File indexing completed on 2025-01-30 09:17:42
0001 from DDSim.DD4hepSimulation import DD4hepSimulation 0002 from g4units import mm, GeV, MeV 0003 SIM = DD4hepSimulation() 0004 0005 ## The compact XML file, or multiple compact files, if the last one is the closer. 0006 SIM.compactFile = [] 0007 ## Lorentz boost for the crossing angle, in radian! 0008 SIM.crossingAngleBoost = 0.0 0009 SIM.enableDetailedShowerMode = False 0010 SIM.enableG4GPS = False 0011 SIM.enableG4Gun = False 0012 SIM.enableGun = False 0013 ## InputFiles for simulation .stdhep, .slcio, .HEPEvt, .hepevt, .pairs, .hepmc, .hepmc.gz, .hepmc.xz, .hepmc.bz2, .hepmc3, .hepmc3.gz, .hepmc3.xz, .hepmc3.bz2, .hepmc3.tree.root files are supported 0014 SIM.inputFiles = [] 0015 ## Macro file to execute for runType 'run' or 'vis' 0016 SIM.macroFile = "" 0017 ## number of events to simulate, used in batch mode 0018 SIM.numberOfEvents = 0 0019 ## Outputfile from the simulation: .slcio, edm4hep.root and .root output files are supported 0020 SIM.outputFile = "dummyOutput.slcio" 0021 ## Physics list to use in simulation 0022 SIM.physicsList = None 0023 ## Verbosity use integers from 1(most) to 7(least) verbose 0024 ## or strings: VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL, ALWAYS 0025 SIM.printLevel = 3 0026 ## The type of action to do in this invocation 0027 ## batch: just simulate some events, needs numberOfEvents, and input file or gun 0028 ## vis: enable visualisation, run the macroFile if it is set 0029 ## qt: enable visualisation in Qt shell, run the macroFile if it is set 0030 ## run: run the macroFile and exit 0031 ## shell: enable interactive session 0032 SIM.runType = "batch" 0033 ## Skip first N events when reading a file 0034 SIM.skipNEvents = 0 0035 ## Steering file to change default behaviour 0036 SIM.steeringFile = None 0037 ## FourVector of translation for the Smearing of the Vertex position: x y z t 0038 SIM.vertexOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] 0039 ## FourVector of the Sigma for the Smearing of the Vertex position: x y z t 0040 SIM.vertexSigma = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] 0041 0042 0043 ################################################################################ 0044 ## Helper holding sensitive detector actions. 0045 ## 0046 ## The default tracker and calorimeter actions can be set with 0047 ## 0048 ## >>> SIM = DD4hepSimulation() 0049 ## >>> SIM.action.tracker=('Geant4TrackerWeightedAction', {'HitPositionCombination': 2, 'CollectSingleDeposits': False}) 0050 ## >>> SIM.action.calo = "Geant4CalorimeterAction" 0051 ## 0052 ## The default sensitive actions for calorimeters and trackers are applied based on the sensitive type. 0053 ## The list of sensitive types can be changed with 0054 ## 0055 ## >>> SIM = DD4hepSimulation() 0056 ## >>> SIM.action.trackerSDTypes = ['tracker', 'myTrackerSensType'] 0057 ## >>> SIM.calor.calorimeterSDTypes = ['calorimeter', 'myCaloSensType'] 0058 ## 0059 ## For specific subdetectors specific sensitive detectors can be set based on patterns in the name of the subdetector. 0060 ## 0061 ## >>> SIM = DD4hepSimulation() 0062 ## >>> SIM.action.mapActions['tpc'] = "TPCSDAction" 0063 ## 0064 ## and additional parameters for the sensitive detectors can be set when the map is given a tuple 0065 ## 0066 ## >>> SIM = DD4hepSimulation() 0067 ## >>> SIM.action.mapActions['ecal'] =( "CaloPreShowerSDAction", {"FirstLayerNumber": 1} ) 0068 ## 0069 ## 0070 ################################################################################ 0071 0072 ## set the default calorimeter action 0073 SIM.action.calo = "Geant4ScintillatorCalorimeterAction" 0074 0075 ## List of patterns matching sensitive detectors of type Calorimeter. 0076 SIM.action.calorimeterSDTypes = ['calorimeter'] 0077 0078 ## Create a map of patterns and actions to be applied to sensitive detectors. 0079 ## 0080 ## Example: if the name of the detector matches 'tpc' the TPCSDAction is used. 0081 ## 0082 ## SIM.action.mapActions['tpc'] = "TPCSDAction" 0083 ## 0084 SIM.action.mapActions = {} 0085 0086 ## set the default tracker action 0087 SIM.action.tracker = ('Geant4TrackerWeightedAction', {'HitPositionCombination': 2, 'CollectSingleDeposits': False}) 0088 0089 ## List of patterns matching sensitive detectors of type Tracker. 