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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0017 // Framework include files
0018 #include <DD4hep/VolumeManager.h>
0019 #include <DDG4/Geant4OutputAction.h>
0021 #include <DDG4/EventParameters.h>
0022 #include <DDG4/RunParameters.h>
0023 // Geant4 headers
0024 #include <G4Threading.hh>
0025 #include <G4AutoLock.hh>
0027 #include <DD4hep/Detector.h>
0028 #include <G4Version.hh>
0030 // lcio include files
0031 #include <lcio.h>
0032 #include <IO/LCWriter.h>
0033 #include <IMPL/LCEventImpl.h>
0034 #include <IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h>
0035 #include <EVENT/LCParameters.h>
0037 using namespace lcio ;
0039 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
0040 namespace dd4hep {
0042   class ComponentCast;
0044   /// Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
0045   namespace sim {
0046     template <class T=lcio::LCEventImpl> void EventParameters::extractParameters(T& event){
0047       auto& lcparameters = event.parameters();
0048       event.setRunNumber(this->runNumber());
0049       event.setEventNumber(this->eventNumber());
0050       for(auto const& ival: this->intParameters()) {
0051         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0052       }
0053       for(auto const& ival: this->fltParameters()) {
0054         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0055       }
0056       for(auto const& ival: this->strParameters()) {
0057         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0058       }
0059 #if LCIO_VERSION_GE(2, 17)
0060       for(auto const& ival: this->dblParameters()) {
0061         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0062       }
0063 #endif
0064     }
0066     template <class T=lcio::LCRunHeaderImpl> void RunParameters::extractParameters(T& runHeader){
0067       auto& lcparameters = runHeader.parameters();
0068       for(auto const& ival: this->intParameters()) {
0069         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0070       }
0071       for(auto const& ival: this->fltParameters()) {
0072         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0073       }
0074       for(auto const& ival: this->strParameters()) {
0075         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0076       }
0077 #if LCIO_VERSION_GE(2, 17)
0078       for(auto const& ival: this->dblParameters()) {
0079         lcparameters.setValues(ival.first, ival.second);
0080       }
0081 #endif
0082     }
0084     class Geant4ParticleMap;
0086     /// Base class to output Geant4 event data to media
0087     /**
0088      *  \author  M.Frank
0089      *  \author  R.Ete    (added event parameters treatment)
0090      *  \version 1.0
0091      *  \ingroup DD4HEP_SIMULATION
0092      */
0093     class Geant4Output2LCIO : public Geant4OutputAction  {
0094     protected:
0095       lcio::LCWriter*  m_file;
0096       int              m_runNo;
0097       int              m_runNumberOffset;
0098       int              m_eventNumberOffset;
0099       std::map< std::string, std::string > m_runHeader;
0100       std::map< std::string, std::string > m_eventParametersInt;
0101       std::map< std::string, std::string > m_eventParametersFloat;
0102       std::map< std::string, std::string > m_eventParametersString;
0104       /// Data conversion interface for MC particles to LCIO format
0105       lcio::LCCollectionVec* saveParticles(Geant4ParticleMap* particles);
0106     public:
0107       /// Standard constructor
0108       Geant4Output2LCIO(Geant4Context* ctxt, const std::string& nam);
0109       /// Default destructor
0110       virtual ~Geant4Output2LCIO();
0111       /// Callback to store the Geant4 run information
0112       virtual void beginRun(const G4Run* run);
0113       /// Callback to store the Geant4 run information
0114       virtual void endRun(const G4Run* run);
