Warning, /DD4hep/doc/usermanuals/DDCond/DDCondManual.tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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0002 \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article}
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0007 \pagestyle{fancyplain}{\fancyfoot[C]{\sffamily{DDCond User Manual}}}
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0010 \begin{document}
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0012 \mytitle{DDCond}
0013 {
0014 Conditions Support for the \\
0015 \vspace{0.5cm}
0016 DD4hep Geometry Description \\
0017 \vspace{0.5cm}
0018 Toolkit
0019 \vspace{2cm}
0020 }
0021 {
0022 M. Frank \\
0023 {CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland}
0024 }
0025 %
0026 %
0027 %== Abstract ===============================================================
0028 \pagestyle{plain}
0029 \pagenumbering{Roman}
0030 \setcounter{page}{1}
0031 \begin{abstract}
0032 %=============================================================================
0034 \noindent
0035 \normalsize
0036 Experimental setups in High Energy Physics are highly complex assemblies
0037 consisting of various detector devices typically called {\it{subdetectors}}.
0038 To properly interpret the electronic signals which form the response of
0039 particle collisions inside these subdetectors other auxiliary data are
0040 necessary. These auxiliary data typically are time dependent - though normally
0041 at a much longer scale than the event data itself. The conditions part of the
0042 \DDhep toolkit, called \DDC, addresses the management and the access of such
0043 conditions data. The Manual describes a solution, which pools groups of these
0044 time dependent data according to its validity. This approach firstly
0045 allows to quickly access all relevant data for a given particle collision.
0046 efficient caching mechansims and allows to quickly determine which data items
0047 need to be accessed from a persistent medium.
0048 The design is strongly driven by easy of use;
0049 developers of detector descriptions and applications using
0050 them should provide minimal information and minimal specific
0051 code to achieve the desired result.
0053 \end{abstract}
0055 \vspace{8cm}
0057 \begin{center}
0058 {\large{\bf{
0059 \begin{tabular} {| l | l | l |}
0060 \hline
0061 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0062 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{Document History} \\[0.2cm]
0063 \multicolumn{3}{| c |}{} \\[0.2cm]
0064 \hline
0065 & & \\
0066 Document & & \\
0067 version & Date & Author \\[0.2cm] \hline
0068 & & \\
0069 1.0 & 10/4/2014 & Markus Frank CERN/LHCb \\
0070 & & \\ \hline
0071 \end{tabular}
0072 }}}
0073 \end{center}
0075 \clearpage
0076 %
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0078 %== TOC ====================================================================
0079 \tableofcontents
0080 \clearpage
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0083 %=============================================================================
0084 % Manual
0085 %=============================================================================
0086 \pagenumbering{arabic}
0087 \setcounter{page}{1}
0089 %=============================================================================
0090 \section{Introduction}
0091 \label{sec:ddcond-user-manual-introduction}
0092 %=============================================================================
0093 \noindent
0094 In a high energy physics experiment the data originating from particle
0095 collisions (so called $Event$-$data$) in most cases require supplementary,
0096 mostly environmental, calibration- or alignment data to extract the physics
0097 content from the recorded event data. These supplementary data are
0098 time-dependent and typically called $conditons$. The ability of an
0099 experiment to produce correct and timely results depends on the complete
0100 and efficient availability of needed conditions for each stage of data
0101 handling. This manual should introduce to the \DDC toolkit, which provides
0102 access to conditions data within the \DDH data structures~\cite{bib:dd4hep-manual}.
0104 \noindent
0105 The \DDC extensions to the \DDH toolkit formalize both the access and
0106 the management to time-dependent data necessary to process the event data.
0107 In this manual we will shortly describe the model used to organize and manage
0108 the conditions data internally and then describe the user interface to
0109 actually perform the required actions.
0110 These conditions data typically are stored in a database. Nearly every
0111 high energy physics experiment has strong feelings how to efficiently
0112 read and store the conditions data in terms of tablespace organization
0113 and data format.
0114 For this reason \DDC does not attempt to solve the persistency problem,
0115 but rather defines an interface used to load missing data items from the
0116 persistent medium. Any persistent data representation, which can fulfill
0117 the requirements of this interface may be adopted by the \DDC
0118 conditions caching and access mechanism.
0120 \noindent
0121 At the end of this manual a walk-through of an example is discussed to
0122 illustrate, which steps have to be performed to use the \DDH conditions
0123 store within a client application.
