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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework include files
0015 #include <DD4hep/InstanceCount.h>
0017 #include <DDDigi/DigiData.h>
0018 #include <DDDigi/DigiKernel.h>
0019 #include <DDDigi/DigiContext.h>
0020 #include <DDDigi/DigiStoreDump.h>
0022 using namespace dd4hep::digi;
0024 /// Standard constructor
0025 DigiStoreDump::DigiStoreDump(const DigiKernel& krnl, const std::string& nam)
0026   : DigiEventAction(krnl, nam)
0027 {
0028   declareProperty("dump_history",  m_dump_history  = false);
0029   declareProperty("segments", m_segments);
0030   m_segments.push_back("input");
0031   m_segments.push_back("deposits");
0032   m_segments.push_back("data");
0033   m_segments.push_back("counts");
0034   m_segments.push_back("output");
0035   declareProperty("containers", m_containers);
0036   declareProperty("masks",      m_masks);
0037   m_kernel.register_initialize(std::bind(&DigiStoreDump::initialize,this));
0038   InstanceCount::increment(this);
0039 }
0041 /// Default destructor
0042 DigiStoreDump::~DigiStoreDump() {
0043   InstanceCount::decrement(this);
0044 }
0046 /// Initialize the action
0047 void DigiStoreDump::initialize()   {
0048   m_container_items.clear();
0049   for( const auto& cont : m_containers )   {
0050     Key key(cont, 0x0);
0051     m_container_items.emplace_back(key.item());
0052   }
0053 }
0055 template <typename T> std::string DigiStoreDump::data_header(Key key, const std::string& tag, const T& container)  const  {
0056   return this->format("%04X %04X %08X %-32s: %6ld %-12s [%s]", 
0057                       key.segment(), key.mask(), key.item(),
0058                       ('"'+Key::key_name(key)+'"').c_str(), container.size(), tag.c_str(),
0059                       digiTypeName(typeid(T)).c_str());
0060 }
0062 template <> std::string DigiStoreDump::data_header(Key key, const std::string& tag, const std::type_info& info)  const  {
0063   std::string typ = digiTypeName(info);
0064   if ( tag.empty() )   {
0065     return this->format("%04X %04X %08X %-32s: %6s %s",
0066                         key.segment(), key.mask(), key.item(),
0067                         ('"'+Key::key_name(key)+'"').c_str(), "",
0068                         typ.c_str());
0069   }
0070   return this->format("%04X %04X %08X %-32s: %-12s %s",
0071                       key.segment(), key.mask(), key.item(),
0072                       ('"'+Key::key_name(key)+'"').c_str(), tag.c_str(),
0073                       typ.c_str());
0074 }
0076 template <> std::string DigiStoreDump::data_header(Key key, const std::string& tag, const std::any& data)  const  {
0077   return data_header(std::move(key), tag, data.type());
0078 }
0080 template <> std::vector<std::string>
0081 DigiStoreDump::dump_history(DigiContext& context, 
0082                             Key key,
0083                             const std::pair<const ParticleMapping::key_type, Particle>& data,
0084                             std::size_t seq_no)  const
0085 {
0086   std::stringstream str;
0087   auto& ev = *(context.event);
0088   Key particle_key = data.first;
0089   std::vector<std::string> records;
0090   History::hist_entry_t hist { particle_key, 1.0 };
0091   const Particle&  par = hist.get_particle(ev);
0092   const Direction& mom = par.momentum;
0093   const Position&  vtx = par.start_position;
0095   str << Key::key_name(key) << "[" << seq_no << "]:";
0096   std::string line =
0097     format("|----  %-18s Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Item:%04X %016lX",
0098            str.str().c_str(), particle_key.segment(), particle_key.mask(), particle_key.item(),
0099            long(&data.second));
0100   records.emplace_back(line);
0101   line = format("|        PDG:%6d Charge:%-2d Mass:%7.2f v:%7.5g %7.5g %7.5g  p:%12g %12g %12g      %016lX",
0102                 par.pdgID, int(par.charge), par.mass, vtx.X(), vtx.Y(), vtx.Z(), mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z(), long(&par));
0103   records.emplace_back(line);
0104   return records;
0105 }
0107 template <> std::vector<std::string> 
0108 DigiStoreDump::dump_history(DigiContext& context,