0116       /// Callback to store the Geant4 run information
0117       virtual void saveRun(const G4Run* run);
0118       /// Callback to store the Geant4 event
0119       virtual void saveEvent( OutputContext<G4Event>& ctxt);
0120       /// Callback to store each Geant4 hit collection
0121       virtual void saveCollection( OutputContext<G4Event>& ctxt, G4VHitsCollection* collection);
0122       /// Commit data at end of filling procedure
0123       virtual void commit( OutputContext<G4Event>& ctxt);
0125       /// begin-of-event callback - creates LCIO event and adds it to the event context
0126       virtual void begin(const G4Event* event);
0127     protected:
0128       /// Fill event parameters in LCIO event
0129       template <typename T>
0130       void saveEventParameters(lcio::LCEventImpl* event, const std::map<std::string, std::string >& parameters);
0131     };
0133     /// Fill event parameters in LCIO event
0134     template <typename T>
0135     inline void Geant4Output2LCIO::saveEventParameters(lcio::LCEventImpl* event, const std::map<std::string, std::string >& parameters)  {
0136       for(std::map<std::string, std::string >::const_iterator iter = parameters.begin(), endIter = parameters.end() ; iter != endIter ; ++iter)  {
0137         T parameter;
0138         std::istringstream iss(iter->second);
0139         if ( (iss >> parameter).fail() )  {
0140           printout(FATAL,"saveEventParameters","+++ Event parameter %s: FAILED to convert to type :%s",iter->first.c_str(),typeid(T).name());
0141           continue;
0142         }
0143         event->parameters().setValue(iter->first,parameter);
0144       }
0145     }
0147     /// Fill event parameters in LCIO event - std::string specialization
0148     template <>
0149     inline void Geant4Output2LCIO::saveEventParameters<std::string>(lcio::LCEventImpl* event, const std::map<std::string, std::string >& parameters)  {
0150       for(std::map<std::string, std::string >::const_iterator iter = parameters.begin(), endIter = parameters.end() ; iter != endIter ; ++iter)  {
0151         event->parameters().setValue(iter->first,iter->second);
0152       }
0153     }
0155   }    // End namespace sim
0156 }      // End namespace dd4hep
0159 //==========================================================================
0160 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0161 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0162 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0163 // All rights reserved.
0164 //
0165 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0166 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0167 //
0168 // Author     : M.Frank
0169 //
0170 //==========================================================================
0172 // Framework include files
0173 #include <DD4hep/InstanceCount.h>
0174 #include <DD4hep/Detector.h>
0175 #include <DDG4/Geant4HitCollection.h>
0176 #include <DDG4/Geant4DataConversion.h>
0177 #include <DDG4/Geant4Context.h>
0178 #include <DDG4/Geant4Particle.h>
0179 #include <DDG4/Geant4Data.h>
0180 #include <DDG4/Geant4Action.h>
0182 //#include <DDG4/Geant4Output2LCIO.h>
0183 #include <G4ParticleDefinition.hh>
0184 #include <G4VProcess.hh>
0185 #include <G4Event.hh>
0186 #include <G4Run.hh>
0188 // LCIO include files
0189 #include <IMPL/LCEventImpl.h>
0190 #include <IMPL/LCRunHeaderImpl.h>
0191 #include <IMPL/LCCollectionVec.h>
0192 #include <IMPL/ClusterImpl.h>
0193 #include <IMPL/SimTrackerHitImpl.h>
0194 #include <IMPL/SimCalorimeterHitImpl.h>
0195 #include <IMPL/MCParticleImpl.h>
0196 #include <UTIL/ILDConf.h>
0198 using namespace dd4hep::sim;
0199 using namespace dd4hep;
0200 using namespace std;
0201 namespace {
0202   G4Mutex action_mutex=G4MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
0203 }
0205 #include <DDG4/Factories.h>
0208 /// Standard constructor
0209 Geant4Output2LCIO::Geant4Output2LCIO(Geant4Context* ctxt, const string& nam)
