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Warning, /DD4hep/doc/usermanuals/DDG4/DDG4Manual.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 %=============================================================================
0002 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}
0003 %
0004 \input{./setup/DD4hep-setup.tex}
0005 \input{./setup/AIDA2020-setup.tex}
0006 %
0007 \pagestyle{fancyplain}{\fancyfoot[C]{\sffamily{DDG4 User Manual}}}
0008 %
0009 \begin{document}   
0010 %
0011 \mytitle{DDG4}   % Abbreviated title
0012 {  % Detailed title
0013 A Simulation Toolkit for \\
0014 \vspace{0.5cm}
0015 High Energy Physics Experiments\\
0016 \vspace{0.5cm}
0017 using Geant4 and the \\
0018 \vspace{0.5cm}
0019 DD4hep Geometry Description\\
0020 }
0021 {  % Author list
0022 M. Frank \\
0023 {CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland}
0024 }
0025 %
0026 %
0027 %==  Abstract  ===============================================================
0028 \pagestyle{plain}
0029 \pagenumbering{Roman}
0030 \setcounter{page}{1}
0031 \begin{abstract}
0032 %=============================================================================
0034 \noindent
0035 \normalsize
0036 Simulating the detector response is an essential tool in high energy physics
0037 to analyze the sensitivity of an experiment to the underlying physics.
0038 Such simulation tools require a detailed though convenient detector description as 
0039 it is provided by the \DDhep toolkit.
0040 We will present the generic simulation toolkit \DDG using the \DDhep detector 
0041 description toolkit. 
0042 The toolkit implements a modular and flexible approach to simulation activities
0043 using Geant4. User defined simulation applications using \DDG 
0044 can easily be configured, extended using specialized action routines.
0045 The design is strongly driven by easy of use;
0046 developers of detector descriptions and applications using
0047 them should provide minimal information and minimal specific
0048 code to achieve the desired result.
0050 \end{abstract}
0052 \vspace{10cm}
0054 \begin{center}
0055 {\large{\bf{
0056 \begin{tabular} {| l | l | l |}
0057 \hline
0058 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0059 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{Document History} \\[0.2cm]
0060 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0061 \hline
0062                  &      &        \\
0063 Document         &      &        \\
0064 version          & Date & Author \\[0.2cm] \hline
0065                  &      &        \\
0066 1.0              & 19/11/2013 & Markus Frank CERN/LHCb  \\
0067                  &      &        \\        \hline 
0068 \end{tabular}
0069 }}}
0070 \end{center}
0072 \clearpage
0073 %
0074 %
0075 %==  TOC  ====================================================================
0076 \tableofcontents
0077 \clearpage
0078 %
0079 %
0080 %=============================================================================
0081 % Manual
0082 %=============================================================================
0083 \pagenumbering{arabic}
0084 \setcounter{page}{1}
0085 \graphicspath{{./figs/}}
0086 \input{sections/Introduction.tex}
0087 \input{sections/Implementation.tex}
0088 \input{sections/Setup.tex}
0089 \input{sections/HighLevel.tex}
0090 \input{sections/MT.tex}
0091 \input{sections/Components.tex}
0093 %=============================================================================
0094 \newpage
0095 \begin{thebibliography}{9}
0096 \input{Bibliography.tex}
0097 \bibitem{bib:DDSegmentations} C.Grefe et al.,
0098                    "The DDSegmentation package", 
0099                    Non existing documentation to be written.
0100 \bibitem{bib:Geant4-multi-threading} Geant4 Multi threading Guides. 
0101         Please see for details:\\
0106 \end{thebibliography}
0107 %=============================================================================
0108 \end{document}