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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 // Framework include files
0015 #include <DD4hep/Detector.h>
0016 #include <DD4hep/Printout.h>
0017 #include <DD4hep/detail/DetectorInterna.h>
0018 #include <DDAlign/GlobalAlignmentOperators.h>
0019 #include <DDAlign/GlobalDetectorAlignment.h>
0021 // C/C++ include files
0022 #include <stdexcept>
0024 using namespace dd4hep::align;
0026 void GlobalAlignmentOperator::insert(GlobalAlignment alignment)  const   {
0027   if ( !cache.insert(alignment) )     {
0028     // Error
0029   }
0030 }
0032 void GlobalAlignmentSelector::operator()(Entries::value_type e)  const {
0033   TGeoPhysicalNode* pn = 0;
0034   nodes.emplace(e->path,std::make_pair(pn,e));
0035 }
0037 void GlobalAlignmentSelector::operator()(const Cache::value_type& entry)  const {
0038   TGeoPhysicalNode* pn = entry.second;
0039   for(Entries::const_iterator j=entries.begin(); j != entries.end(); ++j)   {
0040     Entries::value_type e = (*j);
0041     if ( GlobalAlignmentStack::needsReset(*e) || GlobalAlignmentStack::hasMatrix(*e) )  {
0042       const char* p = pn->GetName();
0043       bool reset_children = GlobalAlignmentStack::resetChildren(*e);
0044       if ( reset_children && ::strstr(p,e->path.c_str()) == p )   {
0045         nodes.emplace(p,std::make_pair(pn,e));
0046         break;
0047       }
0048       else if ( e->path == p )  {
0049         nodes.emplace(p,std::make_pair(pn,e));
0050         break;
0051       }
0052     }
0053   }
0054 }
0056 template <> void GlobalAlignmentActor<DDAlign_standard_operations::node_print>::init() {
0057   printout(ALWAYS,"GlobalAlignmentCache","++++++++++++++++++++++++ Summary ++++++++++++++++++++++++");
0058 }
0060 template <> void GlobalAlignmentActor<DDAlign_standard_operations::node_print>::operator()(Nodes::value_type& n)  const {
0061   TGeoPhysicalNode* p = n.second.first;
0062   const Entry& e = *n.second.second;
0063   printout(ALWAYS,"GlobalAlignmentCache","Need to reset entry:%s - %s [needsReset:%s, hasMatrix:%s]",
0064            p->GetName(), e.path.c_str(),
0065            yes_no(GlobalAlignmentStack::needsReset(e)),
0066            yes_no(GlobalAlignmentStack::hasMatrix(e)));
0067 }
0069 template <> void GlobalAlignmentActor<DDAlign_standard_operations::node_delete>::operator()(Nodes::value_type& n)  const {
0070   delete n.second.second;
0071   n.second.second = 0;
0072 }
0074 template <> void GlobalAlignmentActor<DDAlign_standard_operations::node_reset>::operator()(Nodes::value_type& n) const  {
0075   TGeoPhysicalNode* p = n.second.first;
0076   std::string np;
0077   if ( p->IsAligned() )   {
0078     for (Int_t i=0, nLvl=p->GetLevel(); i<=nLvl; i++) {
0079       TGeoNode* node = p->GetNode(i);
0080       TGeoMatrix* mat = node->GetMatrix();  // Node's relative matrix
0081       np += std::string("/")+node->GetName();
0082       if ( !mat->IsIdentity() && i > 0 )  {    // Ignore the 'world', is identity anyhow
0083         GlobalAlignment a = cache.get(np);
0084         if ( a.isValid() )  {
0085           printout(ALWAYS,"GlobalAlignmentActor<reset>","Correct path:%s leaf:%s",p->GetName(),np.c_str());
0086           TGeoHMatrix* glob = p->GetMatrix(i-1);
0087           if ( a.isValid() && i!=nLvl )   {
0088             *mat = *(a->GetOriginalMatrix());
0089           }
0090           else if ( i==nLvl ) {
0091             TGeoHMatrix* hm = dynamic_cast<TGeoHMatrix*>(mat);
0092             TGeoMatrix*  org = p->GetOriginalMatrix();
0093             if ( hm && org )  {
0094               hm->SetTranslation(org->GetTranslation());
0095               hm->SetRotation(org->GetRotationMatrix());
0096             }
0097             else  {
0098               printout(ALWAYS,"GlobalAlignmentActor<reset>",
0099                        "Invalid operation: %p %p", (void*)hm, (void*)org);
0100             }
0101           }
0102           *glob *= *mat;
0103         }
0104       }
0105     }
0106   }
0107 }
0109 template <> void GlobalAlignmentActor<DDAlign_standard_operations::node_align>::operator()(Nodes::value_type& n) const  {
0110   Entry&     e       = *n.second.second;
0111   bool       overlap = GlobalAlignmentStack::overlapDefined(e);
0112   DetElement det     = e.detector;
0114   if ( !det->global_alignment.isValid() && !GlobalAlignmentStack::hasMatrix(e) )  {