0210 : Geant4OutputAction(ctxt,nam), m_file(0), m_runNo(0), m_runNumberOffset(0), m_eventNumberOffset(0)
0211 {
0212   declareProperty("RunHeader", m_runHeader);
0213   declareProperty("EventParametersInt",    m_eventParametersInt);
0214   declareProperty("EventParametersFloat",  m_eventParametersFloat);
0215   declareProperty("EventParametersString", m_eventParametersString);
0216   declareProperty("RunNumberOffset", m_runNumberOffset);
0217   declareProperty("EventNumberOffset", m_eventNumberOffset);
0218   InstanceCount::increment(this);
0219 }
0221 /// Default destructor
0222 Geant4Output2LCIO::~Geant4Output2LCIO()  {
0223   G4AutoLock protection_lock(&action_mutex);
0224   if ( m_file )  {
0225     m_file->close();
0226     detail::deletePtr(m_file);
0227   }
0228   InstanceCount::decrement(this);
0229 }
0231 // Callback to store the Geant4 run information
0232 void Geant4Output2LCIO::beginRun(const G4Run* run)  {
0233   if ( 0 == m_file && !m_output.empty() )   {
0234     G4AutoLock protection_lock(&action_mutex);
0235     m_file = lcio::LCFactory::getInstance()->createLCWriter();
0236     m_file->open(m_output,lcio::LCIO::WRITE_NEW);
0237   }
0239   saveRun(run);
0240 }
0242 /// Callback to store the Geant4 run information
0243 void Geant4Output2LCIO::endRun(const G4Run* /*run*/)  {
0244   // saveRun(run);
0245 }
0247 /// Commit data at end of filling procedure
0248 void Geant4Output2LCIO::commit( OutputContext<G4Event>& /* ctxt */)   {
0249   lcio::LCEventImpl* e = context()->event().extension<lcio::LCEventImpl>();
0250   if ( m_file )   {
0251     G4AutoLock protection_lock(&action_mutex);
0252     m_file->writeEvent(e);
0253     return;
0254   }
0255   except("+++ Failed to write output file. [Stream is not open]");
0256 }
0258 /// Callback to store the Geant4 run information
0259 void Geant4Output2LCIO::saveRun(const G4Run* run)  {
0260   G4AutoLock protection_lock(&action_mutex);
0261   // --- write an lcio::RunHeader ---------
0262   lcio::LCRunHeaderImpl* rh =  new lcio::LCRunHeaderImpl;
0263   for (std::map< std::string, std::string >::iterator it = m_runHeader.begin(); it != m_runHeader.end(); ++it) {
0264     rh->parameters().setValue( it->first, it->second );
0265   }
0266   m_runNo = m_runNumberOffset > 0 ? m_runNumberOffset + run->GetRunID() : run->GetRunID();
0267   rh->parameters().setValue("GEANT4Version", G4Version);
0268   rh->parameters().setValue("DD4HEPVersion", versionString());
0269   rh->setRunNumber(m_runNo);
0270   rh->setDetectorName(context()->detectorDescription().header().name());
0271   auto* parameters = context()->run().extension<RunParameters>(false);
0272   if (parameters) {
0273     parameters->extractParameters(*rh);
0274   }
0275   m_file->writeRunHeader(rh);
0276 }
0278 void Geant4Output2LCIO::begin(const G4Event* /* event */)  {
0279   lcio::LCEventImpl* e  = new lcio::LCEventImpl;
0280   //fg: here the event context takes ownership and
0281   //    deletes the event in the end
0282   context()->event().addExtension<lcio::LCEventImpl>( e );
0283 }
0285 /// Data conversion interface for MC particles to LCIO format
0286 lcio::LCCollectionVec* Geant4Output2LCIO::saveParticles(Geant4ParticleMap* particles)    {
0287   typedef detail::ReferenceBitMask<const int> PropertyMask;
0288   typedef Geant4ParticleMap::ParticleMap ParticleMap;
0289   const ParticleMap& pm = particles->particleMap;
0290   size_t nparts = pm.size();
0291   lcio::LCCollectionVec* lc_coll = new lcio::LCCollectionVec(lcio::LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
0292   lc_coll->reserve(nparts);
0293   if ( nparts > 0 )  {
0294     size_t cnt = 0;
0295     map<int,int> p_ids;
0296     vector<const Geant4Particle*> p_part(pm.size(),0);
0297     vector<MCParticleImpl*> p_lcio(pm.size(),0);
0298     // First create the particles
0299     for(ParticleMap::const_iterator i=pm.begin(); i!=pm.end();++i, ++cnt)   {
