDecoder();
0578 /// Returns the cell ID from the local position in the given volume ID.
0579 CellID cellIDFromLocal(const Geometry::Position& local, const VolumeID volumeID) const;
0581 /// Returns the global cell ID from a given global position
0582 CellID cellID(const Geometry::Position& global) const;
0584 /// Returns the global position from a given cell ID
0585 Geometry::Position position(const CellID& cellID) const;
0587 /// Returns the local position from a given cell ID
0588 Geometry::Position localPosition(const CellID& cellID) const;
0590 /// Returns the volume ID of a given cell ID
0591 VolumeID volumeID(const CellID& cellID) const;
0593 /// Returns the volume ID of a given global position
0594 VolumeID volumeID(const Geometry::Position& global) const;
0596 /// Returns the placement for a given cell ID
0597 Geometry::PlacedVolume placement(const CellID& cellID) const;
0599 /// Returns the placement for a given global position
0600 Geometry::PlacedVolume placement(const Geometry::Position& global) const;
0602 /// Returns the subdetector for a given cell ID
0603 Geometry::DetElement subDetector(const CellID& cellID) const;
0605 /// Returns the subdetector for a given global position
0606 Geometry::DetElement subDetector(const Geometry::Position& global) const;
0608 /// Returns the closest detector element in the hierarchy for a given cell ID
0609 Geometry::DetElement detectorElement(const CellID& cellID) const;
0611 /// Returns the closest detector element in the hierarchy for a given global position
0612 Geometry::DetElement detectorElement(const Geometry::Position& global) const;
0614 /// Calculates the neighbours of the given cell ID and adds them to the list of neighbours
0615 void neighbours(const CellID& cellID, std::set<CellID>& neighbours) const;
0617 /// Checks if the given cell IDs are neighbours
0618 bool areNeighbours(const CellID& cellID, const CellID& otherCellID) const;
0619 }
0620 \end{code}
0625 %=============================================================================
0626 \section{Detectors}
0627 \label{sec:ddrec-manual-detectors}
0628 %=============================================================================
0629 To be done ...
0633 \newpage
0634 %=============================================================================
0635 \begin{thebibliography}{9}
0636 \bibitem{bib:DD4hep} M. Frank et al, "DD4hep: A Detector Description Toolkit
0637 for High Energy Physics Experiments",
0638 International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics
0639 (CHEP 2013), \\
0640 Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013, proceedings.
0642 \bibitem{bib:DD4hepManual} M. Frank et al, "DD4hep: A Detector Description Toolkit
0643 for High Energy Physics Experiments", Users manual (DD4hepManual.pdf).
0646 \bibitem{bib:ROOT-tgeo} R.Brun, A.Gheata, M.Gheata, "The ROOT geometry package",\\
0647 Nuclear Instruments and Methods {\bf{A}} 502 (2003) 676-680.
0649 \bibitem{bib:geant4} S. Agostinelli et al.,
0650 "Geant4 - A Simulation Toolkit", \\
0651 Nuclear Instruments and Methods {\bf{A}} 506 (2003) 250-303.
0653 \end{thebibliography}
0654 %=============================================================================
0655 \end{document}