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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework include files
0015 #include <DD4hep/Detector.h>
0016 #include <DD4hep/Memory.h>
0017 #include <DD4hep/Plugins.h>
0018 #include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
0019 #include <DD4hep/Primitives.h>
0020 #include <DD4hep/InstanceCount.h>
0022 #include <DDDigi/DigiKernel.h>
0023 #include <DDDigi/DigiContext.h>
0024 #include <DDDigi/DigiActionSequence.h>
0025 #include <DDDigi/DigiMonitorHandler.h>
0027 #ifdef DD4HEP_USE_TBB
0028 #include <tbb/task_group.h>
0029 #include <tbb/global_control.h>
0030 #else
0031 namespace tbb {  struct global_control { enum { max_allowed_parallelism = -1 }; }; }
0032 #endif
0034 #include <TRandom.h>
0036 // C/C++ include files
0037 #include <stdexcept>
0038 #include <algorithm>
0039 #include <memory>
0040 #include <chrono>
0042 using namespace dd4hep::digi;
0044 /// DigiKernel herlp class: Container of instance variabled
0045 /*
0046  *
0047  *  \author  M.Frank
0048  *  \version 1.0
0049  *  \ingroup DD4HEP_DIGITIZATION
0050  */
0051 class DigiKernel::Internals   {
0052 public:
0053   /// Property: Client output levels
0054   ClientOutputLevels    clientLevels;
0055   /// Atomic counter: Number of events still to be processed in this run
0056   std::atomic_int       events_todo;
0057   /// Atomic counter: Number of events still to be processed in this run
0058   std::atomic_int       events_finished;
0059   /// Atomic counter: Number of events still to be processed in this run
0060   std::size_t           events_submitted;
0062   /// Lock to ensure counter safety
0063   std::mutex            counter_lock        { };
0065   /// Lock to ensure initialization safetyp
0066   std::mutex            initializer_lock    { };
0068   /// Lock for global I/O dependencies
0069   std::mutex            global_io_lock      { };
0071   /// Lock for global output logging
0072   std::mutex            global_output_lock  { };
0074   using callbacks_t    = std::vector<std::function<void()> >;
0075   using ev_callbacks_t = std::vector<std::function<void(DigiContext&)> >;
0077   /// Configure callbacks
0078   callbacks_t           configurators       { };
0079   /// Initialize callbacks
0080   callbacks_t           initializers        { };
0081   /// Termination callback
0082   callbacks_t           terminators         { };
0083   /// Register start event callback
0084   ev_callbacks_t        start_event         { };
0085   /// Register end event callback
0086   ev_callbacks_t        end_event           { };
0088   /// The main data input action sequence
0089   DigiActionSequence*   input_action         { nullptr };
0090   /// The main event action sequence
0091   DigiActionSequence*   event_action         { nullptr };
0092   /// The main data output action sequence
0093   DigiActionSequence*   output_action        { nullptr };
0094   /// The histogram handler entity
0095   DigiMonitorHandler*   monitor_handler    { nullptr };
0097   /// Random generator
0098   TRandom* root_random;
0099   /// Shared random number generator
0100   std::shared_ptr<DigiRandomGenerator> random  { };
0101   /// TBB initializer (If TBB is used)
0102   std::unique_ptr<tbb::global_control> tbb_init { };
0103   /// Property: Output level
0104   int                   outputLevel;
0105   /// Property: maximum number of events to be processed (if < 0: infinite)
0106   int                   numEvents;
0107   /// Property: maximum number of events to be processed in parallel (if TBB)
0108   int                   maxEventsParallel;
0109   /// Property: maximum number of threads to be used (if TBB)
0110   int                   num_threads;
0111   /// Property: Allow to stop execution from interactive prompt
0112   bool                  stop = false;
0114 public:
0115   /// Default constructor
0116   Internals() = default;
0117   /// Default destructor
0118   ~Internals() = default;
0120   static std::mutex kernel_mutex;  
0121 };
0123 std::mutex DigiKernel::Internals::kernel_mutex {};
0125 /// DigiKernel herlp class: TBB wrapper to execute DigiAction instances
0126 /*
