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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework include files
0015 #include <DD4hep/Factories.h>
0016 #include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
0018 // ROOT includes
0019 #include <TPython.h>
0021 using namespace std;
0022 using namespace dd4hep;
0024 /// Do not clutter the global namespace ....
0025 namespace  {
0027   void usage(int argc, char** argv)    {
0028     cout <<
0029       "Usage: -plugin <name> -arg [-arg]                                                  \n"
0030       "     name:   factory name     DD4hep_Python                                        \n"
0031       "     -import  <string>        import a python module, making its classes available.\n"
0032       "     -macro   <string>        load a python script as if it were a macro.          \n"
0033       "     -exec    <string>        execute a python statement (e.g. \"import ROOT\".    \n"
0034       "     -eval    <string>        evaluate a python expression (e.g. \"1+1\")          \n"
0035       "     -prompt                  enter an interactive python session (exit with ^D)   \n"
0036       "     -dd4hep                  Equivalent to -exec \"import dd4hep\"                \n"
0037       "     -help                    Show this online help message.                       \n"
0038       "                                                                                   \n"
0039       "     Note: entries can be given multiple times and are executed in exactly the     \n"
0040       "           order specified at the command line!                                    \n"
0041       "                                                                                   \n"
0042       "\tArguments given: " << arguments(argc,argv) << endl << flush;
0043     ::exit(EINVAL);
0044   }
0046   /// ROOT GDML writer plugin
0047   /**
0048    *  Factory: DD4hep_ROOTGDMLExtract
0049    *
0050    *  \author  M.Frank
0051    *  \version 1.0
0052    *  \date    01/04/2014
0053    */
0054   long call_python(Detector& /* description */, int argc, char** argv) {
0055     if ( argc > 0 )   {
0056       vector<pair<string, string> > commands;
0057       for(int i = 0; i < argc && argv[i]; ++i)  {
0058         if ( 0 == ::strncmp("-import",argv[i],2) )
0059           commands.emplace_back("import",argv[++i]);
0060         else if ( 0 == ::strncmp("-dd4hep", argv[i],2) )
0061           commands.emplace_back("exec","import dd4hep");
0062         else if ( 0 == ::strncmp("-macro", argv[i],2) )
0063           commands.emplace_back("macro",argv[++i]);
0064         else if ( 0 == ::strncmp("-exec", argv[i],2) )
0065           commands.emplace_back("exec",argv[++i]);
0066         else if ( 0 == ::strncmp("-eval", argv[i],2) )
0067           commands.emplace_back("calc",argv[++i]);
0068         else if ( 0 == ::strncmp("-prompt", argv[i],2) )
0069           commands.emplace_back("prompt","");
0070         else
0071           usage(argc, argv);
0072       }
0073       if ( commands.empty() )   {
0074         usage(argc, argv);
0075       }
0076       for(const auto& c : commands)   {
0077         Bool_t result = kFALSE;
0078         switch(c.first[0])  {
0079         case 'i':
0080           result = TPython::Import(c.second.c_str());
0081           break;
0082         case 'm':
0083           TPython::LoadMacro(c.second.c_str());
0084           result = kTRUE;
0085           break;
0086         case 'e':
0087           result = TPython::Exec(c.second.c_str());
0088           break;
0089         case 'c':
0090           // we do not care about the result
0091           TPython::Exec(c.second.c_str());
0092           result = kTRUE;
0093           break;
0094         case 'p':
0095           TPython::Prompt();
0096           result = kTRUE;
0097           break;
0098         default:
0099           usage(argc, argv);
0100           ::exit(EINVAL);
0101           break;
0102         }
0103         if ( result != kTRUE )    {
0104           except("DD4hep_Python","+++ Failed to invoke the statement: %s",c.second.c_str());
0105         }
0106       }
0107       return 1;
0108     }
0109     except("DD4hep_Python","+++ No commands file name given.");
0110     return 0;
0111   }
0112 }
0114 DECLARE_APPLY(DD4hep_Python,call_python)