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Warning, /DD4hep/DDDetectors/compact/SiD/SiD_Lumical.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
0002 <!--                                                                        -->
0003 <!--    XML description of the complete SiD tracker detector                -->
0004 <!--    of the SiD linear collider detector design.                         -->
0005 <!--                                                                        -->
0006 <!--    Contained are the required                                          -->
0007 <!--      ++ global constants used uniquely by this module                  -->
0008 <!--      ++ visualization attributes                                       -->
0009 <!--      ++ the definition of the readout structure and the                -->
0010 <!--         readout segmentation (if necessary)                            -->
0011 <!--      ++ the include statements for the sensitive detectors and         -->
0012 <!--         the corresponding support structure(s)                         -->
0013 <!--                                                                        -->
0014 <!--                                                                        -->
0015 <!--   @author  M.Frank                                                     -->
0016 <!--   @date    14/11/2014                                                  -->
0017 <!--                                                                        -->
0018 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
0020 <lccdd>
0021   <!--  Definition of global dictionary constants          -->
0022   <define>
0023   </define>
0025   <!--  Definition of the used visualization attributes    -->
0026   <display>
0027     <vis name="LumiCalVis" alpha="1" r="0.0" g="0.0" b="1.0" showDaughters="false" visible="true"/>
0028   </display>
0030   <!--  Definition of the readout segmentation/definition  -->
0031   <readouts>
0032     <readout name="LumiCalHits">
0033       <segmentation type="CartesianGridXY" grid_size_x="0.35*cm" grid_size_y="0.35*cm" />
0034       <id>system:8,barrel:3,layer:8,slice:8,x:32:-16,y:-16</id>
0035     </readout>
0036   </readouts>
0038   <!--  Includes for sensitives and support                -->
0039   <detectors>
0040     <detector id="13" name="LumiCal" reflect="true" type="DD4hep_CylindricalEndcapCalorimeter" readout="LumiCalHits" vis="LumiCalVis" calorimeterType="LUMI">
0042       <comment>Luminosity Calorimeter</comment>
0044       <dimensions inner_r = "LumiCal_rmin" inner_z = "LumiCal_zmin" outer_r = "LumiCal_rmax" />
0045       <layer repeat="20" >
0046         <slice material = "TungstenDens24" thickness = "0.271*cm" />
0047         <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.032*cm" sensitive = "yes" />
0048         <slice material = "Copper"  thickness = "0.005*cm" />
0049         <slice material = "Kapton"  thickness = "0.030*cm" />
0050         <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.033*cm" />
0051       </layer>
0052       <layer repeat="15" >
0053         <slice material = "TungstenDens24" thickness = "0.543*cm" />
0054         <slice material = "Silicon" thickness = "0.032*cm" sensitive = "yes" />
0055         <slice material = "Copper"  thickness = "0.005*cm" />
0056         <slice material = "Kapton"  thickness = "0.030*cm" />
0057         <slice material = "Air"     thickness = "0.033*cm" />
0058       </layer>
0059     </detector>
0061     <detector name="LumiReadout_Forward" type="DD4hep_PolyconeSupport" vis="LumiCalVis">
0062       <comment>Readout for Luminosity Calorimeter</comment>
0063       <material name="G10"/>
0064       <zplane rmin="LumiCal_rmax" rmax="LumiCalElectronics_rmax" z="LumiCal_zmin"/>
0065       <zplane rmin="LumiCal_rmax" rmax="LumiCalElectronics_rmax" z="LumiCal_zmin+LumiCal_thickness"/>
0066     </detector>
0068     <detector name="LumiReadout_Backward" type="DD4hep_PolyconeSupport" vis="LumiCalVis">
0069       <comment>Readout for Luminosity Calorimeter</comment>
0070       <material name="G10"/>
0071       <zplane rmin="LumiCal_rmax" rmax="LumiCalElectronics_rmax" z="-LumiCal_zmin"/>
0072       <zplane rmin="LumiCal_rmax" rmax="LumiCalElectronics_rmax" z="-(LumiCal_zmin+LumiCal_thickness)"/>
0073     </detector>
0075   </detectors>
0076 </lccdd>