0109                             Key container_key,
0110                             const std::pair<const DepositMapping::key_type, EnergyDeposit>& data,
0111                             std::size_t seq_no)  const
0112 {
0113   std::string line;
0114   std::stringstream str;
0115   auto& ev = *(context.event);
0116   const auto& item = data.second;
0117   const CellID cell = data.first;
0118   std::vector<std::string> records;
0120   str << Key::key_name(container_key) << "[" << seq_no << "]:";
0121   line = format("+----- %-30s Container: Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Item:%08X Cell:%016lX History: Hits:%ld Parts:%ld",
0122                 str.str().c_str(), int(container_key.segment()), int(container_key.mask()), int(container_key.item()),
0123                 cell, item.history.hits.size(), item.history.particles.size());
0124   records.emplace_back(line);
0125   for( std::size_t i=0; i<item.history.hits.size(); ++i )   {
0126     const auto& entry = item.history.hits[i];
0127     const EnergyDeposit&  dep = entry.get_deposit(ev, container_key.item());
0128     const Position& pos = dep.position;
0129     const Position& mom = dep.momentum;
0130     Key k = entry.source;
0131     str.str("");
0132     str << "|        Hit-history[" << i << "]:";
0133     line = format("%-30s Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Cell:%08X  Weight:%.8g",
0134                   str.str().c_str(), k.segment(), k.mask(), k.item(), entry.weight);
0135     records.emplace_back(line);
0136     line = format("|              pos: %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f   p: %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f deposit: %7.3f",
0137                   pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z(), mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z(), dep.deposit);
0138     records.emplace_back(line);
0139   }
0140   for( std::size_t i=0; i<item.history.particles.size(); ++i )   {
0141     const auto&      ent = item.history.particles[i];
0142     const Particle&  par = ent.get_particle(ev);
0143     const Direction& mom = par.momentum;
0144     const Position&  vtx = par.start_position;
0145     Key key = ent.source;
0146     str.str("");
0147     str << "|        Part-history[" << i << "]:";
0148     line = format("%-30s Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Key: %08X  %.8g",
0149                   str.str().c_str(), key.segment(), key.mask(), key.item(), ent.weight);
0150     records.emplace_back(line);
0151     line = format("|              PDG:%6d Charge:%-2d Mass:%7.3f v:%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f   p:%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f",
0152                   par.pdgID, int(par.charge), par.mass, vtx.X(), vtx.Y(), vtx.Z(), mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z());
0153     records.emplace_back(line);
0154   }
0155   return records;
0156 }
0158 template <> std::vector<std::string> 
0159 DigiStoreDump::dump_history(DigiContext& context,
0160                             Key container_key,
0161                             const std::pair<const CellID, History>& data,
0162                             std::size_t seq_no)  const
0163 {
0164   std::string line;
0165   std::stringstream str;
0166   auto& ev = *(context.event);
0167   const auto& history = data.second;
0168   const CellID cell = data.first;
0169   std::vector<std::string> records;
0171   str << Key::key_name(container_key) << "[" << seq_no << "]:";
0172   line = format("+----- %-30s Container: Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Item:%08X Cell:%016lX Hist: Hits:%ld Parts:%ld",
0173                 str.str().c_str(), container_key.segment(), container_key.mask(), container_key.item(),
0174                 cell, history.hits.size(), history.particles.size());
0175   records.emplace_back(line);
0176   for( std::size_t i=0; i<history.hits.size(); ++i )   {
0177     const auto& entry = history.hits[i];
0178     const EnergyDeposit&  dep = entry.get_deposit(ev, container_key.item());
0179     const Position& pos = dep.position;
0180     const Position& mom = dep.momentum;
0181     Key k = entry.source;
