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Warning, /DD4hep/DDDetectors/doc/README.ExtensionPlugins is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002 Extension plugins for reconstruction
0003 ====================================
0005 The need of the various reconstruction programs used to create e.g. tracks
0006 from hits may differ significantly and may require different helper data
0007 to perform the required functions.
0008 In general the reconstruction is supported by the detector elements with
0009 helper objects (in dd4hep speak these are called Views). Some default views 
0010 are provided by this package for some of the detector constructors of the 
0011 "default subdetector palette".
0012 We first show how to invoke these plugins in order to attach the required 
0013 extension object and then briefly discuss the plugin palette and its
0014 applicability to the various detector constructor types.
0016 Invokation of Extension Plugins
0017 ===============================
0019 To add DetElement extensions simply add the corresponding plugin.
0020 This could be performed either by loading a seperate lccdd XML from the 
0021 command line/python interface or adding the corrsponding structures directly
0022 into the primary lccdd file:
0024 <lccdd ..../>
0025   ....
0026   <plugins>
0027     <plugin name="....plugin name.....">
0028       <argument value="......subdetector name......"/>
0029       ....
0030       <argument value="......another subdetector name......"/>
0031     </plugin>
0032     ....
0033   </plugins>
0034   ....
0035 </lccdd>
0039 Available plugins
0040 =================
0042 -- "SubdetectorExtensionPlugin"
0043    argument: subdetector name as registered to Detector
0044    Adds an extension of type dd4hep::rec::SubdetectorExtension.
0045    Please see documentation in DDRec for details.
0046    In general applicable to any top level detector object.
0048 -- "LayeringExtensionPlugin"
0049    argument: subdetector name as registered to Detector
0050    Adds an extension of the interface type dd4hep::rec::LayeringExtension
0051    and the implementation type dd4hep::rec::LayeringExtensionImpl.
0052    Please see documentation in DDRec for details.
0054 -- "DD4hep_SiTrackerBarrelSurfacePlugin"
0055    argument: subdetector name as registered to Detector
0056    This plugin adds measurement surfaces of interface type DDSurfaces::ISurface
0057    to each detector element which has a placement with a sensitive volume.
0059    Applicable to all instances of type [list to be maintained!]:
0060     - PolyhedraBarrelCalorimeter2  
0061     - SiTrackerBarrel
0062     - EcalBarrel
0064 -- "DD4hep_SiTrackerEndcapSurfacePlugin"
0065    argument: subdetector name as registered to Detector
0066    This plugin adds measurement surfaces of interface type DDSurfaces::ISurface
0067    to each detector element which has a placement with a sensitive volume.
0069    Applicable to all instances of type [list to be maintained!]:
0070     - SiTrackerEndcap2