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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework includes
0015 #include <Parsers/Parsers.h>
0016 #include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
0017 #include <DD4hep/ConditionsData.h>
0018 #include <DD4hep/ConditionsPrinter.h>
0019 #include <DD4hep/ConditionsProcessor.h>
0021 #include <DD4hep/detail/ConditionsInterna.h>
0023 // C/C++ include files
0024 #include <sstream>
0026 using namespace dd4hep;
0027 using namespace dd4hep::cond;
0029 namespace {
0030   /// C++ version: replace all occurrences of a string
0031   std::string str_replace(const std::string& str, const std::string& pattern, const std::string& replacement) {
0032     std::string res = str;
0033     for(size_t id=res.find(pattern); id != std::string::npos; id = res.find(pattern) )
0034       res.replace(id,pattern.length(),replacement);
0035     return res;
0036   }
0037 }
0040 /// DDDB Conditions data dumper helper to output parameter maps.
0041 /**
0042  *   \author  M.Frank
0043  *   \version 1.0
0044  *   \date    31/03/2016
0045  *   \ingroup DD4HEP_DDDB
0046  */
0047 class ConditionsPrinter::ParamPrinter {
0048 protected:
0049   /// Parent object
0050   ConditionsPrinter* m_parent = 0;
0051 public:
0052   /// Prefix to tag print statements
0053   std::string        prefix;
0054   /// Used printout level
0055   PrintLevel         printLevel = INFO;
0056 public:
0057   /// Copy constructor
0058   ParamPrinter(const ParamPrinter& copy) = default;
0059   /// Initializing constructor
0060   ParamPrinter(ConditionsPrinter* p, PrintLevel lvl);
0061   /// Default destructor
0062   virtual ~ParamPrinter() = default;
0063   /// Assignment operator
0064   ParamPrinter& operator=(const ParamPrinter& copy) = default;
0065   /// Callback to output conditions information
0066   virtual void operator()(const cond::AbstractMap::Params::value_type& obj)  const;
0067 };
0070 /// Initializing constructor
0071 ConditionsPrinter::ParamPrinter::ParamPrinter(ConditionsPrinter* printer, PrintLevel lvl)
0072   : m_parent(printer), printLevel(lvl)
0073 {
0074 }
0076 /// Callback to output conditions information
0077 void ConditionsPrinter::ParamPrinter::operator()(const AbstractMap::Params::value_type& obj)  const {
0078   const std::type_info& type = obj.second.typeInfo();
0079   ++m_parent->numParam;
0080   if ( type == typeid(std::string) )  {
0081     std::string value = obj.second.get<std::string>().c_str();
0082     std::size_t len = value.length();
0083     if ( len > m_parent->lineLength ) {
0084       value.erase(m_parent->lineLength);
0085       value += "...";
0086     }
0087     printout(m_parent->printLevel,m_parent->name,"++ %s\t-> Param: %-16s %-8s -> %s",
0088              prefix.c_str(),
0089              obj.first.c_str(), 
0090              obj.second.dataType().c_str(), 
0091              value.c_str());
0092   }
0093   else if ( type == typeid(AbstractMap) )  {
0094     const AbstractMap& d= obj.second.get<AbstractMap>();
0095     printout(m_parent->printLevel,m_parent->name,"++ %s\t-> [%s] CL:%d %-8s -> %s",
0096              prefix.c_str(),
0097              obj.first.c_str(), d.classID,
0098              obj.second.dataType().c_str(), 
0099              obj.second.str().c_str()); 
0100   }
0101   else {
0102     std::string value = obj.second.str();
0103     std::size_t len = value.length();
0104     if ( len > m_parent->lineLength ) {
0105       value.erase(m_parent->lineLength);
0106       value += "...";
0107     }
0108     printout(m_parent->printLevel,m_parent->name,"++ %s\t-> [%s] %-8s -> %s",
0109              prefix.c_str(),
0110              obj.first.c_str(),
0111              obj.second.dataType().c_str(), 
0112              value.c_str());    
0113   }
0114 }
0116 /// Initializing constructor
0117 ConditionsPrinter::ConditionsPrinter(ConditionsMap* cond_map, const std::string& pref, int flg)
0118   : mapping(cond_map), m_flag(flg), name("Condition"), prefix(pref)
0119 {
0120   m_print = new ParamPrinter(this, printLevel);
0121 }
0123 /// Default destructor
0124 ConditionsPrinter::~ConditionsPrinter()   {
0125   if ( summary )   {
0126     printout(INFO,name,"++ %s +++++++++++++ Printout summary:", prefix.c_str());
0127     printout(INFO,name,"++ %s Number of conditions:       %8ld  [  dto. empty:%ld]",
0128              prefix.c_str(), numCondition, numEmptyCondition);
0129     printout(INFO,name,"++ %s Total Number of parameters: %8ld  [%7.3f Parameters/Condition]",
0130              prefix.c_str(), numParam, double(numParam)/std::max(double(numCondition),1e0));
0131   }
0132   detail::deletePtr(m_print);
0133 }
0135 /// Actual print method
0136 int ConditionsPrinter::operator()(Condition cond)   const   {
0137   m_print->printLevel = printLevel;
0138   if ( cond.isValid() )   {
0139     std::string        repr = cond.str(m_flag);
0140     Condition::Object* ptr  = cond.ptr();
0142     if ( repr.length() > lineLength )
0143       repr = repr.substr(0,lineLength)+"...";
0144     printout(this->printLevel,name, "++ %s%s", prefix.c_str(), repr.c_str());
0145     std::string new_prefix = prefix;
0146     new_prefix.assign(prefix.length(),' ');
0147     if ( !cond.is_bound() )   {
0148       printout(this->printLevel,name,"++ %s \tPath:%s Key:%16llX Type:%s (%s)",
0149                new_prefix.c_str(),, cond.key(), "<Unbound-Condition>",
0150                typeName(typeid(*ptr)).c_str());
0151       return 1;