0125 %=============================================================================
0126 \subsection{Definition of Conditions Data}
0127 \label{subsec:ddcond-conditions-data}
0128 %=============================================================================
0129 \noindent
0130 Conditions data are firstly
0131 \begin{itemize}\itemcompact
0132 \item raw data values. Raw data values are recorded from measurement
0133 devices such as
0134 thermometers, pressure devices or
0135 geometrical parameters resulting
0136 from survey parameters and others.
0137 These data may change with time, but have one and only one version.
0138 \item Secondly there is the large group of data derived from the raw values.
0139 These derived values are transformed from one or several raw values
0140 into new data items with an interval of validity being the
0141 intersection of the intervals of validity of its ingredients.
0142 Effectively every raw measurement requires calibration to represent
0143 a useful value. Hence, nearly all raw values require such a
0144 transformation. Since these data are re-calibrated, not only one version
0145 exists, but many e.g. as a result of different calibration algorithms.
0146 \end{itemize}
0147 Typically one data processing application predefines for all events
0148 to be processed the corresponding versions of the conditions data to be used.
0149 This time span typically is much larger than the intervals of validity
0150 of single data value.
0151 The collection of all individual data item version for such a large time interval
0152 is called a "global tag".
0153 Within such a global tag, several conditions values of the same data item, but
0154 with a different interval of validity may be accessed.
0156 \noindent
0157 Given this definition it is evident that the division between raw values
0158 and derived conditions is rather fluent. Derived data as a result of
0159 a calibration process are technically identical to raw values in an
0160 analysis application using these re-calibrated constants.
0161 Hence, as soon as derived data enter the conditions database they are
0162 technically identical to raw values.
0164 \noindent
0165 To support such calibration processes producing derived conditions
0166 data, \DDC provides a mechanism to project new values given
0167 a set of recipes provided by the user. This recipes can project a
0168 set of coherent new conditions for a given event time accordingly.
0171 %=============================================================================
0172 \subsection{Conditions Slices}
0173 \label{subsec:ddcond-conditions-slices}
0174 %=============================================================================
0176 \noindent
0177 Conditions slices define a coherent set of conditions data valid for an event
0178 recorded at a specific time. Each of the individual conditions of the slice
0179 has a certain interval of validity, hence the validity of the entire slice
0180 is defined as the intersection of these validities.
0181 As a corollary, the slice may be valid for more than one event as long as the
0182 event's time stamp is within this intersection. To maximize the flexibility,
0183 and to allow users to implement private slice implementations, slices have
0184 a common interface, the $ConditionsMap$ (See section~\ref{subsec:ddcond-conditionsmap}).
0185 For most practical purposes and to share tools between slice implementations,
0186 this interface is sufficient.
0188 %=============================================================================
0189 \section{Generic Concepts and Design}
0190 \label{sec:ddcond-design-concepts}
0191 %=============================================================================
0193 \noindent
0194 The \DDH conditions mechanism was designed to be very flexible concerning
0195 back-end implementations. Most of the conditions and alignment utilities offered
0196 by \DDH are available if a minimal interface is respected. This minimal interface
0197 includes a container called $ConditionsMap$ (See section~\ref{subsec:ddcond-conditionsmap})
0198 and the layout of the conditions objects (See section~\ref{subsec:ddcond-conditions-data}).
0199 The conditions objects contain a flexible user defined payload and a generic,
0200 interface used to interact with tools and the generic container object or
0201 conditions slices as described in section~\ref{subsec:ddcond-conditions-slices}.
0203 %=============================================================================
0204 \subsection{Condition Objects and Conditions Data}
0205 \label{subsec:ddcond-conditions-data}
0206 %=============================================================================
0208 \noindent
0209 A conditions objects serves two purposes:
0210 \begin{itemize}\itemcompact
0211 \item Firstly, it supports the basic functionality which is generic to any
0212 condition -- independent of the actual user payload. This information
0213 includes access to the interval of validity and the key to uniquely identify
0214 the condition.
0216 \item Secondly, the objects hosts and manages a user payload, the actual
0217 conditions data. These data are freely user defined. An automatic
0218 parsing mechanism from a string representation is supported if the
0219 payload-class can properly described using a boost::spirit
0220 parsing structure. Default type implementations are defined for
0221 \begin{itemize}\itemcompact
0222 \item all primitive data types,
0223 \item ROOT::Math::XYZVector, ROOT::Math::XYZPoint, ROOT::Math::PxPyPzEVector.
0224 \item a number of STL containers of the above basic data types:\\
0225 std::vector\textless TYPE\textgreater,
0226 std::list\textless TYPE\textgreater,
0227 std::set\textless TYPE\textgreater,\\
0228 std::map\textless int,TYPE\textgreater,
0229 std::map\textless string,TYPE\textgreater,\\
0230 std::pair\textless int,TYPE\textgreater,
0231 std::pair\textless string,TYPE\textgreater.