0090 SIM.action.trackerSDTypes = ['tracker'] 0091 0092 0093 ################################################################################ 0094 ## Configuration for the magnetic field (stepper) 0095 ################################################################################ 0096 SIM.field.delta_chord = 0.25 0097 SIM.field.delta_intersection = 0.001 0098 SIM.field.delta_one_step = 0.01 0099 SIM.field.eps_max = 0.001 0100 SIM.field.eps_min = 5e-05 0101 SIM.field.equation = "Mag_UsualEqRhs" 0102 SIM.field.largest_step = 10000.0 0103 SIM.field.min_chord_step = 0.01 0104 SIM.field.stepper = "ClassicalRK4" 0105 0106 0107 ################################################################################ 0108 ## Configuration for sensitive detector filters 0109 ## 0110 ## Set the default filter for 'tracker' 0111 ## >>> SIM.filter.tracker = "edep1kev" 0112 ## Use no filter for 'calorimeter' by default 0113 ## >>> SIM.filter.calo = "" 0114 ## 0115 ## Assign a filter to a sensitive detector via pattern matching 0116 ## >>> SIM.filter.mapDetFilter['FTD'] = "edep1kev" 0117 ## 0118 ## Or more than one filter: 0119 ## >>> SIM.filter.mapDetFilter['FTD'] = ["edep1kev", "geantino"] 0120 ## 0121 ## Don't use the default filter or anything else: 0122 ## >>> SIM.filter.mapDetFilter['TPC'] = None ## or "" or [] 0123 ## 0124 ## Create a custom filter. The dictionary is used to instantiate the filter later on 0125 ## >>> SIM.filter.filters['edep3kev'] = dict(name="EnergyDepositMinimumCut/3keV", parameter={"Cut": 3.0*keV} ) 0126 ## 0127 ## 0128 ################################################################################ 0129 0130 ## 0131 ## default filter for calorimeter sensitive detectors; 0132 ## this is applied if no other filter is used for a calorimeter 0133 ## 0134 SIM.filter.calo = "edep0" 0135 0136 ## list of filter objects: map between name and parameter dictionary 0137 SIM.filter.filters = {'geantino': {'name': 'GeantinoRejectFilter/GeantinoRejector', 'parameter': {}}, 'edep1kev': {'name': 'EnergyDepositMinimumCut', 'parameter': {'Cut': 0.001}}, 'edep0': {'name': 'EnergyDepositMinimumCut/Cut0', 'parameter': {'Cut': 0.0}}} 0138 0139 ## a map between patterns and filter objects, using patterns to attach filters to sensitive detector 0140 SIM.filter.mapDetFilter = {} 0141 0142 ## default filter for tracking sensitive detectors; this is applied if no other filter is used for a tracker 0143 SIM.filter.tracker = "edep1kev" 0144 0145 0146 ################################################################################ 0147 ## Configuration for the Detector Construction. 0148 ################################################################################ 0149 SIM.geometry.dumpGDML = "" 0150 SIM.geometry.dumpHierarchy = 0 0151 0152 ## Print Debug information about Elements 0153 SIM.geometry.enableDebugElements = False 0154 0155 ## Print Debug information about Materials 0156 SIM.geometry.enableDebugMaterials = False 0157 0158 ## Print Debug information about Placements 0159 SIM.geometry.enableDebugPlacements = False 0160 0161 ## Print Debug information about Reflections 0162 SIM.geometry.enableDebugReflections = False 0163 0164 ## Print Debug information about Regions 0165 SIM.geometry.enableDebugRegions = False 0166 0167 ## Print Debug information about Shapes 0168 SIM.geometry.enableDebugShapes = False 0169 0170 ## Print Debug information about Surfaces 0171 SIM.geometry.enableDebugSurfaces = False 0172 0173 ## Print Debug information about Volumes 0174 SIM.geometry.enableDebugVolumes = False 0175 0176 ## Print information about placements 0177 SIM.geometry.enablePrintPlacements = False 0178 0179 ## Print information about Sensitives 0180 SIM.geometry.enablePrintSensitives = False 0181 0182 0183 ################################################################################ 0184 ## Configuration for the GuineaPig InputFiles 0185 ################################################################################ 0186 0187 ## Set the number of pair particles to simulate per event. 