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Warning, /DD4hep/DDCond/NamingConventions.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002 Access mechaisms of dd4hep conditions for utilities
0003 ===================================================
0005 Access to conditions is solely supported using the interface class DDCore/ConditionsMap.
0006 -- All utilities must use this interface.
0007 -- Any concrete implementation using conditions/alignment utilities
0008    must implement this interface
0009 -- Basic implmentation using STL map, multimap and unordered_map are provided.
0010 -- A special no-op implementation of this interface shall be provided to access
0011    "default" alignment conditions.
0012    This implementation shall fall-back internally to the DetElement::nominal() alignment.
0013    Known clients: VolumeManager (hence: DDG4, DDRec, etc.)
0015 Naming conventions for detector conditions
0016 ==========================================
0018 -- Condition are logically attached to DetElements
0019    --> Condition names are: DetElement.path()+"#"+condition-name
0020        Example: /world/LHCb/DownstreamRegion/Muon/M5/M5ASide/R3ASide/Cham046#alignment
0022 -- Condition keys are a int64 compound of two int32:
0023    union {
0024      int64 key;
0025      struct {
0026        int32 det_key;
0027        int32 item_key;
0028      } values;
0029    };
0030    det_key  = hash32(DetElement.path())
0031    item_key = hash32(condition-name)
0032    Condition keys must be unique throughout the detector description.
0034 -- Alignment conditions naming conventions:
0035    --> Alignment-delta conditions are called           "alignment_delta".
0036    --> Fully qualified alignment conditions are called "alignment".
0037    dd4hep provided alignment utilities rely on this convention.
0039 -- Other conditions can be named freely.