0127  *
0128  *  \author  M.Frank
0129  *  \version 1.0
0130  *  \ingroup DD4HEP_DIGITIZATION
0131  */
0132 template<typename ACTION, typename ARG> class DigiKernel::Wrapper  {
0133 public:
0134   ACTION*  action = 0;
0135   ARG   context;
0136   Wrapper(ACTION* a, ARG c) : action(a), context(c) {}
0137   Wrapper(Wrapper&& copy) = default;
0138   Wrapper(const Wrapper& copy) = default;
0139   Wrapper& operator=(Wrapper&& copy) = delete;
0140   Wrapper& operator=(const Wrapper& copy) = delete;
0141   void operator()() const {
0142     action->execute(context);
0143   }
0144 };
0146 /// DigiKernel herlp class: TBB wrapper to execute a full event
0147 /*
0148  *
0149  *  \author  M.Frank
0150  *  \version 1.0
0151  *  \ingroup DD4HEP_DIGITIZATION
0152  */
0153 class DigiKernel::Processor { 
0154   DigiKernel& kernel;
0155 public: 
0156   Processor(DigiKernel& k) : kernel(k) {}
0157   Processor(Processor&& l) = default;
0158   Processor(const Processor& l) = default;
0159   void operator()()  const {
0160     int todo = 1;
0161     while( todo >= 0 )   {
0162       todo = -1;
0163       {
0164         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(kernel.internals->counter_lock);
0165         if( !kernel.internals->stop && kernel.internals->events_todo > 0)
0166           todo = --kernel.internals->events_todo;
0167       }
0168       if ( todo >= 0 )   {
0169         int ev_num = kernel.internals->numEvents - todo;
0170     std::unique_ptr<DigiContext> context = 
0171       std::make_unique<DigiContext>(this->kernel,std::make_unique<DigiEvent>(ev_num));
0172     context->set_random_generator(this->kernel.internals->random);
0173         kernel.executeEvent(std::move(context));
0174       }
0175     }
0176   }
0177 };
0179 /// Standard constructor
0180 DigiKernel::DigiKernel(Detector& description_ref)
0181   : DigiAction(*this, "DigiKernel"), m_detDesc(&description_ref)
0182 {
0183   internals = new Internals();
0184   internals->num_threads = tbb::global_control::max_allowed_parallelism;
0185   declareProperty("maxEventsParallel",internals->maxEventsParallel = 1);
0186   declareProperty("numThreads",       internals->num_threads);
0187   declareProperty("numEvents",        internals->numEvents = 10);
0188   declareProperty("stop",             internals->stop = false);
0189   declareProperty("OutputLevels",     internals->clientLevels);
0190   auto* h = new DigiMonitorHandler(*this, "MonitorData");
0191   properties().add("MonitorOutput", h->property("MonitorOutput"));
0192   internals->monitor_handler = h;
0194   internals->input_action  = new DigiActionSequence(*this, "InputAction");
0195   internals->event_action  = new DigiActionSequence(*this, "EventAction");
0196   internals->output_action = new DigiActionSequence(*this, "OutputAction");
0197   internals->input_action->setExecuteParallel(false);
0198   internals->event_action->setExecuteParallel(false);
0199   internals->output_action->setExecuteParallel(false);
0200   internals->root_random = new TRandom();
0201   internals->random = std::make_shared<DigiRandomGenerator>();
0202   internals->random->engine = [this] {  return internals->root_random->Uniform(1.0);  };
0203   InstanceCount::increment(this);
0204 }
0206 /// Default destructor
0207 DigiKernel::~DigiKernel() {
0208   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Internals::kernel_mutex);
0209   internals->tbb_init.reset();
0210   detail::releasePtr(internals->monitor_handler);
0211   detail::releasePtr(internals->output_action);
0212   detail::releasePtr(internals->event_action);
0213   detail::releasePtr(internals->input_action);
0214   detail::deletePtr(internals->root_random);
0215   internals->random.reset();
0216   detail::deletePtr(internals);
0217   InstanceCount::decrement(this);
0218 }
0220 /// Instance accessor
0221 DigiKernel& DigiKernel::instance(Detector& description) {
0222   static dd4hep::dd4hep_ptr<DigiKernel> s_main_instance(0);
0223   if ( 0 == s_main_instance.get() )   {
0224     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(Internals::kernel_mutex);
0225     if ( 0 == s_main_instance.get() )   { // Need to check again!