0188 ## Only used if inputFile ends with ".pairs" 0189 ## If "-1" all particles will be simulated in a single event 0190 ## 0191 SIM.guineapig.particlesPerEvent = "-1" 0192 0193 0194 ################################################################################ 0195 ## Configuration for the DDG4 ParticleGun 0196 ################################################################################ 0197 0198 ## direction of the particle gun, 3 vector 0199 SIM.gun.direction = (0, 0, 1) 0200 0201 ## choose the distribution of the random direction for theta 0202 ## 0203 ## Options for random distributions: 0204 ## 0205 ## 'uniform' is the default distribution, flat in theta 0206 ## 'cos(theta)' is flat in cos(theta) 0207 ## 'eta', or 'pseudorapidity' is flat in pseudorapity 0208 ## 'ffbar' is distributed according to 1+cos^2(theta) 0209 ## 0210 ## Setting a distribution will set isotrop = True 0211 ## 0212 SIM.gun.distribution = None 0213 0214 ## Total energy (including mass) for the particle gun. 0215 ## 0216 ## If not None, it will overwrite the setting of momentumMin and momentumMax 0217 SIM.gun.energy = None 0218 0219 ## Maximal pseudorapidity for random distibution (overrides thetaMin) 0220 SIM.gun.etaMax = None 0221 0222 ## Minimal pseudorapidity for random distibution (overrides thetaMax) 0223 SIM.gun.etaMin = None 0224 0225 ## isotropic distribution for the particle gun 0226 ## 0227 ## use the options phiMin, phiMax, thetaMin, and thetaMax to limit the range of randomly distributed directions 0228 ## if one of these options is not None the random distribution will be set to True and cannot be turned off! 0229 ## 0230 SIM.gun.isotrop = False 0231 0232 ## Maximal momentum when using distribution (default = 0.0) 0233 SIM.gun.momentumMax = 10000.0 0234 0235 ## Minimal momentum when using distribution (default = 0.0) 0236 SIM.gun.momentumMin = 0.0 0237 SIM.gun.multiplicity = 1 0238 SIM.gun.particle = "mu-" 0239 0240 ## Maximal azimuthal angle for random distribution 0241 SIM.gun.phiMax = None 0242 0243 ## Minimal azimuthal angle for random distribution 0244 SIM.gun.phiMin = None 0245 0246 ## position of the particle gun, 3 vector 0247 SIM.gun.position = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) 0248 0249 ## Maximal polar angle for random distribution 0250 SIM.gun.thetaMax = None 0251 0252 ## Minimal polar angle for random distribution 0253 SIM.gun.thetaMin = None 0254 0255 0256 ################################################################################ 0257 ## Configuration for the hepmc3 InputFiles 0258 ################################################################################ 0259 0260 ## Set the name of the attribute contraining color flow information index 0. 0261 SIM.hepmc3.Flow1 = "flow1" 0262 0263 ## Set the name of the attribute contraining color flow information index 1. 0264 SIM.hepmc3.Flow2 = "flow2" 0265 0266 ## Set to false if the input should be opened with the hepmc2 ascii reader. 0267 ## 0268 ## If ``True`` a '.hepmc' file will be opened with the HEPMC3 Reader Factory. 0269 ## 0270 ## Defaults to true if DD4hep was build with HEPMC3 support. 0271 ## 0272 SIM.hepmc3.useHepMC3 = False 0273 0274 0275 ################################################################################ 0276 ## Configuration for Input Files. 0277 ################################################################################ 0278 0279 ## Set one or more functions to configure input steps. 0280 ## 0281 ## The functions must take a ``DD4hepSimulation`` object as their only argument and return the created generatorAction 0282 ## ``gen`` (for example). 0283 ## 0284 ## For example one can add this to the ddsim steering file: 0285 ## 0286 ## def exampleUserPlugin(dd4hepSimulation): 0287 ## '''Example code for user created plugin. 0288 ## 0289 ## :param DD4hepSimulation dd4hepSimulation: The DD4hepSimulation instance, so all parameters can be accessed 0290 ## :return: GeneratorAction 0291 ## ''' 0292 ## from DDG4 import GeneratorAction, Kernel 0293 ## # Geant4InputAction is the type of plugin, Cry1 just an identifier 0294 ## gen = GeneratorAction(Kernel(), 'Geant4InputAction/Cry1' , True) 0295 ## # CRYEventReader is the actual plugin, steeringFile its constructor parameter 0296 ## gen.Input = 'CRYEventReader|' + 'steeringFile' 0297 ## # we can give a dictionary of Parameters that has to be interpreted by the setParameters function of the plugin 0298 ## gen.Parameters = {'DataFilePath': '/path/to/files/data'} 0299 ## gen.enableUI() 0300 ## return gen 0301 ## 0302 ## SIM.inputConfig.userInputPlugin = exampleUserPlugin 0303 ## 0304 ## Repeat function definition and assignment to add multiple input steps 0305 ## 0306 ## 0307 SIM.inputConfig.userInputPlugin = [] 0308 0309 0310 ################################################################################ 0311 ## Configuration for the generator-level InputFiles 0312 ################################################################################ 0313 0314 ## Set the name of the collection containing the MCParticle input. 