Warning, /DD4hep/doc/usermanuals/DDG4/Bibliography.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 \bibitem{bib:DD4hep} DD4Hep web page, http://aidasoft.web.cern.ch/DD4hep.
0003 \bibitem{bib:LHCb} LHCb Collaboration,
0004 "LHCb, the Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment, reoptimised detector
0005 design and performance", CERN/LHCC 2003-030
0007 \bibitem{bib:LHCb-geometry} S. Ponce et al.,
0008 "Detector Description Framework in LHCb",
0009 International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2003),
0010 La Jolla, CA, 2003, proceedings.
0012 \bibitem{bib:ILD} The ILD Concept Group,
0013 "The International Large Detector: Letter of Intent",\\
0014 ISBN 978-3-935702-42-3, 2009.
0016 \bibitem{bib:SiD} H. Aihara, P. Burrows, M. Oreglia (Editors),
0017 "SiD Letter of Intent",
0018 arXiv:0911.0006, 2009.
0020 \bibitem{bib:ROOT-tgeo} R.Brun, A.Gheata, M.Gheata, "The ROOT geometry package",\\
0021 Nuclear Instruments and Methods {\bf{A}} 502 (2003) 676-680.
0023 \bibitem{bib:ROOT} R.Brun et al.,
0024 "Root - An object oriented data analysis framework",\\
0025 Nuclear Instruments and Methods {\bf{A}} 389 (1997) 81-86.
0027 \bibitem{bib:geant4} S. Agostinelli et al.,
0028 "Geant4 - A Simulation Toolkit", \\
0029 Nuclear Instruments and Methods {\bf{A}} 506 (2003) 250-303.
0031 \bibitem{bib:LCDD} T.Johnson et al.,
0032 "LCGO - geometry description for ILC detectors",
0033 International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2007),
0034 Victoria, BC, Canada, 2012, Proceedings.
0036 \bibitem{bib:lcsim} N.Graf et al.,
0037 "lcsim: An integrated detector simulation,
0038 reconstruction and analysis environment",
0039 International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2012),
0040 New York, 2012, Proceedings.
0042 \bibitem{bib:GDML} R. Chytracek et al.,
0043 "Geometry Description Markup Language for Physics Simulation and Analysis
0044 Applications",
0045 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., Vol. 53, Issue: 5, Part 2, 2892-2896,
0046 http://gdml.web.cern.ch.