0226       s_main_instance.adopt(new DigiKernel(description));
0227     }
0228   }
0229   return *(s_main_instance.get());
0230 }
0232 /// Have a shared initializer lock
0233 std::mutex& DigiKernel::initializer_lock()   const  {
0234   return internals->initializer_lock;
0235 }
0237 /// Have a global output log lock
0238 std::mutex& DigiKernel::global_output_lock()   const   {
0239   return internals->global_output_lock;
0240 }
0242 /// Have a global I/O lock (e.g. for ROOT)
0243 std::mutex& DigiKernel::global_io_lock()   const  {
0244   return internals->global_io_lock;
0245 }
0247 /// Print the property values
0248 void DigiKernel::printProperties()  const  {
0249   this->DigiAction::printProperties();
0250   for( const auto& cl : internals->clientLevels )  {
0251     always("OutputLevel[%s]:  %d", cl.first.c_str(), cl.second);
0252   }
0253 }
0255 /// Fill cache with the global output level of a named object. Must be set before instantiation
0256 void DigiKernel::setOutputLevel(const std::string object, PrintLevel new_level)   {
0257   internals->clientLevels[object] = new_level;
0258 }
0260 /// Retrieve the global output level of a named object.
0261 dd4hep::PrintLevel DigiKernel::getOutputLevel(const std::string object) const   {
0262   ClientOutputLevels::const_iterator i=internals->clientLevels.find(object);
0263   if ( i != internals->clientLevels.end() ) return (PrintLevel)(*i).second;
0264   return dd4hep::PrintLevel(dd4hep::printLevel()-1);
0265 }
0267 /// Access current number of events still to process
0268 std::size_t DigiKernel::events_todo()  const   {
0269   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internals->counter_lock);
0270   std::size_t evts = internals->events_todo;
0271   return evts;
0272 }
0274 /// Access current number of events already processed
0275 std::size_t DigiKernel::events_done()  const   {
0276   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internals->counter_lock);
0277   std::size_t evts = internals->numEvents - internals->events_todo;
0278   return evts;
0279 }
0281 /// Access current number of events processing (events in flight)
0282 std::size_t DigiKernel::events_processing()  const   {
0283   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internals->counter_lock);
0284   std::size_t evts = internals->events_submitted - internals->events_finished;
0285   return evts;
0286 }
0288 /// Construct detector geometry using description plugin
0289 void DigiKernel::loadGeometry(const std::string& compact_file) {
0290   char* arg = (char*) compact_file.c_str();
0291   m_detDesc->apply("DD4hep_XMLLoader", 1, &arg);
0292 }
0294 // Utility function to load XML files
0295 void DigiKernel::loadXML(const char* fname) {
0296   const char* args[] = { fname, 0 };
0297   m_detDesc->apply("DD4hep_XMLLoader", 1, (char**) args);
0298 }
0300 /// Configure the digitization: call all registered configurators
0301 int DigiKernel::configure()   {
0302   for(auto& call : internals->configurators) call();
0303   return 1;
0304 }
0306 /// Initialize the digitization: call all registered initializers
0307 int DigiKernel::initialize()   {
0308   for(auto& call : internals->initializers) call();
0309   return 1;
0310 }
0312 /// Access to the main input action sequence from the kernel object
0313 DigiActionSequence& DigiKernel::inputAction() const    {
0314   return *internals->input_action;
0315 }
0317 /// Access to the main event action sequence from the kernel object
0318 DigiActionSequence& DigiKernel::eventAction() const    {
0319   return *internals->event_action;
0320 }
0322 /// Access to the main output action sequence from the kernel object
0323 DigiActionSequence& DigiKernel::outputAction() const    {
0324   return *internals->output_action;