0300       int id = (*i).first;
0301       const Geant4ParticleHandle p = (*i).second;
0302       PropertyMask mask(p->status);
0303       //      std::cout << " ********** mcp status : 0x" << std::hex << p->status << ", mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_STABLE) x" << std::dec << mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_STABLE)  <<std::endl ;
0304       const G4ParticleDefinition* def = p.definition();
0305       MCParticleImpl* q = new lcio::MCParticleImpl();
0306       q->setPDG(p->pdgID);
0308       float ps_fa[3] = {float(p->psx/CLHEP::GeV),float(p->psy/CLHEP::GeV),float(p->psz/CLHEP::GeV)};
0309       q->setMomentum( ps_fa );
0311 #if LCIO_VERSION_GE(2,7)
0312       float pe_fa[3] = {float(p->pex/CLHEP::GeV),float(p->pey/CLHEP::GeV),float(p->pez/CLHEP::GeV)};
0313       q->setMomentumAtEndpoint( pe_fa );
0314 #endif
0315       double vs_fa[3] = { p->vsx/CLHEP::mm, p->vsy/CLHEP::mm, p->vsz/CLHEP::mm } ;
0316       q->setVertex( vs_fa );
0318       double ve_fa[3] = { p->vex/CLHEP::mm, p->vey/CLHEP::mm, p->vez/CLHEP::mm } ;
0319       q->setEndpoint( ve_fa );
0321       q->setTime(p->time/CLHEP::ns);
0322       q->setMass(p->mass/CLHEP::GeV);
0323       q->setCharge(def ? def->GetPDGCharge() : 0); // Charge(e+) = 1 !
0325       // Set generator status
0326       q->setGeneratorStatus(0);
0327       if( p->genStatus ) {
0328         q->setGeneratorStatus( p->genStatus ) ;
0329       } else {
0331     if ( mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_STABLE) )             q->setGeneratorStatus(1);
0332     else if ( mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_DECAYED) )       q->setGeneratorStatus(2);
0333     else if ( mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_DOCUMENTATION) ) q->setGeneratorStatus(3);
0334     else if ( mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_BEAM) )          q->setGeneratorStatus(4);
0335     else if ( mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_GEN_OTHER) )         q->setGeneratorStatus(9);
0336       }
0337 //      std::cout << " ********** mcp genstatus : " << q->getGeneratorStatus() << std::endl ;
0339       // Set simulation status
0340       q->setCreatedInSimulation(         mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_CREATED) );
0341       q->setBackscatter(                 mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_BACKSCATTER) );
0342       q->setVertexIsNotEndpointOfParent( mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_PARENT_RADIATED) );
0343       q->setDecayedInTracker(            mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_DECAY_TRACKER) );
0344       q->setDecayedInCalorimeter(        mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_DECAY_CALO) );
0345       q->setHasLeftDetector(             mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_LEFT_DETECTOR) );
0346       q->setStopped(                     mask.isSet(G4PARTICLE_SIM_STOPPED) );
0347       q->setOverlay(                     false );
0349       //fg: if simstatus !=0 we have to set the generator status to 0:
0350       if( q->isCreatedInSimulation() )
0351         q->setGeneratorStatus( 0 )  ;
0353       q->setSpin(p->spin);
0354       q->setColorFlow(p->colorFlow);
0356       lc_coll->addElement(q);
0357       p_ids[id] = cnt;
0358       p_part[cnt] = p;
0359       p_lcio[cnt] = q;
0360     }
0362     // Now establish parent-daughter relationships
0363     for(size_t i=0, n=p_ids.size(); i<n; ++i)   {
0364       map<int,int>::iterator k;
0365       const Geant4Particle* p = p_part[i];
0366       MCParticleImpl* q = p_lcio[i];
0367       const Geant4Particle::Particles& dau = p->daughters;
0368       for( Geant4Particle::Particles::const_iterator j=dau.begin(); j != dau.end(); ++j )  {
0369         int idau = *j;
0370         if ( (k=p_ids.find(idau)) == p_ids.end() )  {  // Error!!!