0115     printout(WARNING,"GlobalAlignmentActor","++++ SKIP Alignment %s DE:%s Valid:%s Matrix:%s",
0116              e.path.c_str(),det.placementPath().c_str(),
0117              yes_no(det->global_alignment.isValid()), yes_no(GlobalAlignmentStack::hasMatrix(e)));
0118     return;
0119   }
0120   if ( GlobalDetectorAlignment::debug() )  {
0121     printout(INFO,"GlobalAlignmentActor","++++ %s DE:%s Matrix:%s",
0122              e.path.c_str(),det.placementPath().c_str(),yes_no(GlobalAlignmentStack::hasMatrix(e)));
0123   }
0124   // Need to care about optional arguments 'check_overlaps' and 'overlap'
0125   GlobalDetectorAlignment ad(det);
0126   GlobalAlignment   align;
0127   Transform3D       trafo;
0128   const Delta&      delta  =;
0129   bool              no_vol = e.path == det.placementPath();
0130   double            ovl_precision = e.overlap;
0132   if ( delta.checkFlag(Delta::HAVE_ROTATION|Delta::HAVE_PIVOT|Delta::HAVE_TRANSLATION) )
0133     trafo = Transform3D(Translation3D(delta.translation)*delta.pivot*delta.rotation*(delta.pivot.Inverse()));
0134   else if ( delta.checkFlag(Delta::HAVE_ROTATION|Delta::HAVE_TRANSLATION) )
0135     trafo = Transform3D(delta.rotation,delta.translation);
0136   else if ( delta.checkFlag(Delta::HAVE_ROTATION|Delta::HAVE_PIVOT) )
0137     trafo = Transform3D(delta.pivot*delta.rotation*(delta.pivot.Inverse()));
0138   else if ( delta.checkFlag(Delta::HAVE_ROTATION) )
0139     trafo = Transform3D(delta.rotation);
0140   else if ( delta.checkFlag(Delta::HAVE_TRANSLATION) )
0141     trafo = Transform3D(delta.translation);
0143   if ( GlobalAlignmentStack::checkOverlap(e) && overlap )
0144     align = no_vol ? ad.align(trafo,ovl_precision,e.overlap) : ad.align(e.path,trafo,ovl_precision,e.overlap);
0145   else if ( GlobalAlignmentStack::checkOverlap(e) )
0146     align = no_vol ? ad.align(trafo,ovl_precision) : ad.align(e.path,trafo,ovl_precision);
0147   else
0148     align = no_vol ? ad.align(trafo) : ad.align(e.path,trafo);
0150   if ( align.isValid() )  {
0151     insert(align);
0152     return;
0153   }
0154   except("GlobalAlignmentActor","Failed to apply alignment for "+e.path);
0155 }
0157 #if 0
0158 void alignment_reset_dbg(const string& path, const GlobalAlignment& a)   {
0159   TGeoPhysicalNode* n = a.ptr();
0160   cout << " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ " << path << endl;
0161   cout << "      +++++ Misaligned physical node: " << endl;
0162   n->Print();
0163   string np;
0164   if ( n->IsAligned() ) {
0165     for (Int_t i=0; i<=n->GetLevel(); i++) {
0166       TGeoMatrix* mat = n->GetNode(i)->GetMatrix();
0167       np += "/";
0168       np += n->GetNode(i)->GetName();
0169       if ( mat->IsIdentity() ) continue;
0170       if ( i == 0 ) continue;
0172       TGeoHMatrix* glob = n->GetMatrix(i-1);
0173       NodeMap::const_iterator j=original_matrices.find(np);
0174       if ( j != original_matrices.end() && i!=n->GetLevel() )   {
0175         cout << "      +++++ Patch Level: " << i << np << endl;
0176         *mat = *((*j).second);
0177       }
0178       else  {
0179         if ( i==n->GetLevel() ) {
0180           cout << "      +++++ Level: " << i << np << " --- Original matrix: " << endl;
0181           n->GetOriginalMatrix()->Print();
0182           cout << "      +++++ Level: " << i << np << " --- Local matrix: " << endl;
0183           mat->Print();
0184           TGeoHMatrix* hm = dynamic_cast<TGeoHMatrix*>(mat);
0185           hm->SetTranslation(n->GetOriginalMatrix()->GetTranslation());
0186           hm->SetRotation(n->GetOriginalMatrix()->GetRotationMatrix());
0187           cout << "      +++++ Level: " << i << np << " --- New local matrix" << endl;
0188           mat->Print();
0189         }
0190         else          {
0191           cout << "      +++++ Level: " << i << np << " --- Keep matrix " << endl;
0192           mat->Print();
0193         }
0194       }
0195       cout << "      +++++ Level: " << i << np << " --- Global matrix: " << endl;
0196       glob->Print();
0197       *glob *= *mat;
0198       cout << "      +++++ Level: " << i << np << " --- New global matrix: " << endl;
0199       glob->Print();
0200     }
0201   }
0202   cout << "\n\n\n      +++++ physical node (full): " << np <<  endl;
0203   n->Print();
0204   cout << "      +++++ physical node (global): " << np <<  endl;
0205   n->GetMatrix()->Print();
0206 }
0207 #endif