0325 }
0327 /// Register configure callback
0328 void DigiKernel::register_configure(const std::function<void()>& callback)   const  {
0329   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(initializer_lock());
0330   internals->configurators.push_back(callback);
0331 }
0333 /// Register initialize callback
0334 void DigiKernel::register_initialize(const std::function<void()>& callback)  const  {
0335   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(initializer_lock());
0336   internals->initializers.push_back(callback);
0337 }
0339 /// Register terminate callback
0340 void DigiKernel::register_terminate(const std::function<void()>& callback)   const  {
0341   std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(initializer_lock());
0342   internals->terminators.push_back(callback);
0343 }
0345 /// Register start event callback
0346 void DigiKernel::register_start_event(const std::function<void(DigiContext&)>& callback)   const  {
0347   internals->start_event.push_back(callback);
0348 }
0350 /// Register end event callback
0351 void DigiKernel::register_end_event(const std::function<void(DigiContext&)>& callback)   const  {
0352   internals->end_event.push_back(callback);
0353 }
0355 /// Registration of monitoring objects eventually saved by the handler
0356 void DigiKernel::register_monitor(DigiAction* action, TNamed* object)  const    {
0357   if ( action && object )  {
0358     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(internals->counter_lock);
0359     internals->monitor_handler->adopt(action, object);
0360     return;
0361   }
0362   except("DigiKernel","+++ Invalid monitor request from action %s with object %s: %s",
0363      action ? action->name().c_str() : "[Invalid]",
0364      object ? object->GetName() : "[Invalid]",
0365      object ? object->GetTitle() : "");
0366 }
0368 /// Submit a bunch of actions to be executed in parallel
0369 void DigiKernel::submit (DigiContext& context, ParallelCall*const algorithms[], std::size_t count, void* data, bool parallel)  const    {
0370   const char* tag = context.event->id();
0371 #ifdef DD4HEP_USE_TBB
0372   bool para = parallel && (internals->tbb_init && internals->num_threads > 0);
0373   if ( para )   {
0374     tbb::task_group que;
0375     info("%s+++ Executing chunk of %3ld execution entries in parallel", tag, count);
0376     try   {
0377       for( std::size_t i=0; i<count && !internals->stop; ++i)
0378 Wrapper<ParallelCall,void*>(algorithms[i], data) );
0379       que.wait();
0380     }
0381     catch(const std::exception& e)    {
0382       std::exception_ptr eptr = std::current_exception();
0383       internals->stop = true;
0384       error("%s+++ C++ exception. STOP event loop. [%s]", tag, e.what());
0385       std::rethrow_exception(std::move(eptr));
0386     }
0387     return;
0388   }
0389 #else
0390   (void)parallel; // Silence compiler warning when not using TBB
0391 #endif
0392   info("%s+++ Executing chunk of %3ld execution entries sequentially", tag, count);
0393   for( std::size_t i=0; i<count; ++i)
0394     algorithms[i]->execute(data);
0395 }
0397 /// Submit a bunch of actions to be executed in parallel
0398 void DigiKernel::submit (DigiContext& context, const std::vector<ParallelCall*>& algorithms, void* data, bool parallel)  const  {
0399   submit(context, &algorithms[0], algorithms.size(), data, parallel);
0400 }
0402 void DigiKernel::wait(DigiContext& context)   const  {
0403   if ( context.event ) {}
0404 }
0406 /// Execute one single event
0407 void DigiKernel::executeEvent(std::unique_ptr<DigiContext>&& context)    {
0408   DigiContext& refContext = *context;
0409   try {
0410     for(auto& call : internals->start_event) call(refContext);
0411     inputAction().execute(refContext);