0182     str.str("");
0183     str << "|        Hit-history[" << i << "]:";
0184     line = format("%-30s Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Cell:%08X  Weight:%.8g",
0185                   str.str().c_str(), k.segment(), k.mask(), k.item(), entry.weight);
0186     records.emplace_back(line);
0187     line = format("|              pos: %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f   p: %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f deposit: %7.3f",
0188                   pos.X(), pos.Y(), pos.Z(), mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z(), dep.deposit);
0189     records.emplace_back(line);
0190   }
0191   for( std::size_t i=0; i<history.particles.size(); ++i )   {
0192     const auto&      ent = history.particles[i];
0193     const Particle&  par = ent.get_particle(ev);
0194     const Direction& mom = par.momentum;
0195     const Position&  vtx = par.start_position;
0196     Key key = ent.source;
0197     str.str("");
0198     str << "|        Part-history[" << i << "]:";
0199     line = format("%-30s Segment:%04X Mask:%04X Key: %08X  %.8g",
0200                   str.str().c_str(), key.segment(), key.mask(), key.item(), ent.weight);
0201     records.emplace_back(line);
0202     line = format("|              PDG:%6d Charge:%-2d Mass:%7.3f v:%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f   p:%7.3f %7.3f %7.3f",
0203                   par.pdgID, int(par.charge), par.mass, vtx.X(), vtx.Y(), vtx.Z(), mom.X(), mom.Y(), mom.Z());
0204     records.emplace_back(line);
0205   }
0206   return records;
0207 }
0209 template <typename T> std::vector<std::string>
0210 DigiStoreDump::dump_history(DigiContext& context, Key container_key, const T& container)  const {
0211   std::size_t count = 0;
0212   std::vector<std::string> records;
0213   for( const auto& item : container )  {
0214     auto rec = dump_history(context, container_key, item, count++);
0215     records.insert(records.end(), rec.begin(), rec.end());
0216   }
0217   return records;
0218 }
0220 template <typename T> std::vector<std::string>
0221 DigiStoreDump::dump_deposit_history(DigiContext& context, Key container_key, const T& container)  const {
0222   std::vector<std::string> records;
0223   auto line = format("|----  %s", data_header(container_key, "deposits", container).c_str());
0224   records.emplace_back(line);
0225   std::size_t count = 0;
0226   for( const auto& item : container )   {
0227     auto rec = dump_history(context, container_key, item, count++);
0228     records.insert(records.end(), rec.begin(), rec.end());
0229   }
0230   return records;
0231 }
0232 template std::vector<std::string>
0233 DigiStoreDump::dump_deposit_history(DigiContext& context, Key container_key, const DepositMapping& container)  const;
0235 template std::vector<std::string>
0236 DigiStoreDump::dump_deposit_history(DigiContext& context, Key container_key, const DepositVector& container)  const;
0238 std::vector<std::string>
0239 DigiStoreDump::dump_particle_history(DigiContext& context, Key container_key, const ParticleMapping& container)  const {
0240   std::size_t count = 0;
0241   std::vector<std::string> records;
0242   auto line = format("|----  %s", data_header(container_key, "particles", container).c_str());
0243   records.emplace_back(line);
0244   for( const auto& item : container )   {
0245     auto rec = dump_history(context, container_key, item, count++);
0246     records.insert(records.end(), rec.begin(), rec.end());
0247   }
0248   return records;
0249 }
0251 /// Dump hit container
0252 void DigiStoreDump::dump_history(DigiContext& context,
0253                                  const std::string& tag,
0254                                  const DigiEvent& event,
0255                                  const DataSegment& segment)  const
0256 {
0257   std::vector<std::string> records;
0258   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(segment.lock);
0260   records.emplace_back(format("+--- %-12s segment: %ld entries", tag.c_str(), segment.size()));
0261   for ( const auto& entry : segment )     {
0262     Key key {entry.first};
0263     const std::any& data = entry.second;