0232 \end{itemize}
0233 Additional types can easily be implemented using boost::spirit if the basic
0234 representation is in the form of a string. Dummy boost::spirit parsers
0235 may be implemented if the conversion to and from strings is not required.
0236 \item Thirdly, it supports the basic functionality required by a
0237 conditions management framework, which implements the $ConditionsMap$
0238 interface.
0239 \end{itemize}
0240 For completeness we include here the basic data access methods of the conditions
0241 class\\
0242 (see \detdesc{classdd4hep_1_1_condition.html}{DD4hep/Conditions.h}):
0244 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0245 class Condition: public Handle<detail::ConditionObject> {
0246 /** Interval of validity */
0247 /// Access the IOV type
0248 const IOVType& iovType() const;
0249 /// Access the IOV block
0250 const IOV& iov() const;
0252 /** Conditions identification using integer keys. */
0253 /// Hash identifier
0254 key_type key() const;
0255 /// DetElement part of the identifier
0256 detkey_type detector_key() const;
0257 /// Item part of the identifier
0258 itemkey_type item_key() const;
0260 /** Conditions meta-data and handling of the data binding */
0261 /// Access the opaque data block
0262 OpaqueData& data() const;
0263 /// Access to the type information
0264 const std::type_info& typeInfo() const;
0265 /// Access to the grammar type
0266 const BasicGrammar& descriptor() const;
0267 /// Check if object is already bound....
0268 bool is_bound() const { return isValid() ? data().is_bound() : false; }
0269 /// Bind the data of the conditions object to a given format.
0270 template <typename T> T& bind();
0271 /// Set and bind the data of the conditions object to a given format.
0272 template <typename T> T& bind(const std::string& val);
0273 /// Generic getter. Specify the exact type, not a polymorph type
0274 template <typename T> T& get();
0275 /// Generic getter (const version). Specify the exact type, not a polymorph type
0276 template <typename T> const T& get() const;
0277 ...
0278 };
0279 \end{unnumberedcode}
0280 Please be aware that the access to the IOV and the IOVType is only
0281 possible if supported by the caching mechanism.
0283 \noindent
0284 Using the $OpaqueData$ data structure and its concrete implementation,
0285 the user can map any data item to the conditions object using the
0286 $bind()$ method and retrieve the data back using $get()$.
0287 Clearly, the left should know what the right does and the types to be
0288 retrieved back must match be bound data types.
0290 \noindent
0291 The following code-snippet shows how to bind conditions data:
0292 \vspace{-0.2cm}
0293 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0294 Condition cond = ...;
0295 // Fill conditions data by hand:
0296 std::vector<int>& data = cond.bind<std::vector<int> >();
0297 data.push_back(0);
0298 data.push_back(1); .....
0300 // Fill conditions data from the string representation using boost::spirit:
0301 std::string str = "[0,1,2]";
0302 std::vector<int>& data = cond.bind<std::vector<int> >(str);
0303 int i = data[0]; ....
0304 \end{unnumberedcode}
0305 This is an example how to access already bound data:
0306 \vspace{-0.2cm}
0307 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0308 Condition cond = ...;
0310 // Fill conditions data by hand:
0311 std::vector<int>& data = cond.get<std::vector<int> >();
0312 \end{unnumberedcode}
0315 %=============================================================================
0316 \subsection{The ConditionsMap Interface}
0317 \label{subsec:ddcond-conditionsmap}
0318 %=============================================================================
0320 \noindent
0321 The $ConditionsMap$ interface (see
0322 defines the lowest common denominator to
0323 allow tools or clients to interact with conditions of a given slice.
0324 This interface defines the interaction of clients with a conditions slice.
0325 These interactions cover both the data access and the data management
0326 within a slice. The interface allows to
0327 \begin{itemize}\itemcompact
0328 \item access individual conditions by the detector element
0329 and a given item key. The interface allows
0330 \item to scan conditions according to the detector element or
0331 \item to scan all conditions contained. Further it allows
0332 \item insert conditions to the mapping and
0333 \item to clear the content.
0334 \end{itemize}
0335 The provision of these basic interaction mechanisms allows us to build
0336 very generic tools firstly for conditions, but also later for the
0337 management and th computation of alignment data as described in
0338 the \DDA manual~\cite{bib:ddalign-manual}.