0315 ## Default is "MCParticle". 0316 ## 0317 SIM.lcio.mcParticleCollectionName = "MCParticle" 0318 0319 0320 ################################################################################ 0321 ## Configuration for the LCIO output file settings 0322 ################################################################################ 0323 0324 ## The event number offset to write in slcio output file. E.g setting it to 42 will start counting events from 42 instead of 0 0325 SIM.meta.eventNumberOffset = 0 0326 0327 ## Event parameters to write in every event. Use C/F/I ids to specify parameter type. E.g parameterName/F=0.42 to set a float parameter 0328 SIM.meta.eventParameters = [] 0329 0330 ## The run number offset to write in slcio output file. E.g setting it to 42 will start counting runs from 42 instead of 0 0331 SIM.meta.runNumberOffset = 0 0332 0333 0334 ################################################################################ 0335 ## Configuration for the output levels of DDG4 components 0336 ################################################################################ 0337 0338 ## Output level for geometry. 0339 SIM.output.geometry = 2 0340 0341 ## Output level for input sources 0342 SIM.output.inputStage = 3 0343 0344 ## Output level for Geant4 kernel 0345 SIM.output.kernel = 3 0346 0347 ## Output level for ParticleHandler 0348 SIM.output.part = 3 0349 0350 ## Output level for Random Number Generator setup 0351 SIM.output.random = 6 0352 0353 0354 ################################################################################ 0355 ## Configuration for Output Files. 0356 ################################################################################ 0357 0358 ## Set a function to configure the outputFile. 0359 ## 0360 ## The function must take a ``DD4hepSimulation`` object as its only argument and return ``None``. 0361 ## 0362 ## For example one can add this to the ddsim steering file: 0363 ## 0364 ## def exampleUserPlugin(dd4hepSimulation): 0365 ## '''Example code for user created plugin. 0366 ## 0367 ## :param DD4hepSimulation dd4hepSimulation: The DD4hepSimulation instance, so all parameters can be accessed 0368 ## :return: None 0369 ## ''' 0370 ## from DDG4 import EventAction, Kernel 0371 ## dd = dd4hepSimulation # just shorter variable name 0372 ## evt_root = EventAction(Kernel(), 'Geant4Output2ROOT/' + dd.outputFile, True) 0373 ## evt_root.HandleMCTruth = True or False 0374 ## evt_root.Control = True 0375 ## if not dd.outputFile.endswith(dd.outputConfig.myExtension): 0376 ## output = dd.outputFile + dd.outputConfig.myExtension 0377 ## evt_root.Output = output 0378 ## evt_root.enableUI() 0379 ## Kernel().eventAction().add(evt_root) 0380 ## return None 0381 ## 0382 ## SIM.outputConfig.userOutputPlugin = exampleUserPlugin 0383 ## # arbitrary options can be created and set via the steering file or command line 0384 ## SIM.outputConfig.myExtension = '.csv' 0385 ## 0386 0387 def outputPlugin(dd4hepSimulation): 0388 from DDG4 import EventAction, Kernel 0389 dd = dd4hepSimulation # just shorter variable name 0390 evt_root = EventAction(Kernel(), 'Geant4Output2ROOT/' + dd.outputFile, True) 0391 evt_root.HandleMCTruth = True or False 0392 evt_root.Control = True 0393 output = dd.outputFile 0394 if not dd.outputFile.endswith(dd.outputConfig.myExtension): 0395 output = dd.outputFile + dd.outputConfig.myExtension 0396 evt_root.Output = output 0397 evt_root.enableUI() 0398 Kernel().eventAction().add(evt_root) 0399 return None 0400 0401 SIM.outputConfig.myExtension = '.root' 0402 SIM.outputConfig.userOutputPlugin = outputPlugin 0403 0404 0405 ################################################################################ 0406 ## Configuration for the Particle Handler/ MCTruth treatment 0407 ################################################################################ 