0264     bool use = m_containers.empty() ||
0265       std::find(m_container_items.begin(), m_container_items.end(), key.item()) != m_container_items.end();
0266     use &= m_masks.empty() || 
0267       std::find(m_masks.begin(), m_masks.end(), key.mask()) != m_masks.end();
0269     if ( use )   {
0270       std::vector<std::string> rec;
0271       if ( const auto* mapping = std::any_cast<DepositMapping>(&data) )   {
0272         rec = dump_deposit_history(context, std::move(key), *mapping);
0273       }
0274       else if ( const auto* vector = std::any_cast<DepositVector>(&data) )   {
0275         rec = dump_deposit_history(context, std::move(key), *vector);
0276       }
0277       else if ( const auto* parts = std::any_cast<ParticleMapping>(&data) )   {
0278         rec = dump_particle_history(context, std::move(key), *parts);
0279       }
0280       else if ( const auto* adcs = std::any_cast<DetectorResponse>(&data) )   {
0281         rec = { format("|----  %s", data_header(std::move(key), "ADC values", *adcs).c_str()) };
0282       }
0283       else if ( const auto* hist = std::any_cast<DetectorHistory>(&data) )   {
0284         rec = { format("|----  %s", data_header(std::move(key), "histories", *hist).c_str()) };
0285       }
0286       else   {
0287         rec = { format("|----  %s", data_header(std::move(key), "", data).c_str()) };
0288       }
0289       records.insert(records.end(), rec.begin(), rec.end());
0290     }
0291   }
0292   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> record_lock(m_kernel.global_output_lock());
0293   for(const auto& s : records)
0294     info("%s%s",, s.c_str());
0295 }
0297 /// Dump hit container
0298 void DigiStoreDump::dump_headers(const std::string& tag,
0299                                  const DigiEvent&   event,
0300                                  const DataSegment& segment)  const
0301 {
0302   int first = 1;
0303   std::string str;
0304   std::vector<std::string> records;
0305   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(segment.lock);
0306   records.push_back(format("+--- %-12s segment: %ld entries", tag.c_str(), segment.size()));
0307   records.push_back(format("| Segt Mask Item-id  Item-name"));
0308   for ( const auto& entry : segment )     {
0309     Key key {entry.first};
0310     const std::any& data = entry.second;
0311     if ( const auto* mapping = std::any_cast<DepositMapping>(&data) )
0312       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "deposits", *mapping);
0313     else if ( const auto* vector = std::any_cast<DepositVector>(&data) )
0314       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "deposits", *vector);
0315     else if ( const auto* parts = std::any_cast<ParticleMapping>(&data) )
0316       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "particles", *parts);
0317     else if ( const auto* adcs = std::any_cast<DetectorResponse>(&data) )
0318       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "ADC values", *adcs);
0319     else if ( const auto* hist = std::any_cast<DetectorHistory>(&data) )
0320       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "histories", *hist);
0321     else if ( data.type() == typeid(void) )
0322       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "void data", data);
0323     else
0324       str = "| " + data_header(std::move(key), "", data);
0325     if ( first )   {
0326       first = false;
0327     }
0328     records.push_back(str);
0329   }
0330   if ( records.size() == 2 ) records.pop_back();
0331   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> record_lock(m_kernel.global_output_lock());
0332   for(const auto& s : records)
0333     info("%s|----  %s",, s.c_str());
0334 }
0336 /// Main functional callback
0337 void DigiStoreDump::execute(DigiContext& context)  const    {
0338   const auto& event = context.event;
0339   for( const auto& segment : this->m_segments )    {
0340     std::string seg = detail::str_upper(segment);
0341     if ( m_dump_history )    {
0342       dump_history(context, seg, *event, event->get_segment(segment));
0343       continue;
0344     }
0345     dump_headers(seg, *event, event->get_segment(segment));
0346   }
0347 }