0340 \noindent
0341 The $ConditionsMap$ interface class, which supports this basic functionality
0342 has the following entry points:
0343 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0344 class ConditionsMap {
0345 public:
0346 /// Insert a new entry to the map. The detector element key and
0347 /// the item key make a unique global conditions key
0348 virtual bool insert(DetElement detector,
0349 Condition::itemkey_type key,
0350 Condition condition) = 0;
0351 /// Interface to access conditions by hash value. The detector element key
0352 /// and the item key make a unique global conditions key
0353 virtual Condition get(DetElement detector,
0354 Condition::itemkey_type key) const = 0;
0355 /// Interface to scan data content of the conditions mapping
0356 virtual void scan(const Condition::Processor& processor) const = 0;
0358 /// No ConditionsMap overload: Access all conditions within
0359 /// a key range in the interval [lower,upper]
0360 virtual std::vector<Condition> get(DetElement detector,
0361 Condition::itemkey_type lower,
0362 Condition::itemkey_type upper) const;
0364 /// Interface to partially scan data content of the conditions mapping
0365 virtual void scan(DetElement detector,
0366 Condition::itemkey_type lower,
0367 Condition::itemkey_type upper,
0368 const Condition::Processor& processor) const;
0369 };
0370 \end{unnumberedcode}
0371 Such $ConditionsMap$ implementations can easily be constructed using standard
0372 STL maps. The lookup key is constructed out of two elements:
0373 \begin{itemize}\itemcompact
0374 \item The detector element this condition belongs to and
0375 \item an identifier of condition within this detector element.
0376 \end{itemize}
0377 An efficient implementation of a longword key would consist of the tuple:
0378 $$
0379 [ hash32(conditions\ name) , hash32(det-element\ path) ],
0380 $$
0381 which resembles to an ordered sequence of conditions according to
0382 their detector element. A special implementation, which implements
0383 this user interface is the $ConditionsSlice$ implemented in the
0384 \DDC package (See section \ref{subsec:ddcond-conditions-store} for details).
0386 %=============================================================================
0387 \subsection{Common Conditions Tools}
0388 \label{subsec:ddcond-conditions-tools}
0389 %=============================================================================
0391 \noindent
0392 \begin{itemize}
0393 \item \bold{ConditionsPrinter} A tool to print conditions by scanning conditions for a
0394 single $DetElement$ or the entire sub-tree. See
0395 \detdesc{classdd4hep_1_1cond_1_1_conditions_printer.html}{DDCore/ConditionsPrinter.h}
0396 for details).
0397 \item \bold{ConditionsProcessor} A wrapper to support condition functors implementing
0398 the default callback:
0399 $$
0400 int\ operator()\ (Condition\ consition);
0401 $$
0402 The return value may be used to e.g. collect counters.
0403 \end{itemize}
0405 \newpage
0406 %=============================================================================
0407 \section{DDCond Conditions Store and Slices}
0408 \label{subsec:ddcond-conditions-store}
0409 %=============================================================================
0411 \noindent
0412 The $ConditionsMap$ interface allows tools to work with various conditions
0413 data stores. \DDC provides an efficient implementation of such a store,
0414 which is described in the following chapters.
0416 %=============================================================================
0417 \subsection{Data Organization}
0418 \label{subsec:ddcond-internal-data-organization}
0419 %=============================================================================
0421 \noindent
0422 The basic assumption of the \DDC conditions store to optimize the access
0423 and the management of conditions
0424 data can be very simply summarized: it is assumed, that groups of data items
0425 exist, which have a common interval of validity. In other words: given a
0426 certain event, valid or invalid conditions can quickly be identified by
0427 checking the so called "interval of validity" of the entire group with the
0428 time stamp of the event. This interval of validity defines the time span
0429 for which a given group of processing parameters is valid. It starts and
0430 ends with a time stamp. The definition of a time stamp may be user defined
0431 and not necessarily resemble to values in seconds or fractions thereof.
0432 Time stamps could as well be formulated as an interval of luminosity sections,
0433 run numbers, fill numbers or entire years.
0435 %=============================================================================
0436 \begin{figure}[t]
0437 \begin{center}\includegraphics[height=11cm] {DDCond-ConditionsStore}
0438 \caption{The graphical representation of the organisation of the
0439 conditions data in \DDH. }
0440 \label{fig:ddcond-data-organization}
0441 \end{center}
0442 \end{figure}
0444 \noindent
0445 Groups of parameters associated to certain intervals of validity can
0446 be very effectively managed if pooled together according to the
0447 interval of validity. This of course assumes that each group contains
0448 a significant number of parameters. If each of these pools only contains
0449 one single value this would not be an efficient.
0451 \noindent
0452 This assumption is fundamental for this approach to be efficient.
0453 If the data are not
0454 organized accordingly, the caching mechanism implemented in \DDC will
0455 still work formally. However, by construction it cannot not work efficiently.