0371           printout(FATAL,"Geant4Conversion","+++ Particle %d: FAILED to find daughter with ID:%d",p->id,idau);
0372           continue;
0373         }
0374         int iqdau = (*k).second;
0375         MCParticleImpl* qdau = p_lcio[iqdau];
0376         qdau->addParent(q);
0377       }
0378       const Geant4Particle::Particles& par = p->parents;
0379       for( Geant4Particle::Particles::const_iterator j=par.begin(); j != par.end(); ++j )  {
0380         int ipar = *j; // A parent ID iof -1 means NO parent, because a base of 0 is perfectly leagal!
0381         if ( ipar >= 0 )   {
0382           if( (k=p_ids.find(ipar)) == p_ids.end() )  {  // Error!!!
0383             printout(FATAL,"Geant4Conversion","+++ Particle %d: FAILED to find parent with ID:%d",p->id,ipar);
0384             continue;
0385           }
0386           int iqpar = (*k).second;
0387           MCParticleImpl* qpar = p_lcio[iqpar];
0388           q->addParent(qpar);
0389         }
0390       }
0391     }
0392   }
0393   return lc_coll;
0394 }
0396 /// Callback to store the Geant4 event
0397 void Geant4Output2LCIO::saveEvent(OutputContext<G4Event>& ctxt)  {
0398   lcio::LCEventImpl* e = context()->event().extension<lcio::LCEventImpl>();
0399   EventParameters* parameters = context()->event().extension<EventParameters>(false);
0400   int runNumber(0), eventNumber(0);
0401   const int eventNumberOffset(m_eventNumberOffset > 0 ? m_eventNumberOffset : 0);
0402   const int runNumberOffset(m_runNumberOffset > 0 ? m_runNumberOffset : 0);
0403   double eventWeight{0};
0404   // Get event number, run number and parameters from extension ...
0405   if (parameters) {
0406     runNumber = parameters->runNumber() + runNumberOffset;
0407     eventNumber = parameters->eventNumber() + eventNumberOffset;
0408     parameters->extractParameters(*e);
0409 #if LCIO_VERSION_GE(2, 17)
0410     eventWeight = e->getParameters().getDoubleVal("EventWeights");
0411 #endif
0412   } else {  // ... or from DD4hep framework
0413     runNumber = m_runNo + runNumberOffset;
0414     eventNumber = ctxt.context->GetEventID() + eventNumberOffset;
0415   }
0416   print("+++ Saving LCIO event %d run %d ....", eventNumber, runNumber);
0417   e->setRunNumber(runNumber);
0418   e->setEventNumber(eventNumber);
0419   e->setWeight(eventWeight);
0420   e->setDetectorName(context()->detectorDescription().header().name());
0421   saveEventParameters<int>(e, m_eventParametersInt);
0422   saveEventParameters<float>(e, m_eventParametersFloat);
0423   saveEventParameters<std::string>(e, m_eventParametersString);
0424   lcio::LCEventImpl* evt = context()->event().extension<lcio::LCEventImpl>();
0425   Geant4ParticleMap* part_map = context()->event().extension<Geant4ParticleMap>(false);
0426   if ( part_map )   {
0427     print("+++ Saving %d LCIO particles....",int(part_map->particleMap.size()));
0428     if ( part_map->particleMap.size() > 0 )  {
0429       lcio::LCCollectionVec* col = saveParticles(part_map);
0430       evt->addCollection(col,lcio::LCIO::MCPARTICLE);
0431     }
0432   }
0433 }
0435 /// Callback to store each Geant4 hit collection
0436 void Geant4Output2LCIO::saveCollection(OutputContext<G4Event>& /* ctxt */, G4VHitsCollection* collection)  {
0437   size_t nhits = collection->GetSize();
0438   std::string hc_nam = collection->GetName();
0439   print("+++ Saving LCIO collection %s with %d entries....",hc_nam.c_str(),int(nhits));
0440   typedef pair<const Geant4Context*,G4VHitsCollection*> _Args;
0441   typedef Geant4Conversion<lcio::LCCollectionVec,_Args> _C;
0442   const _C& cnv = _C::converter(typeid(Geant4HitCollection));
0443   cnv(_Args(context(),collection));
0444 }