0412     eventAction().execute(refContext);
0413     outputAction().execute(refContext);
0414     for(auto& call : internals->end_event) call(refContext);
0415     notify(std::move(context));
0416   }
0417   catch(const std::exception& e)   {
0418     notify(std::move(context), e);
0419   }
0420 }
0422 /// Notify kernel that the execution of one single event finished
0423 void DigiKernel::notify(std::unique_ptr<DigiContext>&& context)   {
0424   if ( context )   {
0425     context->event.reset();
0426   }
0427   context.reset();
0428   ++internals->events_finished;
0429 }
0431 /// Notify kernel that the execution of one single event finished
0432 void DigiKernel::notify(std::unique_ptr<DigiContext>&& context, const std::exception& e)   {
0433   const char* tag = context->event->id();
0434   internals->stop = true;
0435   error("%s+++ Exception during event processing [Shall stop the event loop]", tag);
0436   error("%s -> %s", tag, e.what());
0437   notify(std::move(context));
0438 }
0440 /// Run the digitization sequence over the requested number of events
0441 int DigiKernel::run()   {
0442   std::chrono::system_clock::time_point start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
0443   internals->stop = false;
0444   internals->events_finished = 0;
0445   internals->events_submitted = 0;
0446   internals->events_todo = internals->numEvents;
0447   info("+++ Total number of events:    %d",internals->numEvents);
0448 #ifdef DD4HEP_USE_TBB
0449   if ( !internals->tbb_init && internals->num_threads > 0 )   {
0450       using ctrl_t = tbb::global_control;
0451       if ( 0 == internals->num_threads )  {
0452     internals->num_threads = ctrl_t::max_allowed_parallelism;
0453       }
0454       info("+++ Number of TBB threads:     %d",internals->num_threads);
0455       info("+++ Number of parallel events: %d",internals->maxEventsParallel);
0456       internals->tbb_init = std::make_unique<ctrl_t>(ctrl_t::max_allowed_parallelism,internals->num_threads+1);
0457       if ( internals->maxEventsParallel >= 0 )   {
0458     int todo_evt = internals->events_todo;
0459     int num_proc = std::min(todo_evt,internals->maxEventsParallel);
0460     tbb::task_group main_group;
0461     try  {
0462       for(int i=0; i < num_proc; ++i)
0464       main_group.wait();
0465     }
0466     catch(const std::exception& e)    {
0467       internals->stop = true;
0468       error("run: +++ C++ exception. Event loop stop. [%s]", e.what());
0469       main_group.wait();
0470     }
0471       }
0472       debug("+++ All event processing threads Synchronized --- Done!");
0473   }
0474   else
0475 #endif
0476     {
0477       while ( internals->events_todo > 0 && !internals->stop )   {
0478     Processor proc(*this);
0479     proc();
0480     ++internals->events_submitted;
0481       }
0482     }
0484   std::chrono::duration<double> duration = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - start;
0485   double sec = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(duration).count();
0486   info("+++ %d Events out of %d processed. "
0487        "Total: %7.1f seconds %7.3f seconds/event",
0488        internals->numEvents-int(internals->events_todo), internals->numEvents,
0489        sec, sec/double(std::max(1,internals->numEvents)));
0490   return 1;
0491 }
0493 /// Terminate the digitization: call all registered terminators and release the allocated resources
0494 int DigiKernel::terminate() {
0495   info("++ Saving monitoring quantities.");
0496   internals->monitor_handler->save();
0497   info("++ Terminate Digi and delete associated actions.");
0498   for(auto& call : internals->terminators) call();
0499   m_detDesc->destroyInstance();
0500   m_detDesc = 0;
0501   return 1;
0502 }