0456 Resources both in CPU and memory would be wasted at run-time.
0457 The necessity to properly organize the conditions data becomes
0458 immediately evident in Figure~\ref{fig:ddcond-data-organization}:
0459 Users can organize data according to certain types, These types are
0460 independently managed and subdivided into pools. Each of these pools
0461 manages a set of conditions items sharing the same interval ov validity.
0463 \noindent
0464 The internal organization of the conditions data in \DDC is entirely
0465 transparent to the user. The description here is contained for
0466 completeness and for the understanding of the limitations of the implemented
0467 approach. If different requirements or access patterns concerning the
0468 access to conditions data arise, it should though be feasible to implement
0469 these fairly straight forward using a suited approach.
0471 %=============================================================================
0472 \subsection{Slice Configuration and Data Access}
0473 \label{subsec:ddcond-data-access}
0474 %=============================================================================
0476 \noindent
0477 As defined in section~\ref{subsec:ddcond-conditions-slices}, the conditions slice
0478 is the main entity to project conditions suitable to process a given particle
0479 collision (see \detdesc{classdd4hep_1_1cond_1_1_conditions_content.html}{DDCond/ConditionsContent.h}
0480 for details). Figure~\ref{fig:ddcond-slice-definition} shows the data content of a
0481 conditions slice.
0482 As shown also in Figure~\ref{fig:ddcond-slice-usage}, there are
0483 several steps to be performed before a conditions slice is ready to be used:
0484 \begin{enumerate}\itemcompact
0485 \item Create the conditions data slice.
0486 \item Setting up the data content of the slice by attaching an object of type
0487 $ConditionsContent$.
0488 \item Preparing the conditions data slice.
0489 \item Using the conditions data slice.
0490 \end{enumerate}
0492 %=============================================================================
0493 \begin{figure}[h]
0494 \begin{center}\includegraphics[width=12cm] {DDCond-ConditionsSlice}
0495 \caption{The data content of a $ConditionsSlice$ containing the
0496 desired content ($ConditionsContent$), the pool to access the
0497 conditions data by key ($UserPool$) and optional containers
0498 showing the status of partial or unsuccessful load and prepare operations.}
0499 \label{fig:ddcond-slice-usage}
0500 \end{center}
0501 \end{figure}
0503 \noindent
0504 The $ConditionsContent$
0505 (see \detdesc{classdd4hep_1_1cond_1_1_conditions_slice.html}{DDCond/ConditionsSlice.h}
0506 for details) is a simple object, which contains load addresses
0507 to identify persistent conditions within the database/persistent schema
0508 used and a set of dependency rules to compute the corresponding derived conditions.
0510 %=============================================================================
0511 \begin{figure}[t]
0512 \begin{center}\includegraphics[width=15cm] {DDCond-ConditionsAccess}
0513 \caption{The interaction of a user with the conditions
0514 data store using the $ConditionsSlice$ and the
0515 $ConditionsManager$ interface to define the conditions content,
0516 prepare the data and then access the loaded data from the slice
0517 projected according to the required interval of validity.}
0518 \label{fig:ddcond-slice-usage}
0519 \end{center}
0520 \end{figure}
0522 \noindent
0523 The $ConditionsSlice$ holds a consistent set of conditions valid for a given
0524 interval of validity, which is the intersection of the intervals of
0525 validity of all contained conditions. The has the following consequences
0526 for the client when using a prepared $ConditionsSlice$:
0527 \begin{itemize}
0528 \item $ConditionsSlice$ objects are prepared by the client framework.
0529 Specific algorithms and other code fragments developed by physicist users
0530 should not deal with such activities. In multi-threaded applications
0531 the preparation of a $ConditionsSlice$ may be done in a separate thread.
0532 \item Once prepared, the slice nor the contained conditions may be altered.
0533 All contained conditions must be considered read-only.
0534 \item Since the slice is considered read-only, it can be used by multiple
0535 clients simultaneously. In particular, multiple threads may share
0536 the same slice.
0537 \item A $ConditionsSlice$ may only be re-used and prepared according to
0538 a different interval of validity once no other clients use it.
0539 \item At any point of time any number of $ConditionsSlice$ objects
0540 may be present in the client framework. There is no interference
0541 as long as the above mentioned requirements are fulfilled.
