File indexing completed on 2025-01-18 09:14:22
0001 """Helper object to identify configuration parameters so we can easily overwrite
0002 them via command line magic or via the steering file
0004 To add additional arguments create either a member variable or a property to a
0005 subclass of the ConfigHelper. To add additional arguments to the add_argument
0006 call for the parser object create an additional member::
0008 self.member = [1,2]
0009 self._member_EXTRA = {'help': 'description for parameter',
0010 'nargs': '+',
0011 }
0013 """
0016 class ConfigHelper(object):
0017 """Base class for configuration helper"""
0020 _setOfProperties = dict()
0022 def __init__(self):
0023 pass
0025 def _name(self):
0026 return self.__class__.__name__
0028 def _closeProperties(self):
0029 """Store the list of properties."""
0030 self._setOfProperties[self._name()] = set(vars(self))
0032 def _checkProperties(self):
0033 newProps = set(vars(self))
0034 if existingProps := self._setOfProperties.get(self._name(), set()):
0035 if unknownProps := newProps - existingProps:
0036 raise RuntimeError(f"{self._name()} error: Trying to add unknown propert(y/ies): {unknownProps}!")
0038 def getOptions(self):
0039 finalVars = {}
0042 allVars = vars(self)
0043 for var, val in allVars.items():
0044 if not var.startswith('_'):
0045 extraArgumentsName = "_%s_EXTRA" % var
0046 options = getattr(self, extraArgumentsName) if hasattr(self, extraArgumentsName) else None
0047 finalVars[var] = {'default': val}
0048 if options:
0049 finalVars[var].update(options)
0052 props = [(p, getattr(type(self), p)) for p in dir(type(self)) if isinstance(getattr(type(self), p), property)]
0053 for propName, prop in props:
0054 optName = "_%s_EXTRA" % propName
0055 doc = prop.__doc__
0056 options = getattr(self, optName) if hasattr(self, optName) else None
0057 finalVars[propName] = {'default': getattr(self, propName)}
0058 if doc:
0059 finalVars[propName]['help'] = doc
0060 if options:
0061 finalVars[propName].update(options)
0063 return finalVars
0065 def __repr__(self):
0066 return self.printOptions()
0068 def printOptions(self):
0069 """print all parameters"""
0070 options = []
0071 for opt, val in self.getOptions().items():
0072 options.append("\n\t'%s': '%s'" % (opt, val['default']))
0073 return "".join(options)
0075 def setOption(self, name, val):
0076 """ set the attribute name to val """
0077 setattr(self, name, val)
0079 @staticmethod
0080 def makeList(stringVal, sep=" "):
0081 """returns a list from a string separated by sep"""
0082 if not stringVal:
0083 return []
0084 if isinstance(stringVal, list):
0085 return stringVal
0086 else:
0087 return stringVal.split(sep)
0089 @staticmethod
0090 def makeSet(stringVal, sep=" "):
0091 """returns a set from a string separated by sep"""
0092 if not stringVal:
0093 return set()
0094 if isinstance(stringVal, (list, set, tuple)):
0095 return set(stringVal)
0096 else:
0097 return set(stringVal.split(sep))
0099 @staticmethod
0100 def makeString(container):
0101 """Return a string that can be parsed by dd4hep into a vector."""
0102 if not container:
0103 return ""
0104 if isinstance(container, set):
0105 return '{%s}' % ','.join([str(s) for s in container])
0107 @staticmethod
0108 def makeTuple(val):
0109 """ returns a tuple of the string, separators are space or comma """
0110 myTuple = None
0111 if isinstance(val, tuple):
0112 myTuple = val
0113 if isinstance(val, list):
0114 myTuple = tuple(val)
0115 if isinstance(val, str):
0116 sep = ',' if ',' in val else ' '
0117 myTuple = tuple([_.strip("(), ") for _ in val.split(sep)])
0118 if myTuple is None:
0119 raise RuntimeError("Cannot parse input value %s" % val)
0120 return myTuple
0122 @staticmethod
0123 def makeBool(val):
0124 """check if val is a bool or a string of true/false, otherwise raise exception"""
0125 if isinstance(val, bool):
0126 return val
0127 elif isinstance(val, str):
0128 if val.lower() == 'true':
0129 return True
0130 elif val.lower() == 'false':
0131 return False
0132 raise RuntimeError(val)
0134 @staticmethod
0135 def addAllHelper(ddsim, parser):
0136 """all configHelper objects to commandline args"""
0137 for name, obj in vars(ddsim).items():
0138 if isinstance(obj, ConfigHelper):
0139 for var, optionsDict in obj.getOptions().items():
0140 optionsDict['action'] = ('store_true' if var.startswith(("enable", "force"))
0141 else optionsDict.get('action', 'store'))
0142 parser.add_argument("--%s.%s" % (name, var),
0143 dest="%s.%s" % (name, var),
0144 **optionsDict
0145 )