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Warning, /DD4hep/DDDetectors/compact/SiD/SiD_HcalEndcap.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
0002 <!--                                                                        -->
0003 <!--    XML description of the hadronic calorimeter endcap detector (HCAL)  -->
0004 <!--    of the SiD linear collider detector design.                         -->
0005 <!--                                                                        -->
0006 <!-- ====================================================================== -->
0008 <detectors>
0009   <detector id="HcalEndcap_ID" name="HcalEndcap" type="DD4hep_PolyhedraEndcapCalorimeter2" readout="HcalEndcapHits" reflect="true" vis="HcalEndcapVis" calorimeterType="HAD_ENDCAP">
0011     <comment>Hadron Calorimeter Endcaps</comment>
0013     <dimensions numsides="(int) CaloSides" zmin="HcalEndcap_zmin" rmin="HcalEndcap_rmin" rmax="HcalEndcap_rmax" />
0014     <layer repeat="(int) HcalEndcap_layers">
0015       <slice material = "Steel235"    thickness = "2.0*cm" />
0016       <slice material = "Polystyrene" thickness = "0.50*cm" sensitive = "yes" limits="cal_limits" />        
0017       <slice material = "Air" thickness = "0.15*cm" />
0018     </layer>
0019   </detector>
0021 </detectors>