0542 \end{itemize}
0544 \noindent
0545 The fact that multiple instances of the conditions slices may be present
0546 as well as the fact that the preparation of slices and their use is strictly
0547 separated makes then ideal for the usage within multi-threaded event
0548 processing frameworks. As shown in
0549 figure~\ref{fig:ddcond-multi-threaded-processing},
0550 the following use cases can easily be met:
0551 \begin{itemize}
0552 \item Mulitple threads may share the same slice while processing event data
0553 (thread 1-3) as long as the time stamp of the event data processed
0554 by each thread is contained in the interval of validity of the
0555 slice.
0556 \item At the same time another thread may process event data with a different
0557 time stamp. The conditions for this event were prepared using another slice
0558 (thread 4-N).
0559 \end{itemize}
0561 %=============================================================================
0562 \begin{figure}[t]
0563 \begin{center}\includegraphics[width=15cm] {DDCond-ConditionsMT}
0564 \caption{MT.}
0565 \label{fig:ddcond-multi-threaded-processing}
0566 \end{center}
0567 \end{figure}
0568 \vspace{-0.5cm}
0571 %=============================================================================
0572 \subsection{Loading Conditions Data}
0573 \label{subsec:ddcond-data-loading}
0574 %=============================================================================
0576 \noindent
0577 The loading of conditions data is highly experiment specific. Different
0578 access patterns and load implementations (single threaded, multi-threaded, locking etc.)
0579 make it close to impossible to implement any solution fitting all needs.
0580 For this reason the loading of conditions is deferred to an abstract implementation,
0581 which is invoked during the preparation phase of a conditions slice if the required
0582 data are not found in the conditions cache. This data loader interface
0583 (see \detdesc{classdd4hep_1_1cond_1_1_conditions_data_loader.html}{ConditionsDataLoader.h}
0584 for details), receives all relevant callbacks from the framework to resolve
0585 missing conditions and pass the loaded objects to the framework for the management.
0586 The callback to be implemented by the framework developers are:
0587 \begin{unnumberedcode}
0588 /// Interface for a generic conditions loader
0589 /**
0590 * Common function for all loader.
0591 */
0592 class ConditionsDataLoader : public NamedObject, public PropertyConfigurable {
0593 typedef Condition::key_type key_type;
0594 typedef std::map<key_type,Condition> LoadedItems;
0595 typedef std::vector<std::pair<key_type,ConditionsLoadInfo*> > RequiredItems;
0596 public:
0597 ....
0598 /// Load a number of conditions items from the persistent medium according to the required IOV
0599 virtual size_t load_many( const IOV& req_validity,
0600 RequiredItems& work,
0601 LoadedItems& loaded,
0602 IOV& combined_validity) = 0;
0603 };
0604 \end{unnumberedcode}
0605 The arguments to the callback contain the necessary information to retrieve
0606 the requested items.
0608 \newpage
0609 %=============================================================================
0610 \section{Example Walkthrough}
0611 \label{sec:ddcond-example}
0612 %=============================================================================
0615 %=============================================================================
0616 \subsection{Example to Save Conditions to a ROOT File}
0617 \label{subsec:ddcond-example-saving}
0618 %=============================================================================
0620 \noindent
0621 To illustrate the usage of the \DDC package when saving conditions,
0622 an example is discussed here in detail.
0623 The full example is part of the conditions unit tests and can be found in the
0624 \DDH examples.\\
0625 (See examples/Conditions/src/ConditionExample\_manual\_save.cpp).
0627 \noindent
0628 The examples uses conditions names and detector element names explicitly and
0629 hence requires a fixed detector description being loaded in memory.
0630 For simplicity we use here the Minitel example from the examples/ClientTests.
0631 However, the example is very generic and also the conditions are "generic",
0632 hence any geometry would work.
