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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework include files
0015 #include <DD4hep/Shapes.h>
0016 #include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
0017 #include <DD4hep/SurfaceInstaller.h>
0019 // ROOT includes
0020 #include <TClass.h>
0022 using namespace dd4hep;
0024 typedef DetElement::Children _C;
0026 /// Initializing constructor
0027 SurfaceInstaller::SurfaceInstaller(Detector& description, int argc, char** argv)
0028   : m_detDesc(description), m_det(), m_stopScanning(false)
0029 {
0030   if ( argc > 0 )  {
0031     std::string det_name = argv[0];
0032     std::string n = det_name[0] == '-' ? det_name.substr(1) : det_name;
0033     m_det = description.detector(n);
0034     if ( !m_det.isValid() )   {
0035       std::stringstream err;
0036       err << "The subdetector " << det_name << " is not known to the geometry.";
0037       printout(INFO,"SurfaceInstaller",err.str().c_str());
0038       except(det_name, err.str());
0039     }
0040     printout(INFO,, "+++ Processing SurfaceInstaller for subdetector: '%s'",;
0041     return;
0042   }
0043   except("SurfaceInstaller", "The plugin takes at least one argument. No argument supplied");
0044 }
0046 /// Indicate error message and throw exception
0047 void SurfaceInstaller::invalidInstaller(const std::string& msg)   const  {
0048   const char* det = m_det.isValid() ? : "<UNKNOWN>";
0049   std::string typ = m_det.isValid() ? m_det.type() : std::string("<UNKNOWN>");
0050   printout(FATAL,"SurfaceInstaller","+++ Surfaces for: %s",det);
0051   printout(FATAL,"SurfaceInstaller","+++ %s.",msg.c_str());
0052   printout(FATAL,"SurfaceInstaller","+++ You sure you apply the correct plugin to generate");
0053   printout(FATAL,"SurfaceInstaller","+++ surfaces for a detector of type %s",typ.c_str());
0054   except("SurfaceInstaller", "+++ Failed to install Surfaces to detector "+std::string(det));
0055 }
0057 /// Shortcut to access the parent detectorelement's volume
0058 Volume SurfaceInstaller::parentVolume(DetElement component)  const  {
0059   DetElement module = component.parent();
0060   if ( module.isValid() )   {
0061     return module.placement().volume();
0062   }
0063   return Volume();
0064 }
0066 /// Shortcut to access the translation vector of a given component
0067 const double* SurfaceInstaller::placementTranslation(DetElement component)  const  {
0068   TGeoMatrix* mat = component.placement()->GetMatrix();
0069   const double* trans = mat->GetTranslation();
0070   return trans;
0071 }
0073 /// Printout volume information
0074 void SurfaceInstaller::install(DetElement component, PlacedVolume pv)   {
0075   if ( pv.volume().isSensitive() )  {
0076     std::stringstream log;
0077     PlacementPath     all_nodes;
0078     ElementPath       det_elts;
0079     detail::tools::elementPath(component,det_elts);
0080     detail::tools::placementPath(component,all_nodes);
0081     std::string elt_path  = detail::tools::elementPath(det_elts);
0082     std::string node_path = detail::tools::placementPath(all_nodes);
0084     log << "Lookup " << " Detector[" << det_elts.size() << "]: " << elt_path;
0085     printout(INFO,, log.str());
0086     log.str("");
0087     log << "       " << " Places[" <<  all_nodes.size()  << "]:   " << node_path;
0088     printout(INFO,, log.str());
0089     log.str("");
0090     log << "       " << " detail::matrix[" <<  all_nodes.size()  << "]: ";
0091     for(PlacementPath::const_reverse_iterator i=all_nodes.rbegin(); i!=all_nodes.rend(); ++i)  {
0092       PlacedVolume placed = *i;
0093       log << (void*)(placed->GetMatrix()) << " ";
0094       if ( placed->GetUserExtension() )  {
0095         const PlacedVolume::VolIDs& vid = placed.volIDs();
0096         for(PlacedVolume::VolIDs::const_iterator j=vid.begin(); j!=vid.end(); ++j)  {
0097           log << (*j).first << ":" << (*j).second << " ";
0098         }
0099       }
0100       log << " ";
0101       if ( i+1 == all_nodes.rend() ) log << "( -> " << placed->GetName() << ")";
0102     }
0103     // Get the module element:
0104     printout(INFO,,log.str());
0105     log.str("");
0106     Volume vol = pv.volume();
0107     log << "       "
0108         << " Sensitive:   " << (vol.isSensitive() ? "YES" : "NO ")
0109         << " Volume: " << (void*)vol.ptr() << " "
0110         << " Shape: "  << vol.solid().toString();
0111     printout(INFO,,log.str());
0112     return;
0113   }
0114   std::cout << << ": " << << std::endl;
0115 }
0117 /// Scan through tree of volume placements
0118 void SurfaceInstaller::scan(DetElement e)  {
0119   const _C& children = e.children();
0120   install(e,e.placement());
0121   for (_C::const_iterator i=children.begin(); !m_stopScanning && i!=children.end(); ++i)
0122     scan((*i).second);
0123 }
0125 /// Scan through tree of volume placements
0126 void SurfaceInstaller::scan()  {
0127   scan(m_det);
0128 }