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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework include files
0015 #include <DD4hep/Primitives.h>
0016 #include <DDG4/Geant4DataDump.h>
0018 using namespace dd4hep::sim;
0019 using PropertyMask = dd4hep::detail::ReferenceBitMask<const int>;
0021 /// Default constructor
0022 Geant4DataDump::Geant4DataDump(const std::string& tag) : m_tag(tag) {
0023 }
0025 /// Standard destructor
0026 Geant4DataDump::~Geant4DataDump()  {
0027 }
0029 /// Print a single particle to the output logging using the specified print level
0030 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, Geant4ParticleHandle p)  const  {
0031   PropertyMask mask(p->reason);
0032   int parent = p->parents.empty() ? -1 : *p->parents.begin();
0033   printout(level, m_tag, "   +++ TrackID: %6d %12d %6d %-7s %3s %5d %6s %8.3g %-4s %-7s %-7s %-3s",
0034            p->id,
0035            p->pdgID,
0036            parent,
0037            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_PRIMARY)),
0038            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_HAS_SECONDARIES)),
0039            int(p->daughters.size()),
0040            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_ABOVE_ENERGY_THRESHOLD)),
0041  ,
0042            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_CREATED_CALORIMETER_HIT)),
0043            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_CREATED_TRACKER_HIT)),
0044            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_KEEP_PROCESS)),
0045            mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_KEEP_PARENT) ? "YES" : ""
0046            );
0047 }
0049 /// Print a single particle to the output logging using the specified print level
0050 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, int id, Geant4ParticleHandle p)  const  {
0051   PropertyMask mask(p->reason);
0052   int parent = p->parents.empty() ? -1 : *p->parents.begin();
0053   printout(level, m_tag, "   +++ TrackID: %6d [key:%d] %12d %6d %-7s %3s %5d %6s %8.3g %-4s %-7s %-7s %-3s",
0054            p->id, id,
0055            p->pdgID,
0056            parent,
0057            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_PRIMARY)),
0058            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_HAS_SECONDARIES)),
0059            int(p->daughters.size()),
0060            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_ABOVE_ENERGY_THRESHOLD)),
0061  ,
0062            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_CREATED_CALORIMETER_HIT)),
0063            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_CREATED_TRACKER_HIT)),
0064            yes_no(mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_KEEP_PROCESS)),
0065            mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_KEEP_PARENT) ? "YES" : ""
0066            );
0067 }
0069 /// Print the particle container to the output logging using the specified print level
0070 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, const std::string& container, const Particles* parts)  const   {
0071   if ( parts )    {
0072     PrintLevel low_lvl = level == ALWAYS ? ALWAYS : PrintLevel(level-1);
0073     printout(level,m_tag,"+++ Track container: %-21s --------------- Track KEEP reasoning ---------------",container.c_str());
0074     printout(level,m_tag,"+++ # of Tracks:%6d          PDG Parent Primary Secondary Energy %-8s Calo Tracker Process/Par",
0075              int(parts->size()),"in [MeV]");
0076     for(Particle* p : *parts)   {
0077       Geant4ParticleHandle ph(p);
0078       print(low_lvl, ph);
0079     }
0080   }
0081 }
0083 /// Print the particle map to the output logging using the specified print level
0084 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, const Geant4ParticleMap* parts)  const {
0085   if ( parts )    {
0086     PrintLevel low_lvl = level == ALWAYS ? ALWAYS : PrintLevel(level-1);
0087     typedef Geant4ParticleMap::ParticleMap ParticleMap;
0088     const ParticleMap& pm = parts->particles();
0089     printout(level,m_tag,"+++ Geant4 Particle map %-18s --------------- Track KEEP reasoning ---------------","");
0090     printout(level,m_tag,"+++ # of Tracks:%6d          PDG Parent Primary Secondary Energy %-8s Calo Tracker Process/Par",
0091              int(pm.size()),"in [MeV]");
0092     for(const auto& p : pm)
0093       print(low_lvl, p.first, p.second);
0094   }
0095 }
0097 /// Print a single tracker hit to the output logging using the specified print level
0098 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, const TrackerHit* h)  const   {
0099   const SimpleHit::Contribution& t = h->truth;
0100   printout(level,m_tag,"   +++ Hit: Cell: %016llX Pos:(%9.3g,%9.3g,%9.3g) Len:%9.3g [mm] E:%9.3g MeV TrackID:%6d PDG:%12d dep:%9.3g time:%9.3g [ns]",
0101            h->cellID,h->position.x(),h->position.y(),h->position.z(),h->length,h->energyDeposit,t.trackID,t.pdgID,t.deposit,t.time);
0102 }
0104 /// Print the tracker hits container to the output logging using the specified print level
0105 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, const std::string& container, const TrackerHits* hits)  const  {
0106   if ( hits )    {
0107     PrintLevel low_lvl = level == ALWAYS ? ALWAYS : PrintLevel(level-1);
0108     printout(level,m_tag,"+++ Hit Collection: %s  # Tracker hits %d",container.c_str(),int(hits->size()));
0109     for(const TrackerHit* hit : *hits)
0110       print(low_lvl, hit);
0111   }
0112 }
0114 /// Print a calorimeter tracker hit to the output logging using the specified print level
0115 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, const CalorimeterHit* h)  const   {
0116   PrintLevel low_lvl = level == ALWAYS ? ALWAYS : PrintLevel(level-1);
0117   printout(level,m_tag,"   +++ Hit: Cell: %016llX Pos:(%9.3g,%9.3g,%9.3g) [mm] E:%9.3g MeV #Contributions:%3d",
0118            h->cellID,h->position.x(),h->position.y(),h->position.z(),h->energyDeposit,h->truth.size());
0119   int cnt=0;
0120   for(const SimpleHit::Contribution& c : h->truth)  {
0121     printout(low_lvl,m_tag,"       Contribution #%3d TrackID:%6d PDG:%12d %9.3g MeV %9.3g ns",
0122              cnt,c.trackID,c.pdgID,c.deposit,c.time);
0123     ++cnt;
0124   }
0125 }
0127 /// Print the calorimeter hits container to the output logging using the specified print level
0128 void Geant4DataDump::print(PrintLevel level, const std::string& container, const CalorimeterHits* hits)  const   {
0129   if ( hits )    {
0130     PrintLevel low_lvl = level == ALWAYS ? ALWAYS : PrintLevel(level-1);
0131     printout(level,m_tag,"+++ Hit Collection: %s  # Calorimeter hits %d",container.c_str(),int(hits->size()));
0132     for(const CalorimeterHit* hit : *hits)
0133       print(low_lvl, hit);
0134     return;
0135   }
0136 }