0635 \vspace{0.6cm}
0637 \noindent
0638 {\bf{Prerequisites:}} \\
0639 \\
0640 A valid compact geometry description to be loaded during the program startup.
0642 \vspace{0.6cm}
0644 \noindent
0645 {\bf{Plugin Invocation:}} \\
0646 \\
0647 A valid example conditions data file is required. Then use the default way
0648 to invoke plugins:\\
0649 \tw{\$ > geoPluginRun\ \textrm{-}destroy \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0650 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}plugin\ DD4hep\_ConditionExample\_manual\_save \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0651 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}input\ file:\$\{DD4hep\_DIR\}/examples/AlignDet/compact/Telescope.xml
0652 \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0653 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}conditions\ Conditions.root\ \textrm{-}runs\ 10}
0656 \vspace{0.6cm}
0658 \noindent
0659 {\bf{Example Code:}} \\
0661 \begin{code}
0662 int num_run = <number of condition loads>;
0663 const string conditions = <conditions file name>;
0664 const string geometry = <geometry compact xml description";
0666 description.fromXML(geometry);
0667 description.apply("DD4hep_ConditionsManagerInstaller",0,(char**)0);
0669 ConditionsManager manager = ConditionsManager::from(description);
0670 manager["PoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearPool";
0671 manager["UserPoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsMapUserPool";
0672 manager["UpdatePoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool";
0673 manager.initialize();
0675 shared_ptr<ConditionsContent> content(new ConditionsContent());
0676 shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice> slice(new ConditionsSlice(manager,content));
0678 const IOVType* iov_typ = manager.registerIOVType(0,"run").second;
0679 if ( 0 == iov_typ )
0680 except("ConditionsPrepare","++ Conditions IOV type registration failed!");
0682 Scanner(ConditionsKeys(*content,INFO),description.world());
0683 Scanner(ConditionsDependencyCreator(*content,DEBUG),description.world());
0685 // Have 10 run-slices [11,20] .... [91,100]
0686 for(int i=0; i<num_run; ++i) {
0687 IOV iov(iov_typ, IOV::Key(1+i*10,(i+1)*10));
0688 ConditionsPool* iov_pool = manager.registerIOV(*iov.iovType, iov.key());
0689 // Create conditions with all deltas. Use a generic creator
0690 Scanner(ConditionsCreator(*slice, *iov_pool, INFO),description.world(),0,true);
0691 }
0693 \end{code}
0695 \noindent
0696 {\bf{Explanation:}} \\
0697 \begin{tabular} {l||p{0cm}}
0698 \docline{Line}{}
0699 \docline{1-3}{Definition of processing parameters.}
0700 \docline{5}{Load the detector description using the compact notation.}
0701 \docline{6}{Install the conditions manager implementation using the plugin mechanism.}
0702 \docline{8}{Access conditions manager instance from the Detector interface.}
0703 \docline{9-11}{Configure the properties of the conditions manager.}
0704 \docline{12}{Initialize the conditions manager instance.}
0705 \docline{14-15}{Create an empty $ConditionsSlice$ instance the container with
0706 the desired conditions content.}
0707 \docline{17}{Register IOV type the Conditions Manager. The IOV types are part of the conditions
0708 persistency mechanism. They may not change with time and have to be defined
0709 by the experiment once and for all!}
0710 \docline{18-19}{This is example specific and only a shortcut to fill the
0711 required conditions content and the derivation rules.\\
0712 In real life this would be intrinsic to the experiment's
0713 data processing framework.}
0714 \docline{18}{Populate the $ConditionsContent$ instance with the addresses (keys)
0715 of the conditions required:
0716 We scan the $DetElement$ hierarchy and add a couple of conditions
0717 for each $DetElement$}
0718 \docline{19}{Add for each $DetElement$ 3 derived conditions,
0719 which all depend on the persistent condition derived\_data.\\
0720 In the real world this would be very specific derived actions.}
0722 \end{tabular}
0724 \newpage
0727 %=============================================================================
0728 \subsection{Example to Load and Prepare Conditions(Slices)}
0729 \label{subsec:ddcond-example-loading}
0730 %=============================================================================
0732 \noindent
0733 To illustrate the usage of the \DDC package when loading conditions,
0734 an example is discussed here in detail.
0735 The full example is part of the conditions unit tests and can be found in the
0736 \DDH examples.\\
0737 (See examples/Conditions/src/ConditionExample\_manual\_load.cpp).
0739 \noindent
0740 The examples uses conditions names and detector element names explicitly and
0741 hence requires a fixed detector description being loaded in memory.
0742 For simplicity we use here the Minitel example from the examples/ClientTests.
0743 However, the example is very generic and also the conditions are "generic",
0744 hence any geometry would work.
0746 \vspace{0.6cm}
0748 \noindent
0749 {\bf{Prerequisites:}} \\
0750 \\
0751 A valid example conditions data file is required, since in this example we
0752 load the conditions and inject them to the store from an already existing root file.