0408 0409 ## Enable lots of printout on simulated hits and MC-truth information 0410 SIM.part.enableDetailedHitsAndParticleInfo = False 0411 0412 ## Keep all created particles 0413 SIM.part.keepAllParticles = False 0414 0415 ## Minimal distance between particle vertex and endpoint of parent after 0416 ## which the vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent flag is set 0417 ## 0418 SIM.part.minDistToParentVertex = 2.2e-14 0419 0420 ## MinimalKineticEnergy to store particles created in the tracking region 0421 SIM.part.minimalKineticEnergy = 1.0 0422 0423 ## Printout at End of Tracking 0424 SIM.part.printEndTracking = False 0425 0426 ## Printout at Start of Tracking 0427 SIM.part.printStartTracking = False 0428 0429 ## List of processes to save, on command line give as whitespace separated string in quotation marks 0430 SIM.part.saveProcesses = ['Decay'] 0431 0432 ## Optionally enable an extended Particle Handler 0433 SIM.part.userParticleHandler = "Geant4TCUserParticleHandler" 0434 0435 0436 ################################################################################ 0437 ## Configuration for the PhysicsList 0438 ################################################################################ 0439 0440 ## If true, add decay processes for all particles. 0441 ## 0442 ## Only enable when creating a physics list not based on an existing Geant4 list! 0443 ## 0444 SIM.physics.decays = False 0445 0446 ## The name of the Geant4 Physics list. 0447 SIM.physics.list = "FTFP_BERT" 0448 0449 ## location of particle.tbl file containing extra particles and their lifetime information 0450 ## 0451 ## For example in $DD4HEP/examples/DDG4/examples/particle.tbl 0452 ## 0453 SIM.physics.pdgfile = None 0454 0455 ## The global geant4 rangecut for secondary production 0456 ## 0457 ## Default is 0.7 mm as is the case in geant4 10 0458 ## 0459 ## To disable this plugin and be absolutely sure to use the Geant4 default range cut use "None" 0460 ## 0461 ## Set printlevel to DEBUG to see a printout of all range cuts, 0462 ## but this only works if range cut is not "None" 0463 ## 0464 SIM.physics.rangecut = 0.7 0465 0466 ## Set of PDG IDs that will not be passed from the input record to Geant4. 0467 ## 0468 ## Quarks, gluons and W's Z's etc should not be treated by Geant4 0469 ## 0470 SIM.physics.rejectPDGs = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3201, 3203, 4101, 4103, 21, 23, 24, 5401, 25, 2203, 5403, 3101, 3103, 4403, 2101, 5301, 2103, 5303, 4301, 1103, 4303, 5201, 5203, 3303, 4201, 4203, 5101, 5103, 5503} 0471 0472 ## Set of PDG IDs for particles that should not be passed to Geant4 if their properTime is 0. 0473 ## 0474 ## The properTime of 0 indicates a documentation to add FSR to a lepton for example. 0475 ## 0476 SIM.physics.zeroTimePDGs = {17, 11, 13, 15} 0477 0478 def setupCerenkovScint(kernel): 0479 from DDG4 import PhysicsList 0480 seq = kernel.physicsList() 0481 0482 scint = PhysicsList(kernel, 'Geant4ScintillationPhysics/ScintillationPhys') 0483 scint.VerboseLevel = 0 0484 scint.TrackSecondariesFirst = True 0485 scint.enableUI() 0486 seq.adopt(scint) 0487 0488 cerenkov = PhysicsList(kernel, 'Geant4CerenkovPhysics/CerenkovPhys') 0489 cerenkov.VerboseLevel = 0 0490 cerenkov.MaxNumPhotonsPerStep = 10 0491 cerenkov.MaxBetaChangePerStep = 10.0 0492 cerenkov.TrackSecondariesFirst = True 0493 cerenkov.enableUI() 0494 seq.adopt(cerenkov) 0495 0496 ph = PhysicsList(kernel, 'Geant4OpticalPhotonPhysics/OpticalGammaPhys') 0497 ph.addParticleConstructor('G4OpticalPhoton') 0498 ph.VerboseLevel = 0 0499 ph.enableUI() 0500 seq.adopt(ph) 0501 0502 return None 0503 0504 0505 SIM.physics.setupUserPhysics(setupCerenkovScint) 0506 0507 0508 ################################################################################ 0509 ## Properties for the random number generator 0510 ################################################################################ 0511 0512 ## If True, calculate random seed for each event basedon eventID and runID 0513 ## Allows reproducibility even whenSkippingEvents 0514 SIM.random.enableEventSeed = False 0515 SIM.random.file = None 0516 SIM.random.luxury = 1 0517 SIM.random.replace_gRandom = True 0518 SIM.random.seed = None 0519 SIM.random.type = None
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