0152     }
0153     const std::type_info& type   = cond.typeInfo();
0154     const OpaqueData&     opaque =;
0155     printout(this->printLevel,name,"++ %s \tPath:%s Key:%16llX Type:%s",
0156              new_prefix.c_str(),, cond.key(), opaque.dataType().c_str());
0157     //std::string values = opaque.str();
0158     //if ( values.length() > lineLength ) values = values.substr(0,130)+"...";
0159     //printout(this->printLevel,name,"++ %s \tData:%s", new_prefix.c_str(), values.c_str());
0160     if ( type == typeid(AbstractMap) )  {
0161       const AbstractMap& data = cond.get<AbstractMap>();
0162       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s Path:%s Class:%d [%s]",
0163                prefix.c_str(),
0164      ,
0165                data.classID, 
0166      ;
0167       ++numCondition;
0168       if ( !data.params.empty() )  {
0169         m_print->printLevel = printLevel;
0170         m_print->prefix.assign(prefix.length(),' ');
0171         for_each(data.params.begin(), data.params.end(),*m_print);
0172       }
0173       else  {
0174         ++numEmptyCondition;
0175       }
0176     }
0177     else if ( type == typeid(Delta) )  {
0178       std::string piv;
0179       std::stringstream str_tr, str_rot, str_piv;
0180       const Delta& D = cond.get<Delta>();
0181       if ( D.hasTranslation() )  {
0182         Position copy(D.translation * (1./dd4hep::cm));
0183         Parsers::toStream(copy, str_tr);
0184       }
0185       if ( D.hasRotation()    )  {
0186         Parsers::toStream(D.rotation, str_rot);
0187       }
0188       if ( D.hasPivot()       )  {
0189         Position copy(D.pivot.Vect() * (1./dd4hep::cm));
0190         Parsers::toStream(copy, str_piv);
0191         piv = str_replace(str_piv.str(),"\n","");
0192         piv = str_replace(piv,"  "," , ");
0193       }
0194       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s \t[%p] Typ:%s",
0195                prefix.c_str(), cond.ptr(),
0196                typeName(typeid(*ptr)).c_str());
0197       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s \tData(%11s-%8s-%5s): [%s [cm], %s [rad], %s [cm]]",
0198                prefix.c_str(), 
0199                D.hasTranslation() ? "Translation" : "",
0200                D.hasRotation() ? "Rotation(Phi,Theta,Psi)" : "",
0201                D.hasPivot() ? "Pivot" : "",
0202                str_replace(str_tr.str(),"\n","").c_str(),
0203                str_replace(str_rot.str(),"\n","").c_str(),
0204                piv.c_str()
0205                );
0206     }
0207     else if ( type == typeid(AlignmentData) )  {
0208       std::string piv;
0209       std::stringstream str_tr, str_rot, str_piv;
0210       const Delta& D = cond.get<AlignmentData>().delta;
0211       if ( D.hasTranslation() ) Parsers::toStream(D.translation, str_tr);
0212       if ( D.hasRotation()    ) Parsers::toStream(D.rotation, str_rot);
0213       if ( D.hasPivot()       ) {
0214         Parsers::toStream(D.pivot, str_piv);
0215         piv = str_replace(str_piv.str(),"\n","");
0216         piv = str_replace(piv,"  "," , ");
0217       }
0219       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s \t[%p] Typ:%s",
0220                prefix.c_str(), cond.ptr(),
0221                typeName(typeid(*ptr)).c_str());
0222       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s \tData(%11s-%8s-%5s): [%s, %s, %s]",
0223                prefix.c_str(), 
0224                D.hasTranslation() ? "Translation" : "",
0225                D.hasRotation() ? "Rotation(Phi,Theta,Psi)" : "",
0226                D.hasPivot() ? "Pivot" : "",
0227                str_replace(str_tr.str(),"\n","").c_str(),
0228                str_replace(str_rot.str(),"\n","").c_str(),
0229                piv.c_str()
0230                );
0231     }
0232     else if ( type == typeid(std::string) )  {
0233       std::string value = cond.get<std::string>().c_str();
0234       std::size_t len = value.length();
0235       if ( len > lineLength ) {
0236         value = value.substr(0,lineLength);
0237         value += "...";
0238         value = str_replace(value,"\n","");
0239       }
0240       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s \tString [%s]: %s",
0241                prefix.c_str(),
0242      , 
0243                value.c_str());
0244     }
0245     else {
0246       std::string value = cond.str();
0247       std::size_t len = value.length();
0248       if ( len > lineLength ) {
0249         value = value.substr(0,lineLength);
0250         value += "...";
0251         value = str_replace(value,"\n","");
0252       }
0253       printout(printLevel,name,"++ %s \t[%s]: %s",
0254                prefix.c_str(),
0255      , 
0256                value.c_str());  
0257     }
0258     return 1;
0259   }
0260   return 0;
0261 }
0263 /// Processing callback to print conditions
0264 int ConditionsPrinter::operator()(DetElement de, int level)   const {
0265   if ( mapping )   {
0266     std::vector<Condition> conditions;
0267     conditionsCollector(*mapping,conditions)(de,level);
0268     printout(this->printLevel, name, "++ %s %-3ld Conditions for DE %s",
0269              prefix.c_str(), conditions.size(), de.path().c_str()); 
0270     for( auto cond : conditions )
0271       (*this)(cond);
0272     return int(conditions.size());
0273   }
0274   except(name,"Failed to dump conditions for DetElement:%s [No slice availible]",
0275          de.path().c_str());
0276   return 0;
0277 }