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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 /// Framework include files
0015 #include <Parsers/spirit/ParsersFactory.h>
0016 #include <DDDigi/DigiMonitorOptions.h>
0018 // ============================================================================
0019 namespace dd4hep   {
0020   // ==========================================================================
0021   namespace Parsers  {
0023     // ========================================================================
0024     // 1D histogram parameters
0025     // ========================================================================
0026     std::ostream& toStream(const dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& o, std::ostream& s)   {
0027       return s << "( "
0028                << '"' <<  << '"' << " , "
0029                << '"' << o.title << '"' << " , "
0030                << o.nbin_x << " , "
0031                << o.min_x  << " , "
0032                << o.max_x
0033                << " )" ;
0034     }
0036     // ========================================================================
0037     template< typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
0038     class H1DParamsGrammar : public qi::grammar<Iterator, dd4hep::digi::H1DParams(), Skipper>
0039     {
0040     public:
0041       // ======================================================================
0042       typedef dd4hep::digi::H1DParams ResultT;
0043       // ======================================================================
0044     public:
0045       struct tag_name{};
0046       struct tag_title{};
0047       struct tag_nbin_x{};
0048       struct tag_min_x{};
0049       struct tag_max_x{};
0050       struct Operations {
0051         // Some magic:
0052         template <typename A, typename B = boost::fusion::unused_type,
0053               typename C = boost::fusion::unused_type,
0054               typename D = boost::fusion::unused_type>
0055         struct result { typedef void type; };
0056         // Actions:
0057         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
0058         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& val, const int bin, tag_nbin_x) const {
0059           val.nbin_x = bin;
0060         }
0062         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& val, const float x, tag_min_x) const {
0063           val.min_x = x;
0064         }
0066         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& val, const float x, tag_max_x) const {
0067           val.max_x = x;
0068         }
0070         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& val, const std::string& nam, tag_name) const {
0071  = nam;
0072         }
0074         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& val, const std::string& tit, tag_title) const {
0075           val.title = tit;
0076         }
0078       };
0079     public:
0080       H1DParamsGrammar() : H1DParamsGrammar::base_type(para)      {
0081         para = qi::lit('(')
0082           >> name[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_name())]
0083           >> ','
0084           >> title[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_title())]
0085           >> ','
0086           >> qi::int_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_nbin_x())]
0087           >> ','
0088           >> qi::double_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_min_x())]
0089           >> ','
0090           >> qi::double_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_max_x())]
0091           >> ')';
0092       }
0093       qi::rule<Iterator, dd4hep::digi::H1DParams(), Skipper> para;
0094       StringGrammar<Iterator, Skipper> name;
0095       StringGrammar<Iterator, Skipper> title;
0096       ph::function<Operations> op;
0097       // ======================================================================
0098     };
0099     REGISTER_GRAMMAR(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams, H1DParamsGrammar);
0100     // ========================================================================
0101     int parse(dd4hep::digi::H1DParams& result, const std::string& input)   {
0102       return parse_(result, input);
0103     }
0105     // ========================================================================
0106     // 2D histogram parameters
0107     // ========================================================================
0108     std::ostream& toStream(const dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& o, std::ostream& s)   {
0109       return s << "[ "
0110                << '"' << << "\" , "
0111                << '"' << o.title << "\" , "
0112                << o.nbin_x << " , "
0113                << o.min_x  << " , "
0114                << o.max_x  << " , "
0115                << o.nbin_y << " , "
0116                << o.min_y  << " , "
0117                << o.max_y
0118                << " ]" ;
0119     }
0120     // ========================================================================
0121     template< typename Iterator, typename Skipper>
0122     class H2DParamsGrammar : public qi::grammar<Iterator, dd4hep::digi::H2DParams(), Skipper>
0123     {
0124     public:
0125       // ======================================================================
0126       typedef dd4hep::digi::H2DParams ResultT;
0127       // ======================================================================
0128     public:
0129       struct tag_name{};
0130       struct tag_title{};
0131       struct tag_nbin_x{};
0132       struct tag_min_x{};
0133       struct tag_max_x{};
0134       struct tag_nbin_y{};
0135       struct tag_min_y{};
0136       struct tag_max_y{};
0137       struct Operations {
0138         // Some magic:
0139         template <typename A, typename B = boost::fusion::unused_type,
0140               typename C = boost::fusion::unused_type,
0141               typename D = boost::fusion::unused_type>
0142         struct result { typedef void type; };
0143         // Actions:
0144         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
0145         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const int bin, tag_nbin_x) const {
0146           val.nbin_x = bin;
0147         }
0148         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const float x, tag_min_x) const {
0149           val.min_x = x;
0150         }
0151         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const float x, tag_max_x) const {
0152           val.max_x = x;
0153         }
0154         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const int bin, tag_nbin_y) const {
0155           val.nbin_y = bin;
0156         }
0157         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const float y, tag_min_y) const {
0158           val.min_y = y;
0159         }
0160         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const float y, tag_max_y) const {
0161           val.max_y = y;
0162         }
0163         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const std::string& nam, tag_name) const {
0164  = nam;
0165         }
0166         void operator()(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& val, const std::string& tit, tag_title) const {
0167           val.title = tit;
0168         }
0170       };
0171     public:
0172       H2DParamsGrammar() : H2DParamsGrammar::base_type(para)      {
0173     para = qi::lit('[')
0174           >> name[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_name())]
0175           >> ','
0176           >> title[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_title())]
0177           >> ','
0178           >> qi::int_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_nbin_x())]
0179           >> ','
0180           >> qi::float_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_min_x())]
0181           >> ','
0182           >> qi::float_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_max_x())]
0183           >> ','
0184           >> qi::int_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_nbin_y())]
0185           >> ','
0186           >> qi::float_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_min_y())]
0187           >> ','
0188           >> qi::float_[op(qi::_val, qi::_1, tag_max_y())]
0189           >> ']' ;
0190         }
0191         qi::rule<Iterator, dd4hep::digi::H2DParams(), Skipper> para;
0192         StringGrammar<Iterator, Skipper> name;
0193         StringGrammar<Iterator, Skipper> title;
0194         ph::function<Operations> op;
0195       // ======================================================================
0196     };
0197     REGISTER_GRAMMAR(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams, H2DParamsGrammar);
0198     // ========================================================================
0199     int parse(dd4hep::digi::H2DParams& result, const std::string& input)   {
0200       return parse_(result, input);
0201     }
0202     // ========================================================================
0203   } //                                         end of namespace dd4hep::Parsers
0204   // ==========================================================================
0205 } //                                                    end of namespace dd4hep
0206 // ============================================================================
0207 #include "DD4hep/GrammarParsed.h"
0208 static auto s_registry = dd4hep::GrammarRegistry::pre_note<dd4hep::digi::H1DParams>()
0209   .pre_note<dd4hep::digi::H2DParams>();