Warning, /DD4hep/doc/usermanuals/DDEve/setup/DD4hep-setup.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 %
0002 % === Command to insert http links to the DD4hep geomtery package
0003 %
0004 \newcommand{\detdesc}[2]
0005 {
0006 \href{http://www.cern.ch/frankm/DD4hep/#1}{#2}
0007 }
0008 %
0009 % === Command to insert http links to the ROOT geomtery package
0010 %
0011 \newcommand{\tgeo}[2]
0012 {
0013 \href{http://root.cern.ch/root/html/#1.html}{#2}
0014 }
0015 \newcommand{\tgeoO}[3]
0016 {
0017 \href{http://root.cern.ch/root/html/#1:#2}{#3}
0018 }
0019 \newcommand{\DDE}{{$\tt{DDEve}$\space}}
0020 \newcommand{\DDhep}{{$\tt{DD4hep}$\space}}
0021 \newcommand{\DDH}{{$\tt{DD4hep}$\space}}
0022 \newcommand{\DDG}{{\tt{DDG4}\space}}
0023 \newcommand{\DDA}{{\tt{DDAlign}\space}}
0024 \newcommand{\DDC}{{\tt{DDCond}\space}}
0025 \newcommand{\DDR}{{\tt{DDRec}\space}}
0026 %
0027 % === Custom title page ================================
0028 %
0029 \newcommand{\mytitle}[3]{
0030 \begin{titlepage}
0031 \basictitle{#1}{#2}
0032 \begin{center}
0033 {#3}
0034 \end{center}
0035 \end{titlepage}
0036 }