Warning, /DD4hep/doc/usermanuals/DDEve/DDEveManual.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 %=============================================================================
0002 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}
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0004 \input{./setup/DD4hep-setup.tex}
0005 \input{./setup/AIDA2020-setup.tex}
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0007 \pagestyle{fancyplain}{\fancyfoot[C]{\sffamily{DRAFT -- DDEve User Manual -- DRAFT}}}
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0009 \graphicspath{{./figs/}}
0010 \begin{document}
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0012 \mytitle{
0013 DDEve
0014 }{
0015 An Event Display for \\
0016 \vspace{0.5cm}
0017 DD4hep Geometries \\
0018 \vspace{2.5cm}
0019 -- DRAFT -- \\
0020 }
0021 {M. Frank \\
0022 {CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland}}
0023 %
0024 %
0025 %== Abstract ===============================================================
0026 \pagestyle{plain}
0027 \pagenumbering{Roman}
0028 \setcounter{page}{1}
0029 \begin{abstract}
0030 %=============================================================================
0032 \noindent
0033 \normalsize
0034 \DDE is a framework implementing a event display for detector geometries
0035 implemented using DD4hep. \DDE hereby takes advantage of the TEve toolkit
0036 naturally provided by the ROOT framework like the ROOT geometry toolkit
0037 TGeo.
0038 \noindent
0039 \DDE actively uses the collaboration between TEve and TGeo as well
0040 as the various object collaborations provided by the toolkits.
0041 \DDE does in no way intend to hide any of the two toolkits, but
0042 rather provides facilities to construct various detector views
0043 in the most suitable manner using predefined configurations.
0044 \end{abstract}
0046 \vspace{8cm}
0048 \begin{center}
0049 {\large{\bf{
0050 \begin{tabular} {| l | l | l |}
0051 \hline
0052 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0053 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{Document History} \\[0.2cm]
0054 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0055 \hline
0056 & & \\
0057 Document & & \\
0058 version & Date & Author \\[0.2cm] \hline
0059 & & \\
0060 1.0 & 15/08/2014 & Markus Frank CERN/LHCb \\
0061 & & \\ \hline
0062 \end{tabular}
0063 }}}
0064 \end{center}
0066 \clearpage
0067 %
0068 %
0069 %== TOC ====================================================================
0070 \tableofcontents
0071 \clearpage
0072 %
0073 %
0074 %=============================================================================
0075 % Manual
0076 %=============================================================================
0077 \pagenumbering{arabic}
0078 \setcounter{page}{1}
0080 %=============================================================================
0081 \section{Introduction}
0082 \label{sec:ddeve-user-manual-introduction}
0083 %=============================================================================
0084 \noindent
0085 Short usage description of \DDE.
0087 \noindent
0088 \DDE is a purely experimental package. It was developed to
0089 \begin{itemize}
0090 \item visually debug developed detector geometries including partial views
0091 using predefined displays.
0092 \item compensate the frustration caused by the slow progress of subdetector
0093 geometry implementers, which did not get up to speed and hence did not
0094 require any support from me.....
0095 \end{itemize}
0096 Since up to now \DDE is a hobby of mine, please do not expect a great deal
0097 of documentation and support.
0099 %=============================================================================
0100 \section{Running the CLICSiD Example}
0101 \label{sec:ddeve-user-manual-introduction}
0102 %=============================================================================
0103 \noindent
0104 DDEve is started using the root executable. In the following we describe
0105 how to start a display application of \DDE using the CLICSiD example.
0106 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0107 $> root.exe $DD4hepINSTALL/examples/DDEve/DDEve.C
0108 \end{unnumberedcode}
0109 When the command is issued the following display shows up:
0110 \begin{figure}[h]
0111 \begin{center}
0112 \includegraphics[height=90mm] {DDEve_1}
0113 \caption{The \DDE startup view.}
0114 \label{fig:DDEve_1}
0115 \end{center}
0116 \end{figure}
0117 \newpage
0118 \noindent
0119 Click on "Dismiss" then the file browser opens and you have to select
0120 a \DDE configuration file:
0121 \begin{figure}[h]
0122 \begin{center}
0123 \includegraphics[height=120mm] {DDEve_2}
0124 \caption{The \DDE popup dialog to open the XML configuration file.}
0125 \label{fig:DDEve_2}
0126 \end{center}
0127 \end{figure}
0129 \noindent
0130 Move to the directory \tts{\$DD4hepINSTALL/examples/CLIDSid/eve} and open the
0131 \DDE configuration file \tts{DDEve.xml}. The basic idea is that \DDE as an
0132 application is truely generic and that all subsequent behavior
0135 \newpage
0136 \noindent
0137 Next you should see the default pane with the instantiated CLICSiD detector:
0139 \begin{figure}[t]
0140 \begin{center}
0141 \includegraphics[height=120mm] {DDEve_3}
0142 \caption{The \DDE default view showing the loaded detector.}
0143 \label{fig:DDEve_3}
0144 \end{center}
0145 \end{figure}
0147 \newpage
0148 \noindent
0149 Then open from the \tts{"DD4hep"} menu the item \tts{"Open Event Data"}. Move again to the
0150 directory \tts{\$DD4hepINSTALL/examples/CLIDSid/eve} and open the sample file
0151 \tts{CLICSiD\_Events.root} containing a sample of events being the output of
0152 a \DDG simulation step:
0154 \begin{figure}[h]
0155 \begin{center}
0156 \includegraphics[height=130mm] {DDEve_4}
0157 \caption{The popup dialog to open event data files.}
0158 \label{fig:DDEve_4}
0159 \end{center}
0160 \end{figure}
0161 Using the \tts{"Views"} menu other predefined detector views may be used.
0163 \newpage
0164 \noindent
0165 The \tts{"Eve"} tab on the pane to the left allows to further customize the
0166 predefined views, the \tts{Evt I/O} tab to control which event should
0167 be displayed.
0169 \begin{figure}[h]
0170 \begin{center}
0171 \includegraphics[height=130mm] {DDEve_5}
0172 \caption{An example of a customized view with sub-panes. Please proceed
0173 to the XML configuration file how to create a predefined view.}
0174 \label{fig:DDEve_5}
0175 \end{center}
0176 \end{figure}
0178 \newpage
0179 \noindent
0180 \begin{figure}[h]
0181 \begin{center}
0182 \includegraphics[height=130mm] {DDEve_7}
0183 \caption{Calorimetr energy deposits in the ECAL (red) and the HCAL(blue).}
0184 \label{fig:DDEve_5}
0185 \end{center}
0186 \end{figure}
0188 \newpage
0189 \noindent
0190 \begin{figure}[h]
0191 \begin{center}
0192 \includegraphics[height=130mm] {DDEve_8}
0193 \caption{HCAL calorimeter deposits together with Monte-Carlo tracks.}
0194 \label{fig:DDEve_5}
0195 \end{center}
0196 \end{figure}
0199 %=============================================================================
0200 \section{View Configuration}
0201 \label{sec:ddeve-user-manual-display-configuration}
0202 %=============================================================================
0203 \noindent
0204 This part of the \DDE application is not really stable. to configure displays
0205 other than for the \tts{CLICSiD} example, you have to use the trial and error
0206 approach. Starting from the \tts{CLICSiD} example is not too bad an approach.
0209 %=============================================================================
0210 \newpage
0211 \begin{thebibliography}{9}
0212 \input{Bibliography.tex}
0213 \end{thebibliography}
0214 %=============================================================================
0215 \end{document}