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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework includes
0015 #include <DD4hep/IOV.h>
0016 #include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
0017 #include <DD4hep/Primitives.h>
0019 // C/C++ include files
0020 #include <climits>
0021 #include <iomanip>
0022 #include <cstring>
0024 using namespace dd4hep;
0026 #if __cplusplus == 201402
0027 const IOV::Key_value_type IOV::MIN_KEY;
0028 const IOV::Key_value_type IOV::MAX_KEY;
0029 #endif
0031 #if 0
0032 /// Assignment operator
0033 IOVType& IOVType::operator=(const IOVType& copy)  {
0034   if ( &copy != this )  {
0035     name =;
0036     type = copy.type;
0037   }
0038   return *this;
0039 }
0040 #endif
0042 /// Conversion to string
0043 std::string IOVType::str()  const   {
0044   char text[256];
0045   ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%s(%d)",name.c_str(),int(type));
0046   return text;
0047 }
0049 /// Initializing constructor
0050 IOV::IOV(const IOVType* t) : iovType(t)  {
0051   if ( t ) type = t->type;
0052 }
0054 /// Specialized copy constructor for discrete IOVs
0055 IOV::IOV(const IOVType* t, Key_value_type iov_value)
0056   : iovType(t), keyData(iov_value,iov_value)
0057 {
0058   if ( t ) type = t->type;
0059 }
0061 /// Copy constructor
0062 IOV::IOV(const IOVType* t, const Key& k)
0063   : iovType(t), keyData(k)
0064 {
0065   if ( t ) type = t->type;
0066 }
0068 /// Set discrete IOV value
0069 void IOV::set(const Key& value)  {
0070   keyData = value;
0071 }
0073 /// Set discrete IOV value
0074 void IOV::set(Key::first_type value)  {
0075   keyData.first = keyData.second = value;
0076 }
0078 /// Set range IOV value
0079 void IOV::set(Key::first_type val_1, Key::second_type val_2)  {
0080   keyData.first  = val_1;
0081   keyData.second = val_2;
0082 }
0084 /// Set keys to unphysical values (LONG_MAX, LONG_MIN)
0085 IOV& IOV::reset()  {
0086   keyData.first  = LONG_MAX;
0087   keyData.second = LONG_MIN;
0088   return *this;
0089 }
0091 /// Set keys to unphysical values (LONG_MAX, LONG_MIN)
0092 IOV& IOV::invert()  {
0093   Key::first_type tmp = keyData.first;
0094   keyData.first  = keyData.second;
0095   keyData.second = tmp;
0096   return *this;
0097 }
0099 void IOV::iov_intersection(const IOV& validity)   {
0100   if ( !iovType )
0101     *this = validity;
0102   else if ( validity.keyData.first > keyData.first ) 
0103     keyData.first = validity.keyData.first;
0104   if ( validity.keyData.second < keyData.second )
0105     keyData.second = validity.keyData.second;
0106 }
0108 void IOV::iov_intersection(const IOV::Key& validity)   {
0109   if ( validity.first > keyData.first ) 
0110     keyData.first = validity.first;
0111   if ( validity.second < keyData.second )
0112     keyData.second = validity.second;
0113 }
0115 void IOV::iov_union(const IOV& validity)   {
0116   if ( !iovType )
0117     *this = validity;
0118   else if ( validity.keyData.first < keyData.first ) 
0119     keyData.first = validity.keyData.first;
0120   if ( validity.keyData.second > keyData.second )
0121     keyData.second = validity.keyData.second;
0122 }
0124 void IOV::iov_union(const IOV::Key& validity)   {
0125   if ( validity.first < keyData.first ) 
0126     keyData.first = validity.first;
0127   if ( validity.second > keyData.second )
0128     keyData.second = validity.second;
0129 }
0131 /// Move the data content: 'from' will be reset to NULL
0132 void IOV::move(IOV& from)   {
0133   //::memcpy(this,&from,sizeof(IOV));
0134   *this = from;
0135   from.keyData.first = from.keyData.second = from.optData = 0;
0136   from.type = int(IOVType::UNKNOWN_IOV);
0137   from.iovType = 0;
0138 }
0140 /// Create string representation of the IOV
0141 std::string IOV::str()  const  {
0142   char text[256];
0143   if ( iovType )  {
0144     /// Need the long(x) casts for compatibility with Apple MAC
0145     if ( iovType->name[0] != 'e' )   {
0146       ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%s(%u):[%ld-%ld]",
0147                  iovType->name.c_str(), iovType->type, long(keyData.first), long(keyData.second));
0148     }
0149     else if ( iovType->name == "epoch" )  {
0150       struct tm  time_buff;
0151       char c_since[64], c_until[64];
0152       static constexpr const Key_value_type nil = 0;
0153       static const Key_value_type max_time = detail::makeTime(2099,12,31,24,59,59);
0154       std::time_t since = std::min(std::max(keyData.first, nil), max_time);
0155       std::time_t until = std::min(std::max(keyData.second,nil), max_time);
0156       struct tm* tm_since = ::gmtime_r(&since,&time_buff);
0157       struct tm* tm_until = ::gmtime_r(&until,&time_buff);
0158       if ( nullptr == tm_since || nullptr == tm_until )    {
0159         except("IOV::str"," Invalid epoch time stamp: %d:[%ld-%ld]",
0160                type, long(keyData.first), long(keyData.second));
0161       }
0162       ::strftime(c_since,sizeof(c_since),"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm_since);
0163       ::strftime(c_until,sizeof(c_until),"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S", tm_until);
0164       ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%s(%u):[%s - %s]",
0165                  iovType->name.c_str(), iovType->type,
0166                  c_since, c_until);
0167     }
0168     else   {
0169       ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%s(%u):[%ld-%ld]",
0170                  iovType->name.c_str(), iovType->type, long(keyData.first), long(keyData.second));
0171     }
0172   }
0173   else  {
0174     ::snprintf(text,sizeof(text),"%u:[%ld-%ld]", type, long(keyData.first), long(keyData.second));
0175   }
0176   return text;
0177 }
0179 /// Check for validity containment
0180 bool IOV::contains(const IOV& iov)  const   {
0181   if ( key_is_contained(iov.keyData,keyData) )  {
0182     unsigned int typ1 = iov.iovType ? iov.iovType->type : iov.type;
0183     unsigned int typ2 = iovType ? iovType->type : type;
0184     return typ1 == typ2;
0185   }
0186   return false;
0187 }