0753 To obtain such a file for a given geometry, execute the example plugin:\\
0754 \tw{\$ > geoPluginRun\ \textrm{-}destroy \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0755 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}plugin\ DD4hep\_ConditionExample\_manual\_save \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0756 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}input\ file:\$\{DD4hep\_DIR\}/examples/AlignDet/compact/Telescope.xml
0757 \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0758 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}conditions Conditions.root\ \textrm{-}runs\ 10}
0760 \vspace{0.6cm}
0762 \noindent
0763 {\bf{Plugin Invocation:}} \\
0764 \\
0765 A valid example conditions data file is required. Then use the default way
0766 to invoke plugins:\\
0767 \tw{\$ > geoPluginRun\ \textrm{-}destroy \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0768 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}plugin\ DD4hep\_ConditionExample\_manual\_load \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0769 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}input\ file:\$\{DD4hep\_DIR\}/examples/AlignDet/compact/Telescope.xml
0770 \ \ \ \char`\\} \\
0771 \tw{\hspace{3cm} \textrm{-}conditions\ Conditions.root\ \textrm{-}runs\ 10}
0774 \vspace{0.6cm}
0776 \noindent
0777 {\bf{Example Code:}} \\
0779 \begin{code}
0780 int num_run = <number of condition loads>;
0781 const string conditions = <conditions file name>;
0782 const string geometry = <geometry compact xml description";
0784 description.fromXML(geometry);
0785 description.apply("DD4hep_ConditionsManagerInstaller",0,(char**)0);
0787 ConditionsManager manager = ConditionsManager::from(description);
0788 manager["PoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearPool";
0789 manager["UserPoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsMapUserPool";
0790 manager["UpdatePoolType"] = "DD4hep_ConditionsLinearUpdatePool";
0791 manager["LoaderType"] = "root";
0792 manager.initialize();
0794 shared_ptr<ConditionsContent> content(new ConditionsContent());
0795 shared_ptr<ConditionsSlice> slice(new ConditionsSlice(manager,content));
0797 Scanner(ConditionsKeys(*content,INFO),description.world());
0798 Scanner(ConditionsDependencyCreator(*content,DEBUG),description.world());
0800 const IOVType* iov_typ = manager.iovType("run");
0801 for ( int irun=0; irun < num_runs; ++irun ) {
0802 IOV iov(iov_typ,irun*10+5);
0803 ConditionsManager::Result r = manager.prepare(iov,*slice);
0804 if ( r.missing != 0 ) {
0805 except("Example",
0806 "Conditions prepare step for IOV %s FAILED. There are %ld missing conditions.",
0807 r.missing, iov.str().c_str());
0808 }
0809 Scanner(ConditionsPrinter(slice.get(),"Example"),description.world());
0810 }
0811 \end{code}
0813 \noindent
0814 {\bf{Explanation:}} \\
0815 \begin{tabular} {l||p{0cm}}
0816 \docline{Line}{}
0817 \docline{1-3}{Definition of processing parameters.}
0818 \docline{5}{Load the detector description using the compact notation.}
0819 \docline{6}{Install the conditions manager implementation using the plugin mechanism.}
0820 \docline{8}{Access conditions manager instance from the Detector interface.}
0821 \docline{9-12}{Configure the properties of the conditions manager.}
0822 \docline{13}{Initialize the conditions manager instance.}
0823 \docline{15-16}{Create an empty $ConditionsSlice$ instance the container with
0824 the desired conditions content.}
0825 \docline{18-19}{This is example specific and only a shortcut to fill the
0826 required conditions content and the derivation rules.\\
0827 In real life this would be intrinsic to the experiment's
0828 data processing framework.}
0829 \docline{18}{Populate the $ConditionsContent$ instance with the addresses (keys)
0830 of the conditions required:
0831 We scan the $DetElement$ hierarchy and add a couple of conditions
0832 for each $DetElement$}
0833 \docline{19}{Add for each $DetElement$ 3 derived conditions,
0834 which all depend on the persistent condition derived\_data.\\
0835 In the real world this would be very specific derived actions.}
0837 \docline{22-31}{Emulate a pseudo event loop: Our conditions are of type "run".}
0838 \docline{23}{This is the IOV we want to use for this "processing step".
0839 The conditions filled into the slice during the prepare step will
0840 satisfy this IOV requirement.}
0841 \docline{24}{Conditions prepare step. Select the proper set of conditions
0842 from the store (or load them if needed). Attach the selected
0843 conditions to the user pool.}
0844 \docline{25-29}{Check the result of the prepare step. If anything would be missing,
0845 the parameter r.missing of the return code would be non-zero.}
0846 \docline{30}{Emulate data processing algorithms: Here we only scan the
0847 $DetElement$ tree and print all conditions.\\
0848 We know what we expect since we defined the content the same way!
0849 In the printer we can access the conditions directly from the slice,
0850 since the slice implements the $ConditionsMap$ interface.}
0851 \end{tabular}
0853 \newpage
0854 %=============================================================================
0855 \begin{thebibliography}{9}
0856 \bibitem{bib:dd4hep-manual} M.Frank, \DDH manual.
0857 \bibitem{bib:ddalign-manual} M.Frank, \DDA manual.
0858 \end{thebibliography}
0859 %=============================================================================
0860 \end{document}