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Warning, /DD4hep/DDCore/include/Parsers/detail/README.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 f
0002 XML/detail
0003 ----------
0005 This directory is used to implement helpers to input parsers.
0006 These common implementation of the helpers should ensure that all
0007 dependent parsers offer a rather identical interface to users.
0008 The header files in this directory should NEVER be included
0009 directly. There are corresponding specialized wrappers present
0010 in the XML or JSON branch, which allow to use the required
0011 functionalities.
0013 JSON should become however a valid alternative to parsing XML files
0014 with a small maintenance overhead, since the enhancement implementation
0015 present in XMLDimesion.h, XMLDetector.h and XMLChildValue.h is shared
0016 and instantiated for both.
0018 The base interface is implemented in the Element header file,
0019 but all derived classes such as Dimension, Component or Detector
0020 have the identical interface and are supposed to ease the access
0021 to inditvidual attributes or child elements independent if the
0022 underlying implementation is based on:
0024 -- XercesC  --> uses the XML branch  (requires compiler definition)
0025 -- TinyXML  --> uses the XML branch  (default)
0026 -- JSON     --> Uses the JSON branch (requires boost presence)
0027                 with the implementation of boost::property_tree
0028 -- RapidXML --> Not implmented.
0029                 Would be a jiffy to implement using the JSON branch and
0030                 the implementation of boost::property_tree.
0031                 Only the document handling is different.